Python crawler introductory tutorial 14-100 All IT eBooks multithreaded crawling

Keywords: Programming Session less pip Mac

Written in front

For a crawler enthusiast, there is more or less a little bit of collecting addiction - finding good pictures, finding good books, finding all kinds of things that can be stored on the computer, all like to crawl it down in batches. And then, yeah, that's it. Then slowly forget it.

Crawler analysis

Open the website find a small page that is particularly clear. It's easy to crawl at a glance.

In clicking on a book to enter, we found that the downloaded links were also clearly displayed in front of us, a little excitement, such a clear and ad-free website is rare.

Bar code

This time I used a new module, requests-html, which was developed by the author of this module. You should be familiar with queue in thread control.
Install requests-html module

pip install requests-html

For the use of this module, you only need to search the name of this module by using search engine, and there are many drops of this article. As you can learn this blog, it is very simple to pull 65507

Let's write the core content.

from requests_html import HTMLSession
from queue import Queue
import requests
import random

import threading

# Other code
if __name__ == '__main__':

    page_queue = Queue(5)
    for i in range(1,6):
        page_queue.put(i)  # Store the page number in page_queue

    # Collection results
    data_queue = Queue()

    # Record Thread List
    thread_crawl = []
    # Open 5 threads at a time
    craw_list = ["Acquisition Thread 1","Acquisition Thread 2","Acquisition Thread 3","Acquisition Thread 4","Acquisition Thread 5"]

    for thread_name in craw_list:
        c_thread = ThreadCrawl(thread_name,page_queue,data_queue)

    while not page_queue.empty():

    # If page_queue is empty, the collection thread exits the loop
    CARWL_EXIT = True
    for thread in thread_crawl:
        print("Grab thread termination")

The above is the thread to crawl the book details page. I opened five threads to crawl, and the page number only crawled five pages. If you need more, you just need to modify it.

    page_queue = Queue(5)
    for i in range(1,6):
        page_queue.put(i)  # Store the page number in page_queue

Now let's write the ThreadCrawl class.

session = HTMLSession()

# This place is User_Agents. After I configure it on the server, I can get a lot of items from this list remotely. Go to the source code and find them yourself.
    "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/535.20 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1036.7 Safari/535.20"
# Thread class to get book download links
class ThreadCrawl(threading.Thread):
	# Constructor
    def __init__(self,thread_name,page_queue,data_queue):

        self.thread_name = thread_name
        self.page_queue = page_queue
        self.data_queue = data_queue
        self.page_url = "{}"   #URL splicing template

    def run(self):
        print(self.thread_name+" start-up*********")

        while not CARWL_EXIT:
                page = self.page_queue.get(block=False)
                page_url = self.page_url.format(page)   # Splicing URL operations
                self.get_list(page_url)   # Analysis page links 

            except Exception as e:

    # Get links to all books on the current list page
    def get_list(self,url):
            response = session.get(url)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        all_link = response.html.find('.entry-title>a') # Get links to all book details on the page

        for link in all_link:
            self.get_book_url(link.attrs['href'])   # Get Book Links

    # Get Book Download Links
    def get_book_url(self,url):
            response = session.get(url)

        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        download_url = response.html.find('.download-links a', first=True)

        if download_url is not None: # If the download link exists, continue the following crawl
            link = download_url.attrs['href']
            self.data_queue.put(link)   # Store the book download address in data_queue for subsequent Downloads
            print("Grab to{}".format(link))

A very important part of the above code is to store download links of books in data_queue, which is the most basic data in another download thread.

Now we begin to write the classes and methods of book download.

I opened four threads, and the operation was very similar to that above.

class ThreadDown(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, thread_name, data_queue):
        super(ThreadDown, self).__init__()
        self.thread_name = thread_name
        self.data_queue = data_queue

    def run(self):
        print(self.thread_name + ' start-up************')
        while not DOWN_EXIT:
                book_link = self.data_queue.get(block=False)
            except Exception as e:

    def download(self,url):
        # Random Browser User-Agent
        headers = {"User-Agent":random.choice(USER_AGENTS)}
        # Get the file name
        filename = url.split('/')[-1]
        # If the url contains pdf
        if '.pdf' in url or '.epub' in url:
            file = 'book/'+filename  # The file path has been written to death. Please create a book folder first with the directory.
            with open(file,'wb') as f:  # Begin binary file writing
                print("Downloading {}".format(filename))
                response = requests.get(url,stream=True,headers=headers)
                # Get file size
                totle_length = response.headers.get("content-length")
                # If the file size does not exist, the returned text is written directly
                if totle_length is None:
                    for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096):

                print("{}Download complete".format(filename))

if __name__ == '__main__': 

# Other code is on it.
    thread_image = []
    image_list = ['Download Thread 1', 'Download Thread 2', 'Download Thread 3', 'Download Thread 4']
    for thread_name in image_list:
        d_thread = ThreadDown(thread_name, data_queue)

    while not data_queue.empty():

    DOWN_EXIT = True
    for thread in thread_image:
        print("End of download thread")

If you have combined all the above codes, you should be able to quickly crawl books, of course, these books are in English, download them, can you read them? I don't know.

Source download address, go to the last blog to find ~~

Posted by tommyda on Wed, 30 Jan 2019 09:15:14 -0800