Python crawler tutorial 30: crawling dragnet recruitment data information

Keywords: Python crawler Python crawler

preface 💨

The text and pictures of this article come from the network, only for learning and communication, and do not have any commercial purpose. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for handling.

Previous content 💨

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Basic development environment 💨

  • Python 3.6
  • Pycharm

Use of related modules 💨

import csv
import requests

Install Python and add it to the environment variable. pip can install the relevant modules required.

💥 Demand data source analysis

Through the developer tool, you can check the url address and request method of the request after you know where the data can be obtained after packet capture analysis

💥 code implementation

import csv
import requests

f = open('data.csv', mode='a', encoding='utf-8', newline='')
csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=[
    'Company name',
    'Company benefits',
    'Detail page',
url = ''
data = {
    'first': 'true',
    'pn': '1',
    'kd': 'python'
headers = {
    'cookie': 'cookie',
    'referer': '',
    'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.71 Safari/537.36'
response =, data=data, headers=headers)
result = response.json()['content']['positionResult']['result']
for index in result:
    # pprint.pprint(index)
    title = index['positionName']  # title
    city = index['city']  # city
    area = index['district']  # region
    city_area = city + '-' + area
    company_name = index['companyFullName']  # Company name
    edu = index['education']  # education
    money = index['salary']  # salary
    exp = index['workYear']  # experience
    boon = index['positionAdvantage']  # Company benefits
    href = f'{index["positionId"]}.html'
    job_info = index['positionDetail'].replace('<br>\n', '').replace('<br>', '')
    dit = {
        'title': title,
        'city': city_area,
        'Company name': company_name,
        'education': edu,
        'experience': exp,
        'salary': money,
        'Company benefits': boon,
        'Detail page': href,
    txt_name = company_name + '-' + title + '.txt'
    with open(txt_name, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

💥 Crawling data display

Posted by venkyphp on Thu, 07 Oct 2021 11:47:19 -0700