Publish and Subscribe Mode (PubSub is implemented in javascript)

Keywords: Javascript Programming

Publish and Subscribe Mode

PubSub helps us to decouple more loosely in asynchronous programming, even in MVC and MVVC architectures and design patterns.

Advantages: Deeper decoupling in asynchronous programming

Disadvantage: Overuse of Publish-Subscribe mode increases maintenance difficulty

Implementing a Publish-Subscribe Model

var Event = function() {
  this.obj = {}
Event.prototype.on = function(eventType,fn){
  if(!this.obj[eventType]) {
   this.obj[eventType].push(fn) //This way the method function is put in.
Event.prototype.emit =function() {
 var eventType =
 var arr = this.obj[eventType]  //The method function is taken out here.
 for(let i =0;i<arr.length; i++){
   arr[i].apply(arr[i],arguments)  //Print out the functions in emit's value assignment on
var ev = new Event()
ev.on('click',function(a){ //Subscription function
  console.log(a) //5

Must subscription function logic take precedence over publishing function

Consider the following scenarios:

$.ajax('', () => {
  // Asynchronous subscription function logic

// When the publishing function is executed elsewhere, there is no guarantee that the subscription function is executed when the publishing function is executed.

So that's what we should do.

  var Event = function () {
      this.obj = {}
      this.cacheList = []
    Event.prototype.on = function (eventType, fn) {
      if (!this.obj[eventType]) {
        this.obj[eventType] = []
      for (let i = 0; i < this.cacheList.length; i++) {
        this.cacheList[i]() //on triggers functions stored in cacheList
    Event.prototype.emit = function () {
      var arg = arguments
      var that = this

      function cache() {
        var eventType =
        var arr = that.obj[eventType]
        for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
          arr[i].apply(arr[i], arg)

      this.cacheList.push(cache) //The emit triggered function is saved in the cacheList 
      //Deliver to on to trigger, so that the publishing function is executed before the subscription function
    var ev = new Event()
    ev.emit('click', 5)  //The premise of this use is that subscriptions must be triggered first.  
    //Then wait for the cacheList[i]() method in the publishing function to execute
    ev.on('click', function (a) {

Posted by smilepak on Sun, 06 Oct 2019 02:48:04 -0700