python crawls Douban book information

Keywords: Python Excel Pycharm Database

Crawling Top 100 cat's eye movies After that, I will climb the book information of Douban (mainly the information, score and proportion of the book, but not the comments). Original, reprint please contact me.

Requirement: crawling all books under a certain type of label of Douban

Language: python

Support library:

  • Regular, parse and search: re, requests, bs4, lxml (the latter three need to be installed)
  • Random number: time, random

Step: three steps

  1. Visit the label page for links to all books under the label
  2. Visit the book links one by one to get the book information and scores
  3. Persistent storage of book information (excel is used here, database can be used)

I. visit the label page to get the links of all books under the label

As usual, let's take a look first Robots.txt of Douban , cannot crawl prohibited content.

The tag page we are going to crawl in this step, take the novel as an example

Let's take a look at its HTML structure

Find that every book is in a < li > tag, and all we need is a link to that picture (that is, a link to the book page)

In this way, you can write regular or use BS4 (beautiful soup) to get links to books.

As you can see, each page only displays 20 books, so you need to traverse all pages, and its page links are regular.

Second pages:

Third pages:

That is to say: start will increase by 20 every time.

Here's the code:

 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 2 # @Author  : yocichen
 3 # @Email   :
 4 # @File    :
 5 # @Software: PyCharm
 6 # @Time    : 2019/11/11 20:10
 8 import re
 9 import openpyxl
10 import requests
11 from requests import RequestException
12 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
13 import lxml
14 import time
15 import random
17 src_list = []
19 def get_one_page(url):
20     '''
21     Get the html of a page by requests module
22     :param url: page url
23     :return: html / None
24     '''
25     try:
26         head = ['Mozilla/5.0', 'Chrome/78.0.3904.97', 'Safari/537.36']
27         headers = {
28             'user-agent':head[random.randint(0, 2)]
29         }
30         response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies={'http':''}) # The proxy here can be set or not added. If it fails, it can be replaced or not added
31         if response.status_code == 200:
32             return response.text
33         return None
34     except RequestException:
35         return None
37 def get_page_src(html, selector):
38     '''
39     Get book's src from label page
40     :param html: book
41     :param selector: src selector
42     :return: src(list)
43     '''
44     # html = get_one_page(url)
45     if html is not None:
46         soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
47         res =
48         pattern = re.compile('href="(.*?)"', re.S)
49         src = re.findall(pattern, str(res))
50         return src
51     else:
52         return []
54 def write_excel_xlsx(items, file):
55     '''
56     Write the useful info into excel(*.xlsx file)
57     :param items: book's info
58     :param file: memory excel file
59     :return: the num of successful item
60     '''
61     wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file)
62     ws = wb.worksheets[0]
63     sheet_row = ws.max_row
64     item_num = len(items)
65     # Write film's info
66     for i in range(0, item_num):
67         ws.cell(sheet_row+i+1, 1).value = items[i]
68     # Save the work book as *.xlsx
70     return item_num
72 if __name__ == '__main__':
73     total = 0
74     for page_index in range(0, 50): # Why 50 pages here? Douban seems to have many pages, but there is no data after it is accessed. Currently, there are only 50 pages to access.
75         # novel label src :
76         # program label src :
77         # computer label src :
78         # masterpiece label src :
79         url = ''+str(page_index*20)+'&type=T' # All you have to do is replace the front part of the URL with the corresponding part of all the tags you climb, specifically the red bold text part.
80         one_loop_done = 0
81         # only get html page once
82         html = get_one_page(url)
83         for book_index in range(1, 21):
84             selector = '#subject_list > ul > li:nth-child('+str(book_index)+') > > h2'
85             src = get_page_src(html, selector)
86             row = write_excel_xlsx(src, 'masterpiece_books_src.xlsx') # To store files, you need to create them first
87             one_loop_done += row
88         total += one_loop_done
89         print(one_loop_done, 'done')
90     print('Total', total, 'done')

The annotation is clear. First get the page HTML, regular or bs4 traverse to get the book links in each page, and save them in excel file.

Note: if you need to use my code directly, you only need to look at the link of that label page, and then replace the red bold part (Chinese label code), as well as create an excel file to store the crawled Book link.

2. Visit the book links one by one and crawl the book information and scores

In the previous step, we have climbed to the src of all books under the novel label. This step is to visit the src of books one by one, and then crawl the specific information of books.

First look at the HTML structure of the information to be crawled

Here is the book information page structure

Score page structure

In this way, we can use regular expressions and bs4 library to match the data we need. (try to be pure and regular. It's hard to write. It doesn't work.)

Look at the code below

  1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2 # @Author  : yocichen
  3 # @Email   :
  4 # @File    :
  5 # @Software: PyCharm
  6 # @Time    : 2019/11/9 11:38
  8 import re
  9 import openpyxl
 10 import requests
 11 from requests import RequestException
 12 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 13 import lxml
 14 import time
 15 import random
 17 def get_one_page(url):
 18     '''
 19     Get the html of a page by requests module
 20     :param url: page url
 21     :return: html / None
 22     '''
 23     try:
 24         head = ['Mozilla/5.0', 'Chrome/78.0.3904.97', 'Safari/537.36']
 25         headers = {
 26             'user-agent':head[random.randint(0, 2)]
 27         }
 28         response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) #, proxies={'http':''}
 29         if response.status_code == 200:
 30             return response.text
 31         return None
 32     except RequestException:
 33         return None
 35 def get_request_res(pattern_text, html):
 36     '''
 37     Get the book info by re module
 38     :param pattern_text: re pattern
 39     :param html: page's html text
 40     :return: book's info
 41     '''
 42     pattern = re.compile(pattern_text, re.S)
 43     res = re.findall(pattern, html)
 44     if len(res) > 0:
 45         return res[0].split('<', 1)[0][1:]
 46     else:
 47         return 'NULL'
 49 def get_bs_res(selector, html):
 50     '''
 51     Get the book info by bs4 module
 52     :param selector: info selector
 53     :param html: page's html text
 54     :return: book's info
 55     '''
 56     soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
 57     res =
 58     # if res is not None or len(res) is not 0:
 59     #     return res[0].string
 60     # else:
 61     #     return 'NULL'
 62     if res is None:
 63         return 'NULL'
 64     elif len(res) == 0:
 65         return 'NULL'
 66     else:
 67         return res[0].string
 69 # Get other info by bs module
 70 def get_bs_img_res(selector, html):
 71     soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
 72     res =
 73     if len(res) is not 0:
 74         return str(res[0])
 75     else:
 76         return 'NULL'
 78 def parse_one_page(html):
 79     '''
 80     Parse the useful info of html by re module
 81     :param html: page's html text
 82     :return: all of book info(dict)
 83     '''
 84     book_info = {}
 85     book_name = get_bs_res('div > h1 > span', html)
 86     # print('Book-name', book_name)
 87     book_info['Book_name'] = book_name
 88     # info > a:nth-child(2)
 89     author = get_bs_res('div > span:nth-child(1) > a', html)
 90     if author is None:
 91         author = get_bs_res('#info > a:nth-child(2)', html)
 92     # print('Author', author)
 93     author = author.replace(" ", "")
 94     author = author.replace("\n", "")
 95     book_info['Author'] = author
 97     publisher = get_request_res(u'Press:</span>(.*?)<br/>', html)
 98     # print('Publisher', publisher)
 99     book_info['publisher'] = publisher
101     publish_time = get_request_res(u'Year of publication:</span>(.*?)<br/>', html)
102     # print('Publish-time', publish_time)
103     book_info['publish_time'] = publish_time
105     ISBN = get_request_res(u'ISBN:</span>(.*?)<br/>', html)
106     # print('ISBN', ISBN)
107     book_info['ISBN'] = ISBN
109     img_label = get_bs_img_res('#mainpic > a > img', html)
110     pattern = re.compile('src="(.*?)"', re.S)
111     img = re.findall(pattern, img_label)
112     if len(img) is not 0:
113         # print('img-src', img[0])
114         book_info['img_src'] = img[0]
115     else:
116         # print('src not found')
117         book_info['img_src'] = 'NULL'
119     book_intro = get_bs_res('#link-report > div:nth-child(1) > div > p', html)
120     # print('book introduction', book_intro)
121     book_info['book_intro'] = book_intro
123     author_intro = get_bs_res('#content > div > div.article > div.related_info > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > p', html)
124     # print('author introduction', author_intro)
125     book_info['author_intro'] = author_intro
127     grade = get_bs_res('div > div.rating_self.clearfix > strong', html)
128     if len(grade) == 1:
129         # print('Score no mark')
130         book_info['Score'] = 'NULL'
131     else:
132         # print('Score', grade[1:])
133         book_info['Score'] = grade[1:]
135     comment_num = get_bs_res('#interest_sectl > div > div.rating_self.clearfix > div > div.rating_sum > span > a > span', html)
136     # print('commments', comment_num)
137     book_info['commments'] = comment_num
139     five_stars = get_bs_res('#interest_sectl > div > span:nth-child(5)', html)
140     # print('5-stars', five_stars)
141     book_info['5_stars'] = five_stars
143     four_stars = get_bs_res('#interest_sectl > div > span:nth-child(9)', html)
144     # print('4-stars', four_stars)
145     book_info['4_stars'] = four_stars
147     three_stars = get_bs_res('#interest_sectl > div > span:nth-child(13)', html)
148     # print('3-stars', three_stars)
149     book_info['3_stars'] = three_stars
151     two_stars = get_bs_res('#interest_sectl > div > span:nth-child(17)', html)
152     # print('2-stars', two_stars)
153     book_info['2_stars'] = two_stars
155     one_stars = get_bs_res('#interest_sectl > div > span:nth-child(21)', html)
156     # print('1-stars', one_stars)
157     book_info['1_stars'] = one_stars
159     return book_info
161 def write_bookinfo_excel(book_info, file):
162     '''
163     Write book info into excel file
164     :param book_info: a dict
165     :param file: memory excel file
166     :return: the num of successful item
167     '''
168     wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file)
169     ws = wb.worksheets[0]
170     sheet_row = ws.max_row
171     sheet_col = ws.max_column
172     i = sheet_row
173     j = 1
174     for key in book_info:
175         ws.cell(i+1, j).value = book_info[key]
176         j += 1
177     done = ws.max_row - sheet_row
179     return done
181 def read_booksrc_get_info(src_file, info_file):
182     '''
183     Read the src file and access each src, parse html and write info into file
184     :param src_file: src file
185     :param info_file: memory file
186     :return: the num of successful item
187     '''
188     wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(src_file)
189     ws = wb.worksheets[0]
190     row = ws.max_row
191     done = 0
192     for i in range(868, row+1):
193         src = ws.cell(i, 1).value
194         if src is None:
195             continue
196         html = get_one_page(str(src))
197         book_info = parse_one_page(html)
198         done += write_bookinfo_excel(book_info, info_file)
199         if done % 10 == 0:
200             print(done, 'done')
201     return done
203 if __name__ == '__main__':
204     # url = ''
205     # html = get_one_page(url)
206     # # print(html)
207     # book_info = parse_one_page(html)
208     # print(book_info)
209     # res = write_bookinfo_excel(book_info, 'novel_books_info.xlsx')
210     # print(res, 'done')
211     res = read_booksrc_get_info('masterpiece_books_src.xlsx', 'masterpiece_books_info.xlsx') # Read src file, storage file to write book information
212     print(res, 'done')

Note: if you want to use it directly, all you need to do is give parameters. The first is the src file obtained in the previous step. The second is the file that needs to store book information (you need to create it in advance)

III. persistent storage of book information (Excel)

Using Excel to store the src list of books and the specific information of books needs to use openpyxl library to read and write excel. The code is in the write * / read * function above.


src of Novels

Details of the books you crawled to


It to ok about two days before and after writing this. The work that the crawler has to do is more detailed. It needs to analyze HTML pages and write regular expressions. In other words, it's really simple to use bs4. You only need to copy the selector, which can greatly improve the efficiency. In addition, single thread crawlers are stupid. There are many deficiencies (such as irregular code, not robust enough), welcome to correct.

Reference material

[1] Douban robots.txt




Posted by Jarod on Tue, 12 Nov 2019 19:47:06 -0800