Python development [Part 1] basic topic 2

Keywords: Python

1 List questions

l1 = [11, 22, 33]
l2 = [22, 33, 44]
# a. Obtain l1 Yes, there are. l2 Elements not in
for i in l1:
    if i not in l2:
        print(i)  # 11
# b. Obtain l2 Yes, there are. l1 List of elements not in
for i in l2:
    if i not in l1:
        print(i)  # 44
# c. Obtain l1  and l2 Elements with the same content in
for i in l1:
    if i in l2:
        print(i, end=" ")  # 22 33

# d. Obtain l1  and l2 Elements that don't exist in each other
for i in l2:
    if i not in l1:
        print(i, end=" ")  # 44
for i in l1:
    if i not in l2:
        print(i, end=" ")  # 11

2. There are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 8 digits, and the number of output two digit elements are different from each other

count = 0
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
for i in a:
    for j in b:
        if i != j:
            count += 1
print(count)  # 56

# 2_1.There are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,  8 Digit number,The number of output two bit elements that are different from each other and the number is not repeated
count = 0
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
for i in range(1, len(a) + 1):
    for j in range(i + 1, len(b) + 1):
        count += 1
print(count)  # 28

3. Positive triangle of multiplication table

for i in range(1,10):
    for j in range(1,10):
        if  i>= j:
            print("%s * %s = %s"%(j,i,i*j),end='\t')

4 99 multiplication table inverted triangle

for i in range(1,10):
    for j in range(1,10):
        if j >= i:
            print("%s * %s = %s"%(i,j,j*i),end="\t")
            print("%s"%" "*12,end="")

5 automatic calculation scheme of developing program with Python

# Five Wen for a rooster, three Wen for a hen, three Wen for a chick, and 100 Wen for a rooster. Among them, all roosters, hens and chicks must have one. How many roosters, hens, chicks and chicks do you want to buy just enough for 100 Wen?
for i in range(1, 100 // 5):
    for j in range(1, 100 // 3):
        for z in range(1, 100):
            if i + j + z == 100 and 5*i + 3*j + z/3.0 == 100:
                4 18 78
                8 11 81
                12 4 84 

6. Use underscores to splice each element of the list into strings ['tang','lao','er ']

# Note: this method only applies to elements that are str type
li = ['tang','lao','er']
v = "_".join(li)
print(v) # tang_lao_er

# 6_1 The list with numbers is spliced into a string
li = ['tang','lao','er',123]
v = "_".join("%s" %i for i in li)
print(v) # tang_lao_er_123

# 6_2 There are many data types spliced into strings
li = ['tang','lao','er',[11,22],True]
v = "_".join("%s" %i for i in li)
print(v) # tang_lao_er_[11, 22]_True

There is a tuple ('tang','lao','er ') to write code, which realizes the following functions

tu = ('tang','lao','er',)
# a. Calculated length
# b. Get the second of the tuple-3 Tuples, and output
print(tu[1:3]) # ('lao', 'er')
    # Be careful: The slice index exceeds the boundary size without error
print(tu[1:10]) # ('lao', 'er')
print(tu[10:]) # ()

# c. Please use for Element of output tuple
for i in tu:
    print(i,end=" ") # tang lao er
# d. Please use for, len ,range Index of output tuples
for i in range(len(tu)):
    print(i,end=" ") # 0 1 2

# f. Please use enumrate Output tuple element and sequence number(Serial number starts from 10)
for key, value in enumerate(tu,10):
    print((key,value),end=" ") # (10, 'tang') (11, 'lao') (12, 'er')

8. There are the following variables, please implement the required functions

tu = ("tang",[11,22,{"k1":"v1","k2":["age","name"],"k3":(11,22,33)},44])
# a.Properties of tuples
#Tuple immutable type cannot be added, deleted or modified

#b. First element"tang", Modifiable or not
# no

# c "k2"What is the corresponding value type? Is it modifiable? If yes, please add an element to it"san"
# List type can be changed
print(tu[1][2]["k2"]) #  ['age', 'name', 'san']

# d "k2"What is the corresponding value type? Is it modifiable? If yes, please add an element to it"san"
# Tuple type cannot be changed

9. The bool value is False

Notation 6+1
6 = 3 + 3: 3 brackets {} [] () 3 basic type integers = 0, string = "", bool= False
1: None

10. Find a set of elements whose sum of any two values in a list is equal to 9

nums = [2,7,11,25,1,8,7]
a = []
for i in nums:
    for j in nums:
        if i+j == 9:
print(a) # [(2, 7), (2, 7), (7, 2), (1, 8), (8, 1), (7, 2)]

# 10_1 Find a set of index elements whose sum of any two values in a list is equal to 9
nums = [2,7,11,25,1,8,7]
a = []
for i in range(len(nums)):
    for j in range(len(nums)):
        if nums[i]+nums[j] == 9:
print(a) # [(0, 1), (0, 6), (1, 0), (4, 5), (5, 4), (6, 0)]

11 list reversal

li =  [11,22,33,44]
print(li) # [44, 33, 22, 11]

12 page display content

# a adopt for Loop to create 302 pieces of data, with unlimited data types, such as:
user_list = [
for i in range(1,302):
    temp = {'name':"tang"+str(i),'email':''+str(i),'pwd':'pwd'+str(i)}
# print(user_list)

#b Prompt user to enter page number, 10 lines of data per page,Return data according to the page number entered by the user
while True:
    s = input('Please input 1,2..30 Page number:')
    s = int(s)
    start = (s-1) * 10
    end = s * 10
    result = user_list[start:end]
    for item in result:

13 three level menu

db ={
        "Tianhe River":{"Tianhe City"},
        "Haizhu":{"Lentu Village"},
path = []
while True:
    temp = db
    for item in path:
        temp = temp[item] # temp Point to last node path = ["Beijing", "Changping","Shahe"]
    print("All children of the current node:",list(temp.keys()))

    choice = input('1:Add node 2:View node (Q Sign out | B Go back to the previous level)\n >>>')
    if choice == "1":
        name = input("Please enter the name of the node to insert>>>")
        if name in temp:
            print("Node already exists")
            temp[name] = {}
    elif choice == "2":
        name = input("Please enter the node name to view>>>")
        if name in temp:
            print("This node name does not exist")
    elif choice.lower() == "b":
        if path:
    elif choice.lower() == 'q':
        print('Input error,Please re-enter:')


Posted by graphic3 on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 22:37:32 -0800