pyspark's Little Knowledge Points in Work

Keywords: Big Data Spark SQL Lambda

1.{field name 1':'default','field name 2':'default'}) replaces null values

2. df.dropDuplicaates() de-duplicate according to the field name, empty parameter for all fields

3. df.subtract(df1) returns the elements that appear in the current DF and do not appear in df1, and do not weigh.

4. print time.localtime([timestamp]) in the following format

time.struct_time(tm_year=2018, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=9, tm_hour=16, tm_min=52, tm_sec=10, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=282, tm_isdst=0)

5. print time. strptime ('2018-12-14 15:45:12','%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S') is in the following format

time.struct_time(tm_year=2018, tm_mon=12, tm_mday=14, tm_hour=15, tm_min=45, tm_sec=12, tm_wday=4, tm_yday=348, tm_isdst=-1)

6. Time stamp formatting time

time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(timestamp))

# Format to 2016-03-2011:45:39
print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())

# Format as Sat Mar 2822:24:24 2016
print time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", time.localtime())

7. Timestamp

print time.mktime(time.strptime('2018-12-14 15:45:12', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

8. How many days before and after a certain day

def getPreDate(cp, days):
                #Conversion to Time
    cp_from = (datetime.strptime(str(cp), '%Y%m%d%H') + timedelta(days)).strftime('%Y%m%d%H')
    return cp_from

9. The usage of os.path.join(path_prefix,'parquet','path')

print os.path.join('/user/bbd/dev/xxxx/xxxx/', 'parquet/', 'ccccc.txt')


10. The method of calculating the difference between two times by calculating the number of days

def get_history_date():
    start_date = datetime(2018,10,10)
    end_date = datetime(2018,10,31)        
    print (end_date - start_date).days   #Return to the day of difference
    print end_date - start_date            #Returning to the discrepant
    for i in range(0,(end_date - start_date).days):
        cp_from = (start_date + timedelta(days=i)).strftime('%Y%m%d00')
        cp_end = (end_date + timedelta(days=i + 1)).strftime('%Y%m%d00')

        print str(cp_from) + '\t' + str(cp_end)

return: as follows
        21 days, 0:00:00
        2018101000	2018110100
        2018101100	2018110200
        2018101200	2018110300
        . . . . 

11. Not means to take the opposite. The string is empty, none, the number is 0, the object is empty, and all returned after not are true.

def not_ceshi():
    a = ''
    c= None
    if not a:
        print 'a For false'
    if b:
        print 'b To be true'
    if not c:
        print 'c For false'
    if not d:
        print 'd For 0'
    if e:
        print 'e by-1'

    a For false
    b To be true
    c For false
    d For 0
    e by-1

12. The drop of dataframe can be sorted by partition first, and then by drop. num is the row_number() field sorted by partition after window.


Return the selection num 1 and remove the num field

13. Use of sorted higher-order functions

def cmp_ignore_case(s1, s2):

    if s1.lower()[:1] > s2.lower()[:1]:
        return 1
    elif s1.lower()[:1] < s2.lower()[:1]:
        return -1
        return 0
#sorted redefines the sort, which can pass in only one parameter, given (key = custom function for the parameters of comparison)
cmp_ignore_case2 = lambda s: s[:1].lower()

print sorted(['bob', 'about', 'Zoo', 'Credit'], key=cmp_ignore_case2)
print sorted(['bob', 'about', 'Zoo', 'Credit'], cmp_ignore_case)

//The result returns the same:
    ['about', 'bob', 'Credit', 'Zoo']
    ['about', 'bob', 'Credit', 'Zoo']

14. When we need to use unionall for data frame interoperability, if the number of fields is different, we can fill in blank fields for unionall.

SQL = the same field name of'SELECT',''the same field name... '

Equivalent to complementary fields

15. Verify if there is a personal email address.

email_regx = '([a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\.\+\-.]{0,63}@{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+){1,4})'
def udf_format_email_string(data):
        data = data.strip()
        email = re.findall(email_regx, data)
        print email
        if email:
            res = email[0][0]
            except_email = ['np-reply@','noreply@','service@','support@','info@','Postmaster@'
            for item in except_email:
                if res.startswith(item):
                    return ''
            return res
    return ''

//Yes, return to the mailbox, not empty.

There's a point of knowledge here, re.findall(regx,data), which is regx here. There are two cases, with and without brackets, and with brackets.

import re

string="abcdefg  acbdgef  abcdgfe  cadbgfe"

# The difference between parentheses and non-parentheses
 # Braces and parentheses
# Output: [('abcdefg acbdgef','abcdefg', ('abcdgfe cadbgfe','abcdgfe')]

# With parentheses only
# Output: ['abcdefg','abcdgfe']

# No parentheses
# Output: ['abcdefg acbdgef','abcdgfe cadbgfe']

return : 

    regex: Returns a tuple (braces matched, braces matched)
    regex1: Returns matches in parentheses
    regex2: All matches returned

16. In pyspark, data frame is operated, and a Chinese field is max(col) operated. The first one that appears after grouping is similar to the one that can be duplicated by name. A mailbox can only correspond to one name.

select email format_data(max(name)) from email_detal group by email

Grouping by email and de-duplicating names, but there may be differences in names

17. Some api examples of dataframe

def get_df():

    conf = SparkConf()

    spark = SparkSession.builder \
        .master("local[*]") \
        .appName("get_df") \
        .config(conf=conf) \
        .enableHiveSupport() \

    rdd1 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([
    rdd2 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([

    schema = StructType([
        StructField('name',StringType(), True),
        StructField('age',LongType(), True),
        StructField('hight',LongType(), True)
    df1 = spark.createDataFrame(rdd1,schema)
    df2 = spark.createDataFrame(rdd2,schema)


    sql = 'select *, row_number() over (partition by name,age order by hight) as num from tmp'
    sql2 = 'select `name`,age, case when age=24 then age else age+2 end  re_age, hight,"table_name" tablename from tmp'
    spark.sql(sql).where('num=1').drop("num").show()   #Delete a column field
    df1.subtract(df2).show()                #Remove the exact same data from df2 in df1
    df1.dropDuplicates(['name','age']).show()  #Remove duplicate data from the specified two columns, without adding parameters, for all columns
    df1.drop_duplicates(['name','age']).show()    #Ditto
    df1.join(df2, ==,'left').show()   #Various join   
    spark.sql(sql2).drop('age').show()        #Determine the value of another field based on some fields

18. Registration py file logging

import logging,os
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Used to test whether there is relevant information

19. Clean the fields needed by multiple tables into the parquet file. Which of the following dimensions need to be read and filtered by ourselves. First, we need to understand the information of the basic table. Then, according to the meaning of the field, we need to clean the corresponding fields, such as the data of five tables in total. To write into the general table, we can do the following.

def creat_dataframe(source):
    '''Get all the information from each source table to the source information summary table'''
    df = spark.sql("select * from {tablename}".format(tablename=source["table_name"]))
    if source.get("before_where"):
        df = df.where(source["before_where"])
    column_source = OrderedDict(zip(source["column"],source["source"]))
    columns = ["%s as %s"%(table_file,table_name) for table_name,table_file in column_source.items()]
    df = df.selectExpr(*columns)
    if source.get("after_where"):
        df = df.where(source["after_where"])
    return df

def etl_school():
    columns = ["NAME", "SSQX", "XYMC", "TABLENAME", "table_order"]
    where = "verify_school(NAME) = 1"

    data_source = [
            "source":["DWMC", "SSQX", "''", "'tb_gaw_dzxxyryxsjfmxx'", 5],
            "source":["DWMC", "SSQX", "''", "'tb_gaw_jw_xxjzygxx'", 1],
            "source":["XXMC", "''", "FYMC", "'tb_gaw_jw_zxyjs_new'", 2],
            "source":["XXMC", "''", "FYMC", "'tb_gaw_jw_zxdxs_new'", 3],

    dfs = map(creat_dataframe, data_source)
    df_union = reduce(lambda x, y: x.union(y), dfs)
    df = df_union.selectExpr("*", "row_number() over (partition by NAME,XYMC order by table_order asc) as num")
    df_tmp = df.where("num=1").drop("num")
    df.tmp = df_tmp.where("NAME !=  XYMC")

    write_parquet(df_tmp, "tmp/etl_school")"save to /tmp/etl_school success!!")


Posted by nvidia on Fri, 01 Feb 2019 13:21:15 -0800