Programmer's daily operation — modifying data

Keywords: JSON Database JQuery

Development Tools and Key Technologies: Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC

Author: Liu Jianhong

Writing time: Saturday, 13 April 2019

Programmer's Daily Operations - Modifying Data

The operation of data modification is something programmers can encounter every day in managing data. Modifications and additions are very similar, their purpose is to modify data in the database, and the new data is from scratch. The modification is based on the original to modify, through the acquisition of the primary key ID to determine which data to modify, and in the modification operation, data backfilling.

In the controller, we need to use a pass parameter, which is the data passed from the page modification. Next we need to do five steps in the controller. 1. Determine whether the data already exists in the database. 3 Get the data to be modified. 3. Extract data 4 according to the primary key ID, execute modification 5 and save the modified dataTo the database. Here is the code for the modification operation:

The code is as follows:

 public ActionResult UpdateAcademe(SYS_Academe sysAcademe) //sysAcademe is the passed parameter
        ReturnJson returnJson = new ReturnJson();
            //Check for conflicts with others
            int otherCount = (from tbAcademe in myModel.SYS_Academe        
                              where tbAcademe.AcademeID  != sysAcademe.AcademeID && (                              
                    tbAcademe.AcademeName == sysAcademe.AcademeName.Trim() ||
      tbAcademe.AcademeCode == sysAcademe.AcademeCode.Trim())
          select tbAcademe).Count();
            if (otherCount ==0)
            {//Get the data to be modified
                SYS_Academe dbAcademe = (from tbAcademe in myModel.SYS_Academe
    //Data extraction based on primary key ID
             where tbAcademe.AcademeID == sysAcademe.AcademeID
                                         select  tbAcademe).Single();

                //Assignment of entities

                dbAcademe.AcademeName =
                dbAcademe.AcademeCode =sysAcademe.AcademeCode;

                //Execution modification

               myModel.Entry(dbAcademe).State = EntityState.Modified;
                //Save and modify
                if (myModel.SaveChanges()>0)
                    returnJson.State = true;
                    returnJson.Text = "Successful revision!";
                    returnJson.State = false;
                    returnJson.Text = "Modification failed!";
                returnJson.State = false;
                returnJson.Text = "And other repetitions!";


        catch (Exception e)



            returnJson.State = false;

            returnJson.Text = "Data exception!";


        return Json(returnJson, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


There is another section in the view, mainly two methods. Open the Modified Mode Box. 2 Save Modified Modal Box

When opening the modal box, in order to ensure the quality of the data, we need to clear the modal box, so reset the form. Then the data is backfilled, and the post asynchronous submission is also used when backfilling. There are five steps to save and modify the modal box. 1 // Get page data 2 judges that the data of the input box is not empty 3 and asynchronously submits 4 closed modal box 5 to refresh the table.

Actually, it's no different from the new operation. The code is as follows

   //Open Modified Mode Box

    function openUpdate(UacademeId) {

        //Reset Form

        $('#formUpdateAcademe input[type="reset"]').click();

        //Backfill data


            { academeId: UacademeId }, function (data) {

               loadDatatoForm("formUpdateAcademe", data);//Fill the form form form according to the json object

            }, "json");

        //Pop-up modal box



    //Save and modify

    function savaUpdate()


        //Get page data

        var AcademeID = $("#UAcademeID").val();

        var AcademeName = $("#UAcademeName").val();

        var AcademeCode = $("#UAcademeCode").val();


        if (AcademeID != '' && AcademeID != undefined &&!isNaN(AcademeID)

           && AcademeName != '' &&AcademeName != undefined

           && AcademeCode != '' &&AcademeCode != undefined)
        //Asynchronous submission of data


                    AcademeID: AcademeID,




                function (returnJson) {

                    if (returnJson.State == true) {

                        //Close the modal box


                        //Refresh table

                        tabAcademe =layuiTable.reload('tabAcademe');



                }, "json");


        else {


            layer.alert('Please complete the form.', { title: 'Tips', icon: 0 });



Note: The code in the view is all jQuery code.

Posted by scotch33 on Thu, 09 May 2019 22:54:39 -0700