Python - Django - Tags for Template Language

Keywords: PHP Django

Label use {%}

Annotation statement: {#}

for loop:

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, HttpResponse
from app01 import models

# Filter test
def filter_test(request):
    hobby = ["Reading", "Basketball", "Movie", "Music"]
    return render(request, "filter_test.html", {"hobby_list": hobby,})


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Filter test</title>

{% for hobby in hobby_list %}
    {{ hobby }}
{% endfor %}


Operation results:

Other uses of the for cycle:

forloop.counter The index value of the current loop, starting from 1
forloop.counter0 Index values for the current loop, starting at 0
forloop.revcounter The inverted index value of the current loop, starting from 1
forloop.revcounter0 The inverted index value of the current loop, starting at 0
forloop.first Is the current loop the first, resulting in Boolean values?
forloop.last Is the current loop the last, resulting in a Boolean value
forloop.parentloop The outer cycle of the underlying cycle







If the content is empty, it is executed with for recycling

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, HttpResponse
from app01 import models

# Filter test
def filter_test(request):
    hobby = []
    return render(request, "filter_test.html", {"hobby_list": hobby,})


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Filter test</title>

{% for hobby in hobby_list %}
    {{ hobby }}
{% empty %}
    <li>Nothing at all</li>
{% endfor %}


Operation results:

if statement:

if statement support==,>,<,!=,<=,>=, and, or, in, not, is, is not judgement

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, HttpResponse
from app01 import models

# Filter test
def filter_test(request):
    hobby = ["Reading", "Basketball", "Movie", "Music"]
    return render(request, "filter_test.html", {"hobby_list": hobby,})


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Filter test</title>

{% if hobby_list|length != 5 %}
    <p>List length is not equal to 5</p>
{% else %}
    <p>List length equals 5</p>
{% endif %}


Operation results:

with statement:

Used to define an intermediate variable, often to alias a complex variable.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Filter test</title>

{% with a=hobby_list.1 %}
    {{ a }}
{% endwith %}

<!-- perhaps -->

{% with hobby_list.0 as b %}
    {{ b }}
{% endwith %}


Operation results:

Note: No spaces can be added on either side of "="

Posted by wxflint on Mon, 14 Oct 2019 09:22:07 -0700