Python 3 versus C # Basic Grammar (List, Tuple, Dict column)

Keywords: Python Javascript Java PHP

Python 3 vs. C # Basic Grammar (Basic Knowledge Field):

Python 3 versus C # Basic Grammar (String column)

Today I'll talk about List and Tuple and Dict. There are also some POP parts such as Func, IO (or OOP) and then object-oriented.

First Tucao: Python object oriented really need to be standardized, otherwise it's too easy to get caught up in the fire - - - -!!! Khan, next time.

Contrastive writing is really much more tiring than single writing. I hope you will enjoy it more.

Step into the main topic:


1. List related:

Python defines a list (although lists can store different types, we usually store the same type of values in the list, different types of dictionaries (key, value))
info_list=[] empty list

Traversal is the same as before, for or while (for extension:

NetCore: var infos_list = new List<object>() { "C#", "JavaScript" };

Traversal can be done using foreach, for, while.

Add the Python list:

# append infos_list.append("Java")
# Add a list infos_list.extend(infos_list2)
# Insert infos_list.insert(0,"Python") at the specified location
# Insert List: infos_list.insert(0,temp_list)
Look at the following list nesting, which is obtained by subscription, eg: infos_list[0][1]

Python actually inserts a list at a specified location. C# inserts elements one by one.

NetCore: Add, AddRange, Insert, InsertRange (different from Python Insert List)

Python list deletion series:

infos_list.pop()# Delete the last one
infos_list.pop(0)# Deletes the specified index and reports an error if it does not exist
infos_list.remove("Zhangsan") # remove("") deletes the specified element and reports an error if it does not exist

del infos_list[1] # Deletes the specified subscript element and reports an error if it does not exist
del infos_list Delete collections (no collections are accessed again) is different from C assigning null to collections

Once again.

NetCore: Remove the specified index: infos_list.RemoveAt(1); Remove the specified value: infos_list.Remove(item); Clear list: infos_list.Clear();

Python modification: (can only be modified by index)

infos_list2[1]="PHP" Only subscript modifies one way, and no exception
# If you want to modify by value, you need to check subscription before modifying eg:
infos_list2.index("Zhang San")
# infos_list2.index("dnt") # is an exception if it does not exist

\ Knowledge expansion 65
# Why is it not recommended in python to modify the list in the for loop?
Similarly, using insert operations during traversal can lead to similar errors. That's what the problem says is that you can't "track" elements.
# If you use while, you can be flexible in dealing with such situations.

NetCore: Basically the same as Python

Python Query Series: in, not in, index, count

if "Zhang San" in names_list:
names_list.remove("Zhang San")
if "Uncle" is not in names_list:
names_list.index("Wang Ermazi")
names_list.count("against the sky")

NetCore: IndexOf , Count

Find Contains. Look at the rest first. I'll talk about it later.

Python sort

num_list.reverse()# inversion
num_list.sort() sort from small to large
num_list.sort(reverse=True) from large to small

List nesting, get the way with subscripts: num_list[5][1]

NetCore: var num_list2 = new List<object>() { 33, 44, 22,new List<object>(){11,55,77} };

Instead of subscribing like python, you can define multidimensional arrays to support num_list2[i][j] (PS, which is actually not very useful, and later all lists are nested with Dict, similar to Json)

2.Tuple tuples

Let's start with NetCore this time. (Value Tuple is used more against the sky, and this is the case below.)

Value tuple:
Tuples in C# are mainly convenient for programmers, not natural. For example: when you return multiple values, do you still use ref out or return a list or something? All of these need to be defined first, which is more troublesome. Yuan Zu used more in these scenarios. First of all, basic use:
Initialization: var test_tuple = 1, 3, 5,'interest rate increase','interest rate increase'; // This is valueTuple (see vscode monitoring information)
Needs to say, the value can only be obtained by itemxx, and then the value of valueTuple can be modified.
Ignore the above (usually not used) and go directly to the application scenario:
That's it. There's an appendix to the code section.
Python: Usage is basically the same as a list
Definition: An element: test_tuple1=(1,)
test_tuple=("Meng Meng Da", "1,3,5", "Increase in Interest Rate", "Increase in Interest Rate")
test_tuple.count("interest rate increase")
test_tuple.index("germinate") # has no find method
test_tuple.index("interest increase", 1,4) # from a specific location, left closed right open interval ==> [1,4)
Let's talk about unpacking. C # said above. Here's a case.
c,d=a # does not assign a to c and d, but is equivalent to c=a[0] d=a[1]
3.Dict series

Python traversal correlation:

# is equivalent to taking a tuple at a time, which can be simplified by the previous example: c,d=a # is equivalent to: c=a[0] d=a[1]

for k,v in infos_dict.items():


NetCore: Similar to Python

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kv in infos_dict)


Python additions and deletions series:

Add, modify: infos_dict["wechat"]="dotnetcrazy"# modify if you have, add if you haven't

Delete series:

del infos_dict["name"] \ Error reporting if it does not exist uuuuuuuuuuu
# Empty the dictionary content
# Delete Dictionary
del infos_dict


Add: infos_dict.Add("wechat", "lll"); infos_dict ["wechat1"]= "lll";
infos_dict["wechat"] = "dotnetcrazy";
infos_dict.Remove("dog"); infos_dict.Clear(); //empty list content


Python Query Series: Recommendation: infos_dict.get("mmd")# Not abnormal if not found

NetCore: infos_dict["name"] can avoid exceptions through ContainsKey(key). ContainsValue(value)

Appendix Code:

Python List:

# Define a list, although the list can store different types, we generally store the same type of value list, different types of Dictionary ( key,value)

# ###########################################################
# # ergodic for while
# for item in infos_list:
#     print(item)

# i=0
# while i<len(infos_list):
#     print(infos_list[i])
#     i+=1
# ###########################################################
# # increase
# # Append at the end
# infos_list.append("Java")
# print(infos_list)

# # Specified position insertion
# infos_list.insert(0,"Python")
# print(infos_list)

# temp_list=["test1","test2"]
# infos_list.insert(0,temp_list)
# print(infos_list)

# # Add a list
# infos_list2=["Zhang San",21]#python The list inside is similar to List<object>
# infos_list.extend(infos_list2)
# print(infos_list)

# # help(infos_list.extend)#You can check it. etend Method description
# ###########################################################
# # delete
# # pop()Delete the last element and return the deleted element
# # pop(index) Delete the specified subscript element
# print(infos_list.pop())
# print(infos_list)
# print(infos_list.pop(0))
# # print(infos_list.pop(10)) #Reporting an error if it does not exist
# print(infos_list)

# # remove("")Delete the specified element
# infos_list.remove("Zhang San")
# # infos_list.remove("dnt") #Reporting an error if it does not exist
# print(infos_list)

# # del xxx[index] Delete the specified subscript element
# del infos_list[1]
# print(infos_list)
# # del infos_list[10] #Reporting an error if it does not exist

# # del infos_list #Delete collections (collections are no longer accessible)
# ###########################################################
# # modify xxx[index]=xx
# # Note: Generally not recommended in for Modification in the loop
# print(infos_list2)
# infos_list2[1]="PHP" #Only Subscripts Modify One Way
# # infos_list2[3]="GO" #If nonexistence is abnormal
# print(infos_list2)

# # If you want to modify by value, you need to check the subscription before modifying it.
# infos_list2.index("Zhang San")
# infos_list2[0]="GO"
# print(infos_list2)
# # infos_list2.index("dnt")#If nonexistence is abnormal

# # Knowledge expansion:
# # Why python Not recommended in for Modify the list in the loop?
# # As one of the elements is deleted during the traversal process, the latter elements move forward as a whole, resulting in one element becoming a fish out of the net.
# # Similarly, the use of insert operations during traversal can lead to similar errors. That's what the problem says is that you can't "track" elements.
# # If you use while, you can be flexible in dealing with such situations.

# # query in, not in, index, count
# # # for Extension:

# names_list=["Zhang San","Li Si","May you stay forever young"]

# # #Zhang San performs operations in the list
# if "Zhang San" in names_list:
#     names_list.remove("Zhang San")
# print(names_list)

# # #See"Brother-in-law"Do not perform operations in the list
# if "Brother-in-law" not in names_list:
#     names_list.append("Brother-in-law")
# print(names_list)

# # #Query the index of Ermazi Wang
# print(names_list.index("May you stay forever young"))

# print(names_list.count("Brother-in-law")) 
# print(names_list.count("Adverse weather")) 
# # sort(sort, reverse Inversion)
# num_list=[1,3,5,88,7]

# #Reverse order
# num_list.reverse()
# print(num_list)

# # Ranking from small to large
# num_list.sort()
# print(num_list)

# # From big to small
# num_list.sort(reverse=True)
# print(num_list)
# # ###########################################################

# # #List nesting(Lists can also be nested)
# num_list2=[33,44,22]
# num_list.append(num_list2)
# print(num_list)
# # for item in num_list:
# #     print(item,end="")

# print(num_list[5])
# print(num_list[5][1])
# # ###########################################################

# # # Introduce Null==>None
# # a=[1,2,3,4]
# # b=[5,6]
# # a=a.append(b)#a.append(b)no return value
# # print(a)#None

Python Tuple:

# Only queries, other operations and lists are similar (immutable)
test_tuple=("Adorable",1,3,5,"Increase interest","Increase interest")

# count index
print(test_tuple.count("Increase interest"))
print(test_tuple.index("Adorable"))#No, find Method
# Note that the left closed right open interval==>[1,4)
# print(test_tuple.index("Increase interest", 1, 4))#No error was detected: ValueError: tuple.index(x): x not in tuple

#Subscript selection

# ergodic
for item in test_tuple:

while i<len(test_tuple):

# Extension:
test_tuple1=(1,) #(1)It's not the ancestor of Yuan Dynasty.

# # ==============================================
# Extension: (I will mention it later when I talk about dictionary traversal)
b=a#hold a Quote to b
#a There are two values in it.,Appoint two variables directly to the left (a bit like unpacking)
c,d=a #Not put a Assignment to c and d,Equivalent to: c=a[0] d=a[1]


Python Dict:


# # ergodic
# for item in infos_dict.keys():
#     print(item)

# #Note that if you are right infos Traveling, in fact, is just traversing keys
# for item in infos_dict:
#     print(item)

# for item in infos_dict.values():
#     print(item)

# for item in infos_dict.items():
#     print("Key:%s,Value:%s"%(item[0],item[1]))
# #Each time it is equivalent to taking a tuple, it can be simplified by the example mentioned earlier. c,d=a #Equivalent to: c=a[0] d=a[1]
# for k,v in infos_dict.items():
#     print("Key:%s,Value:%s"%(k,v))

# # Additional modifications (Modify if you have, add if you haven't.)
# # Add to
# infos_dict["wechat"]="lll"
# print(infos_dict)

# # modify
# infos_dict["wechat"]="dotnetcrazy"
# print(infos_dict)

# # delete
# del infos_dict["name"]
# del infos_dict["dog"] #Reporting an error if it does not exist
# print(infos_dict)

# #Empty the dictionary content
# infos_dict.clear()
# print(infos_dict)

# # Delete dictionary
# del infos_dict

# query
# infos_dict["mmd"] #Anomaly if you can't find it

infos_dict.get("mmd")#Not abnormal if not found

# view help
# help(infos_dict)
len(infos_dict) #How many pairs? key,value 
# infos_dict.has_key("name") #This is in Python 2.

NetCore List:

// using System;
// using System.Collections.Generic;
// using System.Linq;

// namespace aibaseConsole
// {
//     public static class Program
//     {
//         private static void Main()
//         {
//             #region List
//             //# Define a list
//             // # infos_list=["C#","JavaScript"]#[]
//             var infos_list = new List<object>() { "C#", "JavaScript" };
//             // var infos_list2 = new List<object>() { "Zhang San", 21 };
//             // // # ###########################################################
//             // // # # Traversing for while
//             // // # for item in infos_list:
//             // // #     print(item)
//             // foreach (var item in infos_list)
//             // {
//             //     System.Console.WriteLine(item);
//             // }
//             // for (int i = 0; i < infos_list.Count; i++)
//             // {
//             //     System.Console.WriteLine(infos_list[i]);
//             // }
//             // // # i=0
//             // // # while i<len(infos_list):
//             // // #     print(infos_list[i])
//             // // #     i+=1
//             // int j=0;
//             // while(j<infos_list.Count){
//             //    Console.WriteLine(infos_list[j++]);
//             // }
//             // // # ###########################################################
//             // // # # increase
//             // // # # Append at the end
//             // // # infos_list.append("Java")
//             // // # print(infos_list)
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list);

//             // infos_list.Add("Java");
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list);
//             // // # # Specified position insertion
//             // // # infos_list.insert(0,"Python")
//             // // # print(infos_list)
//             // infos_list.Insert(0,"Python");
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list);
//             // // # # Add a list
//             // // # infos_list2=["Zhang San",21]#The list in python is similar to List < object >.            
//             // // # infos_list.extend(infos_list2)
//             // // # print(infos_list)
//             // infos_list.AddRange(infos_list2);
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list);
//             // /*C#insertRange method */
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list2,"List2 The original list:");
//             // infos_list2.InsertRange(0,infos_list);
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list2,"List2 List after change:");
//             // // # # help(infos_list.extend)#You can view the etend method description
//             // // # ###########################################################
//             // // # # delete
//             // // # # pop() deletes the last element and returns the deleted element
//             // // # # pop(index) deletes the specified subscript element
//             // // # print(infos_list.pop())
//             // // # print(infos_list)
//             // // # print(infos_list.pop(1))
//             // // # # print(infos_list.pop(10)) #Reporting an error if it does not exist
//             // // # print(infos_list)

//             // // # # remove("") Deletes the specified element
//             // // # infos_list.remove("Zhang San")
//             // // # # infos_list.remove("dnt") #Reporting an error if it does not exist
//             // // # print(infos_list)

//             // // # # del xxx[index] Deletes the specified subscript element
//             // // # del infos_list[1]
//             // // # print(infos_list)
//             // // # # del infos_list[10] #Reporting an error if it does not exist

//             // // # del infos_list #Delete collections (collections are no longer accessible)

//             // DivPrintList(infos_list);
//             // infos_list.RemoveAt(1);
//             // // infos_list.RemoveAt(10);//Error reporting if nonexistence
//             // // infos_list.RemoveRange(0,1); //Multiple can be removed
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list);
//             // infos_list.Remove("Is my home in the northeast?"); //Remove specified item,There is no error-free
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list,"Before emptying:");
//             // infos_list.Clear();//clear list
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list,"After emptying:");

//             // // # ###########################################################
//             // // # # Modify xxx[index]=xx
//             // // # # Note: It is generally not recommended to modify the for loop
//             // // # print(infos_list2)
//             // // # infos_list2[1]="PHP" #Only Subscripts Modify One Way
//             // // # # infos_list2[3]="GO" #If nonexistence is abnormal
//             // // # print(infos_list2)
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list2);
//             // infos_list2[1] = "PHP";
//             // // infos_list2[3]="GO"; //If nonexistence is abnormal
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list2);
//             // // # # If you want to modify by value, you need to check the subscription before modifying it.
//             // // # infos_list2.index("Zhang San")
//             // // # infos_list2[0]="GO"
//             // // # print(infos_list2)
//             // // # # infos_list2.index("dnt")#If nonexistence is abnormal
//             // int index = infos_list2.IndexOf("Zhang San");
//             // infos_list2[index] = "GO";
//             // DivPrintList(infos_list2);
//             // infos_list2.IndexOf("dnt");//No return-1

//             // // ###########################################################
//             // // # Query in, not in, index, count
//             // // # # for Extension:
//             // // # names_list=["Zhang San", "Li Si", "Wang Ermazi"]
//             // var names_list=new List<string>(){"Zhang San","Li Si","May you stay forever young"};
//             // // Console.WriteLine(names_list.Find(i=>i=="Zhang San"));
//             // // Console.WriteLine(names_list.FirstOrDefault(i=>i=="Zhang San"));
//             // Console.WriteLine(names_list.Exists(i=>i=="Zhang San"));
//             // System.Console.WriteLine(names_list.Contains("Zhang San"));
//             // // # #Zhang San performs operations in the list
//             // // # if "Zhang San" in names_list:
//             // // #     names_list.remove("Zhang San")
//             // // # else:
//             // // #     print(names_list)

//             // // # #Check that Uncle does not perform operations in the list
//             // // # if "Uncle" is not in names_list:
//             // // #     names_list.append("uncle")
//             // // # else:
//             // // #     print(names_list)

//             // // # #Query the index of Ermazi Wang
//             // // # print(names_list.index("Wang Ermazi")
//             // // names_list.IndexOf("May you stay forever young");

//             // // # print(names_list.count("uncle") 
//             // // # print(names_list.count("against the sky") 
//             // // Console.WriteLine(names_list.Count);

//             // // ###########################################################
//             // // # # Sort (reverse inversion)
//             // // # num_list=[1,3,5,88,7]
//             // var num_list = new List<object>() { 1, 3, 5, 88, 7 };

//             // // # #Reverse order
//             // // # num_list.reverse()
//             // // # print(num_list)
//             // num_list.Reverse();
//             // DivPrintList(num_list);
//             // // # # Ranking from small to large
//             // // # num_list.sort()
//             // // # print(num_list)
//             // num_list.Sort();
//             // DivPrintList(num_list);

//             // // # # From big to small
//             // // # num_list.sort(reverse=True)
//             // // # print(num_list)
//             // num_list.Sort();
//             // num_list.Reverse();
//             // DivPrintList(num_list);

//             // // # ###########################################################

//             // // # #List nesting (lists can also be nested)
//             // // # num_list2=[33,44,22]
//             // // # num_list.append(num_list2)
//             // // # print(num_list)
//             // var num_list2 = new List<object>() { 33, 44, 22,new List<object>(){11,55,77} };
//             // DivPrintList(num_list2);//Multidimensional arrays can be defined to support num_list2[i][j]
//             // // # for item in num_list:
//             // // #     print(item)
//             // // # ###########################################################

//             // // # # Introduce Null==>None
//             // // # a=[1,2,3,4]
//             // // # b=[5,6]
//             // // # a=a.append(b)#a.append(b) has no return value
//             // // # print(a)#None
//             #endregion

//             // Console.Read();
//         }

//         private static void DivPrintList(List<object> list, string say = "")
//         {
//             Console.WriteLine($"\n{say}");
//             foreach (var item in list)
//             {
//                 System.Console.Write($"{item} ");
//             }
//         }
//     }
// }

NetCore Tuple:

// using System;

// namespace aibaseConsole
// {
//     public static class Program
//     {
//         private static void Main()
//         {
//             #region Tuple
//             // C#The tuple is mainly convenient for programmers, not natural.
//             // The Yuan Dynasty:
//             // Value tuple:
//             // such as:When you return multiple values, do you still use them? ref out Or return one list And so on.?
//             // All of these need to be defined first.,More trouble.Yuan Zu used more in some scenes. eg:        

//             // Initialization
//             // var test_tuple = ("Adorable", 1, 3, 5, "Increase interest", "Increase interest"); //This way is valueTuple 了

//             // test_tuple.Item1 = "ddd";//Values can be modified

//             // test_tuple.GetType();
//             // test_tuple.itemxxx //Getting values can only pass through itemxxx

//             var result = GetCityAndTel();  //Support async/await Pattern
//             var city =;
//             var tel =;
//             // Unpacking mode:
//             var (city1, tel1) = GetCityAndTel();
//             #endregion
//             // Console.Read();
//         }
//         // public static (string city, string tel) GetCityAndTel()
//         // {
//         //     return ("Beijing", "110");
//         // }
//         // Simplified writing
//         public static (string city, string tel) GetCityAndTel() => ("Beijing", "110");
//     }
// }

NetCore Dict:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace aibaseConsole
    public static class Program
        private static void Main()
            #region Dict
            // infos_dict={"name":"dnt","web":""}
            // # # ergodic
            // # for item in infos_dict.keys():
            // #     print(item)
            // # for item in infos_dict.values():
            // #     print(item)
            // # for item in infos_dict.items():
            // #     print("Key:%s,Value:%s"%(item[0],item[1]))
            // # #Each time it is equivalent to taking a tuple, it can be simplified by the example mentioned earlier. c,d=a #Equivalent to: c=a[0] d=a[1]
            // # for k,v in infos_dict.items():
            // #     print("Key:%s,Value:%s"%(k,v))
            var infos_dict = new Dictionary<string, object>{
            // foreach (var item in infos_dict.Keys)
            // {
            //     System.Console.WriteLine(item);
            // }
            // foreach (var item in infos_dict.Values)
            // {
            //     System.Console.WriteLine(item);
            // }
            // foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kv in infos_dict)
            // {
            //     //    System.Console.WriteLine("Key:%s,Value:%s",(kv.Key,kv.Value));
            //     System.Console.WriteLine($"Key:{kv.Key},Value:{kv.Value}");
            // }

            // // # # Add modifications (if you have, add)
            // // # # Add to
            // // # infos_dict["wechat"]="lll"
            // // # print(infos_dict)
            // infos_dict.Add("wechat", "lll");
            // infos_dict["wechat1"] = "lll";
            // // # # modify
            // // # infos_dict["wechat"]="dotnetcrazy"
            // // # print(infos_dict)
            // infos_dict["wechat"] = "dotnetcrazy";

            // // # # delete
            // // # del infos_dict["name"]
            // // # del infos_dict["dog"] #Reporting an error if it does not exist
            // // # print(infos_dict)
            // infos_dict.Remove("name");
            // infos_dict.Remove("dog");
            // // # #Clear the list content
            // // # infos_dict.clear()
            // // # print(infos_dict)
            // infos_dict.Clear();
            // // # # Delete list
            // // # del infos_dict

            // # query
            // infos_dict["name"]
            // infos_dict["mmd"] #Anomaly if you can't find it            

            // infos_dict.get("name")
            // infos_dict.get("mmd")#Not abnormal if not found
            // Console.WriteLine(infos_dict["mmd"]); //#Anomaly if you can't find it
            // Let's see if there are any. ContainsKey(key),Look at the value. ContainsValue(value)
            if (infos_dict.ContainsKey("mmd")) Console.WriteLine(infos_dict["mmd"]);

            // # view help
            // help(infos_dict)
            // len(infos_dict) #There are several pairs of keys, values


            // Console.Read();

Posted by Sam on Fri, 14 Dec 2018 16:24:04 -0800