This problem requires two stacks in an array.
Function interface definition:
Stack CreateStack( int MaxSize ); bool Push( Stack S, ElementType X, int Tag ); ElementType Pop( Stack S, int Tag );
Where Tag is the Stack number, take 1 or 2; MaxSize Stack array size; the Stack structure is defined as follows:
typedef int Position; struct SNode { ElementType *Data; Position Top1, Top2; int MaxSize; }; typedef struct SNode *Stack;
Note: if the stack is full, the Push function must output "Stack Full" and return false; if a stack is empty, the Pop function must output "Stack Tag Empty" (where Tag is the number of the stack) and return ERROR.
Sample referee test procedure:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define ERROR 1e8 typedef int ElementType; typedef enum { push, pop, end } Operation; typedef enum { false, true } bool; typedef int Position; struct SNode { ElementType *Data; Position Top1, Top2; int MaxSize; }; typedef struct SNode *Stack; Stack CreateStack( int MaxSize ); bool Push( Stack S, ElementType X, int Tag ); ElementType Pop( Stack S, int Tag ); Operation GetOp(); /* details omitted */ void PrintStack( Stack S, int Tag ); /* details omitted */ int main() { int N, Tag, X; Stack S; int done = 0; scanf("%d", &N); S = CreateStack(N); while ( !done ) { switch( GetOp() ) { case push: scanf("%d %d", &Tag, &X); if (!Push(S, X, Tag)) printf("Stack %d is Full!\n", Tag); break; case pop: scanf("%d", &Tag); X = Pop(S, Tag); if ( X==ERROR ) printf("Stack %d is Empty!\n", Tag); break; case end: PrintStack(S, 1); PrintStack(S, 2); done = 1; break; } } return 0; } /* Your code will be embedded here */
Input example:
5 Push 1 1 Pop 2 Push 2 11 Push 1 2 Push 2 12 Pop 1 Push 2 13 Push 2 14 Push 1 3 Pop 2 End
Output example:
Stack 2 Empty Stack 2 is Empty! Stack Full Stack 1 is Full! Pop from Stack 1: 1 Pop from Stack 2: 13 12 11
Stack CreateStack(int MaxSize) { Stack S; S=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct SNode)); S->Data=(ElementType *)malloc(MaxSize *(sizeof(ElementType))); S->Top1=-1; S->Top2=MaxSize; S->MaxSize=MaxSize; return S; } bool Push( Stack S, ElementType X, int Tag ) { if(S->Top2-S->Top1==1) { printf("Stack Full\n"); return false; } if(Tag==1) S->Data[++(S->Top1)]=X; else S->Data[--(S->Top2)]=X; } ElementType Pop( Stack S, int Tag ) { if(Tag==1) { if(S->Top1==-1) { printf("Stack %d Empty\n",Tag); return ERROR; } else return S->Data[(S->Top1)--]; } else { if(S->Top2==S->MaxSize) { printf("Stack %d Empty\n",Tag); return ERROR; } else return S->Data[(S->Top2)++]; } }