Python Foundation - Inheritance and Derivation

Keywords: Python Programming


Inheritance is a way to create new classes. In python, new classes can be inherited from one or more parent classes, the original class is called base class or superclass, and the new class is called derived class or subclass.

Class inheritance in python is divided into single inheritance and multiple inheritance

class ParentClass1: #Defining parent classes

class ParentClass2: #Defining parent classes

class SubClass1(ParentClass1): #Single inheritance, base class is ParentClass1,Derivative classes are SubClass1

class SubClass2(ParentClass1,ParentClass2): #python Supporting multiple inheritance, separating multiple inherited classes with commas

Use the'_bases_'method to view inheritance

>>> SubClass1.__bases__
(<class '__main__.ParentClass1'>,)
>>> SubClass2.__bases__
(<class '__main__.ParentClass1'>, <class '__main__.ParentClass2'>)

Tip: If no base class is specified, python's class will inherit the object class by default. Object is the base class of all Python classes. It provides some common methods (such as _str_) implementation.

>>> ParentClass1.__bases__
(<class 'object'>,)
>>> ParentClass2.__bases__
(<class 'object'>,)

Inheritance and abstraction (first abstraction and then inheritance)

Abstraction is the extraction of similar or more similar parts. It is a method of classification.

The abstraction is divided into two levels:

1. Classify the parts that are similar to Obama and Messi;

2. it is a comparison between the three parts of human, pig and dog.

The main role of abstraction is to categorize (to isolate concerns and reduce complexity)


Inheritance: It is based on the result of abstraction. To realize it through programming language, we must go through the process of abstraction before we can express the abstract structure through inheritance.

Abstraction is only an action or a skill in the process of analysis and design, through which classes can be obtained.


Inheritance and reuse

In developing programs, if we define a class A and then want to create another class B, but most of the content of class B is the same as class A, we can not write a class B from scratch, which uses the concept of class inheritance.

Class B is created by inheritance, so that B inherits all attributes of A (data attributes and function attributes) and realizes code reuse.

class A:
    def test(self):
        print('test function')

class B(A):     #New Class B Inheritance class A,class A All attributes in the B inherit

b1 = B()    #class B Instances can refer to parent classes B Of'test'Method

#Operation results
#test function

Create a new class with existing classes, which reuses some of the existing software settings and greatly reduces the programming workload, which is often referred to as software reuse. It can not only reuse its own classes, but also inherit others, such as standard libraries, to customize new data types, which greatly shortens the software development cycle and is of great significance to large-scale software development.

Of course, subclasses can also add their own new attributes or redefine these attributes here (without affecting the parent class). It should be noted that once they redefine their own attributes and rename them with the parent class, then they call the new attributes on their own.

class A:
    def test(self):
        print('test function')

class B(A):     #New Class B Inheritance class A,class A All attributes in the B inherit
    def test(self):
        print('test function B')

b1 = B()    #class B Instances can refer to parent classes B Of'test'Method, but there are also renames under its own class'test'Method, with its own priority

#Operation results
#test function B


In subclasses, when editing functions within a function, it may be necessary to reuse the function of the renamed function in the parent class. It should be in the form of calling ordinary functions, that is, class name. func(), which is the same as calling ordinary functions, so even if the self parameter is passed to it.

class A:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

    def test(self):
        print('test function')

class B(A):     #New Class B Inheritance class A,class A All attributes in the B inheritpass

b1 = B('jack', 21)    #class B Instances can refer to parent classes B Of'test'Method

#Operation results
#test function 


class A:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

    def test(self):
        print('test function')

class B(A):     #New Class B Inheritance class A,class A All attributes in the B inherit
    def __init__(self, name, age, country):
        A.__init__(self, name, age)     #Reference to attributes of parent classes = country          #Increase your own unique attributes

    def test(self):
        print('test function B')

b1 = B('jack', 21, 'China')    #class B Instances can refer to parent classes B Attributes, if there are renamed attributes, take precedence over attributes of their own classes

#Operation results
#test function B

4. Combination and reuse

Composition refers to the combination of classes in which objects of another class are used as data attributes.

    class Teacher:
    def __init__(self, name, gender, course): = name
        self.gender = gender
        self.course = course

class Course:
    def __init__(self, name, price, period): = name
        self.price = price
        self.period = period

course_obj = Course('Python', 15800, '5months')     #New Course Objects

#Teachers and Courses
t_c = Teacher('egon', 'male', course_obj)        #New Teacher Example, Combination of Course Objects
print(        #Print out the name of the course given by the teacher

#Operation results

Combination and inheritance are both important ways to effectively utilize the resources of existing classes, but their concepts and usage scenarios are different.

1. The Way of Inheritance

Through inheritance, the relationship between derived classes and basic classes is established. It is a'yes'relationship, such as white horse is a horse and human is an animal.

When there are many similar functions between classes, it is better to extract these common functions into base classes and inherit them. For example, a professor is a teacher.

>>> class Teacher:
...     def __init__(self,name,gender):
...         self.gender=gender
...     def teach(self):
...         print('teaching')
>>> class Professor(Teacher):
...     pass
>>> p1=Professor('egon','male')
>>> p1.teach()

2. The Way of Combination

The relationship between classes and classes of combinations is established in the way of combinations. It is a kind of "yes" relationship, such as professors having birthdays, professors teaching python courses.

class BirthDate:
    def __init__(self,year,month,day):

class Couse:
    def __init__(self,name,price,period):

class Teacher:
    def __init__(self,name,gender):
    def teach(self):
class Professor(Teacher):
    def __init__(self,name,gender,birth,course):

             Couse('python','28000','4 months'))


#Operation results:
#1 27
#python 28000 4 months


Combination examples:

 1 #Composite reuse code
 2 class Teacher:
 3     def __init__(self, name, sex, args):
 4 = name
 5 = sex
 6         self.args = args
 8 class Student:
 9     def __init__(self, name, sex, args):
10 = name
11 = sex
12         self.args = args
14 class Course:
15     def __init__(self, name, price, period):
16 = name
17         self.price = price
18         self.period = period
20 class Birth:
21     def __init__(self, year, month, day):
22         self.year = year
23         self.month = month
24 = day
26 class Score:
27     def __init__(self, score):
28         self.score = score
30     def score_grade(self):
31         if self.score > 90:
32             g = 'A'
33         elif self.score > 80:
34             g = 'B'
35         elif self.score > 70:
36             g = 'C'
37         elif self.score > 60:
38             g = 'D'
39         else:
40             g = 'F'
41         return g
42 course_obj = Course('Python', 15800, '5months')     #curriculum
43 birth_obj_t = Birth(2000, 4, 19)                    #Teacher's Birthday
44 birth_obj_s = Birth(2009, 9, 21)                    #Student's Birthday
45 score_obj = Score(91)                               #Student Achievements
46 #Teachers and Courses
47 t_c = Teacher('egon', 'male', course_obj)
48 print('%s Teacher and Professor%s' % (,      #Print out the name of the course given by the teacher
49 #Students and Courses
50 s_c = Student('jack', 'male', course_obj)
51 print('%s Study%s' % (,
52 #Teacher and Birthday
53 t_b = Teacher('egon', 'male', birth_obj_t)
54 print('%s Teacher's birthday is:%s year %s month %s day'%(, t_b.args.year, t_b.args.month,
55 #Students and Birthdays
56 s_b = Student('jack', 'male', birth_obj_s)
57 print('%s Students'birthdays are:%s year %s month %s day'%(, s_b.args.year, s_b.args.month,
58 #Students and scores
59 s_s = Student('jack', 'male', score_obj)
60 print('%s The results of the students are as follows:%s,Grade%s' % (, s_s.args.score, s_s.args.score_grade()))
63 #Operation results:
64 #egon Teacher and Professor Python
65 #jack Study Python
66 #egon Teacher's birthday: 19 April 2000
67 #jack Students'birthday is September 21, 2009
68 #jack The student's score was 91.,Grade A



Reference material:


Posted by pipeten on Sun, 07 Jul 2019 15:21:32 -0700