Get the home page element information:
Target test_URL:
First of all, check the elements. Under the label a, we need to crawl to get the link. By getting the link path, we can locate the information we need.
soup = Bs4(reaponse.text, "lxml") urls_li ="#mainmenu_top > div > div > ul > li")
Home page URL link acquisition:
Complete the home page URL link acquisition, the specific code is as follows:
''' //What problems do you not understand? Python Learning Exchange Group: 821460695 to meet your needs, information has been uploaded group files, you can download! ''' def get_first_url(): list_href = [] reaponse = requests.get("", headers=headers) soup = Bs4(reaponse.text, "lxml") urls_li ="#mainmenu_top > div > div > ul > li") for url_li in urls_li: urls ="a") for url in urls: url_href = url.get("href") list_href.append(head_url+url_href) out_url = list(set(list_href)) for reg in out_url: print(reg)
Traversing the results of the first return:
On the basis of obtaining the URL in the second step, traverse each page of the request, obtain the URL link in the page, and filter out the unnecessary information.
The code is as follows:
def get_next_url(urllist): url_list = [] for url in urllist: response = requests.get(url,headers=headers) soup = Bs4(response.text,"lxml") urls = soup.find_all("a") if urls: for url2 in urls: url2_1 = url2.get("href") if url2_1: if url2_1[0] == "/": url2_1 = head_url + url2_1 url_list.append(url2_1) if url2_1[0:24] == "": url2_1 = url2_1 url_list.append(url2_1) else: pass else: pass else: pass else: pass url_list2 = set(url_list) for url_ in url_list2: res = requests.get(url_) if res.status_code ==200: print(url_) print(len(url_list2))
Recursive loop traversal:
The recursive implementation crawls all URLs and calls itself in the get_next_url() function. The code is as follows:
The code is as follows:
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Bs4 head_url = "" headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36" } def get_first_url(): list_href = [] reaponse = requests.get(head_url, headers=headers) soup = Bs4(reaponse.text, "lxml") urls_li ="#mainmenu_top > div > div > ul > li") for url_li in urls_li: urls ="a") for url in urls: url_href = url.get("href") list_href.append(head_url+url_href) out_url = list(set(list_href)) return out_url def get_next_url(urllist): url_list = [] for url in urllist: response = requests.get(url,headers=headers) soup = Bs4(response.text,"lxml") urls = soup.find_all("a") if urls: for url2 in urls: url2_1 = url2.get("href") if url2_1: if url2_1[0] == "/": url2_1 = head_url + url2_1 url_list.append(url2_1) if url2_1[0:24] == "": url2_1 = url2_1 url_list.append(url2_1) else: pass else: pass else: pass else: pass url_list2 = set(url_list) for url_ in url_list2: res = requests.get(url_) if res.status_code ==200: print(url_) print(len(url_list2)) get_next_url(url_list2) if __name__ == "__main__": urllist = get_first_url() get_next_url(urllist)