1. Three pages: home, book and finance
2. There are two ways to log in: the main page and bookstore page use JD account to log in, and the financial page uses wechat account to log in
2. Input: 1. Enter the main page, and so on; input: 2. Enter the bookstore page; input: 3. Enter the financial page
3. When entering the page, check whether there is login. If the login interface is not called, use the account password to log in. In any interface, just log in once
4. The account information is saved in the file
5. In any interface, enter Q to exit the program
Source code:
Note: the format of account information in the file is as follows, which is saved in the form of dictionarylogin_status = False # Logon status with open('Account information', 'r') as f_read_self: jingdong = f_read_self.readline().strip() jingdong = eval(jingdong) # Built-in function eval()To convert a string into a dictionary for n, m in jingdong.items(): JD_name = n JD_pwd = m with open('Account information (wechat)', 'r') as f_read_wechat: wechat = f_read_wechat.readline().strip() wechat = eval(wechat) for n, m in wechat.items(): wechat_name = n wechat_pwd = m def login(auth_type="jingdong"): # Judge the page type. By default, it is the JD login page def page(dis_play): global login_status # Declare global variables def login_type(): global login_status # Declare global variables if not login_status: # If not logged in if auth_type == "jingdong": username = input("Username:") passwd = input("Passwd:") if JD_name == username and JD_pwd == passwd: print("welcome ....") dis_play() # Log in and execute page function successfully, display content login_status = True # Change login status to True else: print("Wrong account or password,Please re-enter") elif auth_type == "wechat": username = input("Username:") passwd = input("Passwd:") if wechat_name == username and wechat_pwd == passwd: print("welcome ....") dis_play() # Log in and execute page function successfully, display content login_status = True # Change login status to True else: print("Wrong account or password") else: print("Landed") return login_type # Return login_type The memory address of, used to point to the function object return page @login() def home(): # Main page print("welcome to home page") @login() def book(): # Bookstore print("welcome to home page") @login(auth_type="wechat") def finance(): # Finance print("welcome to home page") while True: user_input = input('Please input:\n1: [homepage] \n2: [Bookstore] \n3: [Finance] \nQ:Sign out') if user_input == '1': home() elif user_input == '2': book() elif user_input == '3': finance() elif user_input == 'Q': break
Account information: {'Tom':'qwe123',}
Account information (wechat): {'Toms':'qwe123 ',}