Python automation: export zabbix data concurrent mail scripts

Keywords: Zabbix SQL Python Database

Zabbix has no report export function, so it exports ZABBIX data and sends mail concurrently by writing scripts. The results are as follows:

[External Chain Picture Transfer.. (img-YujWHCbu-1565876650802)]

Following is the script, which can be modified according to its own specific circumstances:



`import MySQLdb`

`import time,datetime`

`import xlsxwriter`

`import smtplib`

`from` `email.mime.text import MIMEText`

`from` `email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart`

`from` `email.header import Header`

`#zabbix database information:`

`zdbhost = ``''`

`zdbuser = ``'zabbix'`

`zdbpass = ``'zabbix'`

`zdbport = 3306`

`zdbname = ``'zabbix'`

`#Generate file name:`

`xlsfilename = ``'Group_Production_Server.xlsx'`

`#List of keys to query [name, table name, key value, fetch value, formatting, data division processing]`

`keys = [`

`#    ['CPU Core Number','trends_uint','system. cpu. num','avg',', 1],`

`#['Average idle CPU','trends','system.cpu.util[,idle]','avg','%.2f',1],'`

`#['CPU minimum idle value','trends','system.cpu.util[,idle]','min','%.2f',1],,`

`[``'CPU Utilization rate(%)'``,``'trends'``,``'CPU_used'``,``'avg'``,``'%.2f'``,1],`

`#['Memory size (unit G)','trends_uint','vm. memory. size [total],'avg',', 1048576000],'`

`#['Remaining memory (unit G)','trends_uint','vm. memory. size [available],'avg',', 1048576000],,`

`[``'Memory utilization(%)'``,``'trends'``,``'Memory_used'``,``'avg'``,``'%.2f'``,1],`

`#    ['Available Average Memory (Unit G)','trends_uint','vm.memory.size [available],'avg',', 1048576000],,`

`#    ['Available Minimum Memory (Unit G)','trends_uint','vm.memory.size [available],'min',', 1048576000],'`

`#    ['swap total size (unit G)','trends_uint','system. swap. size [, total]','avg',', 1048576000],,`

`#    ['swap average residue (unit G)','trends_uint','system. swap. size [, free],'avg',', 1048576000],,`

`#    ['Total root partition size (unit G)','trends_uint','vfs.fs.size [/, total]','avg',', 1073741824],,`

`#    ['Root partition average residue (unit G)','trends_uint','vfs.fs.size [/, free]','avg',', 1073741824],,`

`#['Total Disk Size (Unit G)','trends_uint','vfs.fs.size [/fs01, total]','avg',', 1073741824],`

`#['Remaining Disk (Unit G)','trends_uint','vfs.fs.size [/fs01, free]','avg',', 1073741824],`

`[``'Disk utilization(%)'``,``'trends'``,``'fs01_used'``,``'avg'``,``'%.2f'``,1],`

`#    ['Enter maximum traffic (unit Kbps)','trends_uint',' [eth0],'max',', 1000],'`

`#    ['Entry average traffic (unit Kbps)','trends_uint',' [eth0],'avg',', 1000],'`

`#    ['Maximum outgoing traffic (unit Kbps)','trends_uint','net.if.out [eth0],'max',', 1000],'`

`#    ['Average outgoing traffic (per Kbps)','trends_uint','net.if.out [eth0],'avg',', 1000],'`


`class` `ReportForm:`

`def __init__(self):`

`''``'Open database connection'``''`

`self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=zdbhost,user=zdbuser,passwd=zdbpass,port=zdbport,db=zdbname)`

`self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)`

`#Which grouping report to generate zabbix`

`self.groupname = ``'Group_Production_Server'`

`#Get IP information:`

`self.IpInfoList = self.__getHostList()`

`def __getHostList(self):`

`''``'according to zabbix Group name gets all of the group IP'``''`

`#Query Group ID::`

`sql = ``''``'select groupid from groups where name = '``%s``' '``''` `% self.groupname`


`groupid = self.cursor.fetchone()[``'groupid'``]`

`#Query all host IDs (hostid s) under the group according to the group ID:`

`sql = ``''``'select hostid from hosts_groups where groupid = '``%s``' '``''` `% groupid`


`hostlist = self.cursor.fetchall()`

`#Generating IP Information Dictionary: Structure: {'':{'hostid':10086L,},}`

`IpInfoList = {}`

`for` `i ``in` `hostlist:`

`hostid = i[``'hostid'``]`

`sql = ``''``'select host from hosts where status = 0 and hostid = '``%s``' '``''` `% hostid`

`ret = self.cursor.execute(sql)`

`if` `ret:`

`IpInfoList[self.cursor.fetchone()[``'host'``]] = {``'hostid'``:hostid}`

`return` `IpInfoList`

`def __getItemid(self,hostid,itemname):`

`''``'Obtain itemid'``''`

`sql = ``''``'select itemid from items where hostid = '``%s``' and key_ = '``%s``' '``''` `% (hostid, itemname)`

`if` `self.cursor.execute(sql):`

`itemid = self.cursor.fetchone()[``'itemid'``]`


`itemid = None`

`return` `itemid`

`def getTrendsValue(self,type, itemid, start_time, stop_time):`

`''``'query trends_uint Table value,type The value is min,max,avg Three kinds'``''`

`sql = ``''``'select %s(value_%s) as result from trends where itemid = '``%s``' and clock >= '``%s``' and clock <= '``%s``' '``''` `% (type, type, itemid, start_time, stop_time)`


`result = self.cursor.fetchone()[``'result'``]`

`if` `result == None:`

`result = 0`

`return` `result`

`def getTrends_uintValue(self,type, itemid, start_time, stop_time):`

`''``'query trends_uint Table value,type The value is min,max,avg Three kinds'``''`

`sql = ``''``'select %s(value_%s) as result from trends_uint where itemid = '``%s``' and clock >= '``%s``' and clock <= '``%s``' '``''` `% (type, type, itemid, start_time, stop_time)`


`result = self.cursor.fetchone()[``'result'``]`

`if` `result:`

`result = ``int``(result)`


`result = 0`

`return` `result`

`def getLastMonthData(self,type,hostid,table,itemname):`

`''``'according to hostid,itemname Get the value of the monitoring item'``''`

`#Get the 20th and last day of last month`

`ts_first = ``int``(time.mktime(,,20).timetuple()))`

`lst_last =,,1)-datetime.timedelta(1)`

`ts_last = ``int``(time.mktime(lst_last.timetuple()))`

`itemid = self.__getItemid(hostid, itemname)`

`function = getattr(self,``'get%sValue'` `% table.capitalize())`

`return`  `function(type,itemid, ts_first, ts_last)`

`def getNowData(self):`

`nowtime =``'%Y-%m-%d'``)`

`return` `nowtime`

`def getInfo(self):`

`#Loop read IP list information`

`for` `ip,resultdict ``in`  `zabbix.IpInfoList.items():`

`print ``"Enquiry IP:%-15s hostid:%5d Information!"` `% (ip, resultdict[``'hostid'``])`

`#The keys are read in a loop, and key statistics are read one by one:___________`

`for` `value ``in` `keys:`

`print ``"\t In Statistics key_:%s"` `% value[2]`

`if` `not value[2] ``in` `zabbix.IpInfoList[ip]:`

`zabbix.IpInfoList[ip][value[2]] = {}`

`data =  zabbix.getLastMonthData(value[3], resultdict[``'hostid'``],value[1],value[2])`

`zabbix.IpInfoList[ip][value[2]][value[3]] = data`

`def writeToXls2(self):`

`''``'generate xls file'``''`

`#Create files`

`workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(xlsfilename)`

`#Create Workbook`

`worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()`

`#Write to the first column:`


`i = 1`

`for` `ip ``in` `self.IpInfoList:`


`i = i + 1`

`#Write to other columns:`

`i = 1`

`for` `value ``in` `keys:`


`#Write the column contents:`

`j = 1`

`for` `ip,result ``in` `self.IpInfoList.items():`

`if` `value[4]:`

`worksheet.write(j,i, value[4] % result[value[2]][value[3]])`


`worksheet.write(j,i, result[value[2]][value[3]] / value[5])`

`j = j + 1`

`i = i + 1`


`def __del__(self):`

`''``'Close database connection'``''`



`def Send_Email(self):`

`sender = ``''`

`receivers = [``''``]  # Receive mail, can be set to your QQ mailbox or other mailbox`

`#Create an instance with attachments`

`message = MIMEMultipart()`

`message[``'From'``] = Header(``"Zabbix_server"``, ``'utf-8'``)`

`message[``'To'``] =  Header(``"it"``, ``'utf-8'``)`

`subject = ``'Utilization of virtual machine resources in production environment'`

`message[``'Subject'``] = Header(subject, ``'utf-8'``)`

`#Mail body content`

`message.attach(MIMEText(``'Utilization of virtual machine resources in production environment'``, ``'plain'``, ``'utf-8'``))`

`# Construct Annex 1 to transfer the test.txt file in the current directory`

`att1 = MIMEText(open(``'Group_Production_Server.xlsx'``, ``'rb'``).read(), ``'base64'``, ``'utf-8'``)`

`att1[``"Content-Type"``] = ``'application/octet-stream'`

`# The filename here can be written arbitrarily, what names are written, and what names are displayed in the mail.

`att1[``"Content-Disposition"``] = ``'attachment; filename="Group_Production_Server.xlsx"'`



`smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP(``'localhost'``)`

`smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message.as_string())`

`print ``"Successful mail delivery"`

`except smtplib.SMTPException:`

`print ``"Error: Unable to send mail"`

`if` `__name__ == ``"__main__"``:`

`zabbix = ReportForm()`




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Posted by malbera on Thu, 03 Oct 2019 04:30:26 -0700