#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define STACK_INIT_SIZE 10000 #define STACKINCREMENT 10 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define INFEASIBLE -1 #define OVERFLOW -2 using namespace std; typedef char SElemType, Status; typedef struct { SElemType *base; SElemType *top; int stacksize; }SqStack; Status InitStack(SqStack &S) { S.base = (SElemType *)malloc(sizeof(SElemType)*STACK_INIT_SIZE); if (!S.base) exit(OVERFLOW); S.top = S.base; S.stacksize = STACK_INIT_SIZE; return OK; } Status Push(SqStack &S, SElemType e) { if (S.top - S.base >= S.stacksize) { S.base = (SElemType*)malloc(sizeof(SElemType)*(S.stacksize + STACKINCREMENT)); if (!S.base) exit(OVERFLOW); S.top = S.base + S.stacksize; S.stacksize += STACKINCREMENT; } *S.top++ = e; return OK; } Status Pop(SqStack &S) { if (S.top == S.base) return ERROR; S.top--; return OK; } Status GetTop(SqStack &S, SElemType &e) { if (S.base == S.top) return ERROR; e = *(S.top - 1); return OK; } Status Empty(SqStack S) { if (S.top == S.base) return OK; else return ERROR; } const int maxn = 1000 + 5; char s[maxn]; bool Find(SqStack &S, char ch) { char tmp[maxn]; //Initialize to“\n"; memset(tmp, '\n', sizeof(tmp)); //Memset It is used to set a memory space to a certain character. It is generally used to initialize the defined string to' 'or'/0'; int num = 0; while (!Empty) { SElemType e2; GetTop(S, e2); if (e2 == ch) { Pop(S); for (int i = num - 1; i >= 0; i--) Push(S, tmp[i]); return true; } else { tmp[num++] = e2; } Pop(S); } for (int i = num - 1; i >= 0; i--) Push(S, tmp[i]); return false; } void judge(char ch) { if (ch == '(') printf("(-?\n"); else if (ch == '[') printf("[-?\n"); else if (ch == '{') printf("{-?\n"); else if (ch == '<') printf("/*-?\n"); } void fun(SqStack &Sta, char ch) { int flag = 1;; if (!Empty(S) { SElemType e; GetTop(Sta, e); if (e == '(') Pop(Sta); else if (flag) { printf("NO\n"); flag = 0; judge(e); } } } int main() { SqStack Sta; InitStack(Sta); int flag = 1; while (gets(s)) { if (s[0] == '.') break; int len = strlen(s); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (s[i] == '(' || s[i] == '[' || s[i] == '{') Push(Sta, s[i]); else if (s[i] == '/'&&s[i + 1] == '*'&&i + 1 < len) { ++i; Push(Sta, '<'); } else if (s[i] == ')') { if (!Empty(Sta) { SElemType e; GetTop(Sta, e); if (e == '(') Pop(Sta); else if (flag) { printf("NO\n"); flag = 0; judge(e); } } else if (flag) { flag = 0; printf("NO\n"); printf("?-)\n"); } } else if (s[i] == ']') { if (!Empty(Sta) { SElemType e; GetTop(Sta, e); if (e == '[') Pop(Sta); else if (flag) { printf("NO\n"); flag = 0; judge(e); } } else if (flag) { flag = 0; printf("NO\n"); printf("?-]\n"); } } else if (s[i] == '}') { if (!Empty(Sta) { SElemType e; GetTop(Sta, e); if (e == '{') Pop(Sta); else if (flag) { printf("NO\n"); flag = 0; judge(e); } } else if (flag) { flag = 0; printf("NO\n"); printf("?-}\n"); } } else if (s[i] == '*'&&s[i + 1] == '/'&&i + 1 < len) { ++i; if (!Empty(Sta) { SElemType e; GetTop(Sta, e); if (e == '<') Pop(Sta); else if (flag) { printf("NO\n"); flag = 0; judge(e); } } else if (flag) { flag = 0; printf("NO\n"); printf("?-*/\n"); } } } } if (flag) { if (!Empty(Sta) printf("YES\n"); else { SElemType e; GetTop(Sta, e); printf("NO\n"); judge(e); } } }
7-2 symbol pairing (20 points)
Please write a program to check whether the following symbols are paired in the C language source program: / * and * /, (and), [and], {and}.
Input format:
Input as a C language source program. When reading a line with only one period. And a carriage return, it marks the end of input. No more than 100 symbols need to be matched in the program.
Output format:
First, if all symbols are paired correctly, then YES is output in the first line, otherwise NO is output. Then in the second line, the first unmatched symbol is indicated: if the left symbol is missing, then the? - right symbol is output; if the right symbol is missing, then the left symbol -?.
Enter example 1:
void test() { int i, A[10]; for (i=0; i<10; i++) /*/ A[i] = i; } .
Output example 1:
NO /*-?
Enter example 2:
void test() { int i, A[10]; for (i=0; i<10; i++) /**/ A[i] = i; }] .
Output example 2:
NO ?-]
Enter example 3:
void test() { int i double A[10]; for (i=0; i<10; i++) /**/ A[i] = 0.1*i; } .
Output example 3: