Production of NUS-WIDE-10K dataset

Keywords: Python

NUS-WIDE is a multi label dataset, which contains 269648 samples and can be divided into 81 classes. Recently, I was doing a cross modal retrieval project and found that many papers used the NUS-WIDE-10K dataset, but I didn't find the relevant dataset download link or dataset creation code on the Internet, so I wrote a NUS-WIDE-10K dataset creation code myself.

1. Introduction

The earliest paper I found on the Internet on the description of NUS-WIDE-10K dataset is: cross modal retrieval with correlation autoencoder. The description is as follows: the author selects the 10 largest classes in the NUS-WIDE dataset: animal, clouds, owners, food, grass, person, sky, toy, water and window, and selects 1000 pictures (10000 in total) from each class as the NUS-WIDE-10K dataset. NUS-WIDE-10K is randomly divided into three subsets: training set, verification set and test set. The number of samples in each set is 8000, 1000 and 1000 respectively.

2. Data set analysis

  Let's take a look at the main structure of the NUS-WIDE dataset

  •   Flickr folder: the Flickr folder contains all the pictures in the NUS-WIDE dataset. There are 704 folders, and each folder represents a kind of pictures (remember that NUS-WIDE is a multi label dataset? Yes, so each picture has two labels)
  • Groundtruth folder: after decompression, there are   AllLabels/   and   TrainTestLabels/   Two directories, alllabels/   There are 81. txt files in total. Each file contains 269648 lines of 0 / 1 data, representing whether the data belongs to this category.
  • ImageList folder: there are three files in this folder: Imagelist.txt, TestImagelist.txt and TrainImagelist.txt. We only use Imagelist.txt, which lists the storage addresses of all pictures of the dataset in order.
  • NUS_WID_Tags folder: the folder has multiple files, but we only use All_Tags.txt, which stores the text descriptions of all pictures in order.
  • Concepts81.txt: contains the class name of 81 categories.

  3. Code


  • Extract the id value of each category sample of animal, clouds, owners, food, grass, person, sky, toy, water and window.
  • 1000 samples were randomly selected from each category.
import os
import numpy as np
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
import shutil
import sys

N_SAMPLE = 269648
label_dir = "Groundtruth/AllLabels"
image_dir = 'ImageList/ImageList.txt'
txt_dir = 'NUS_WID_Tags/All_Tags.txt'
output_dir = 'NUS_WIDE_10K/NUS_WIDE_10k.list'
classes = ['animal', 'clouds', 'flowers', 'food', 'grass', 'person', 'sky', 'toy', 'water', 'window']   #10 categories of NUS-WIDE-10K dataset

print('loading all class names')
cls_id = {}
with open("Concepts81.txt", "r") as f:
    for cid, line in enumerate(f):
        cn = line.strip()
        cls_id[cn] = cid
id_cls = {cls_id[k]: k for k in cls_id}
print('Finished, with {} classes.'.format(len(id_cls)))

print('Extract and sample id from label files')
data_list = {}
class_files = os.listdir(label_dir)
class_files.remove('Labels_waterfall.txt')  #Remove labels manually_ Waterfall.txt this file prevents errors
for class_file in class_files:
    for clas in classes:
        if clas in class_file:
            print('class_file:' + class_file)
            with open(os.path.join(label_dir, class_file), "r") as f:
                i = []
                for sid, line in enumerate(f):
                    if int(line) > 0:
                print('total samples of {}:'.format(clas) + str(len(i)))
                data_list[clas] = random.sample(i, 1000)    #Randomly select 1000 data for each category
                print('sample number of ' + clas + ':{}\n'.format(len(data_list[clas])))

Generate NUS_WIDE_10k.list file

  • For ease of use, we created NUS_WIDE_10k.list file is used to store (picture address, text description, sample category).
images = []
txts = []
with open(image_dir, "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
with open(txt_dir, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip().split('      ')
print('images:{}  text:{}'.format(len(images), len(txts)))

print('Write the list')
with open(output_dir, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for clas in classes:
        for i in data_list[clas]:
            f.write('{}      {}      {}\n'.format(images[i].split('\\')[0] + '/' + images[i].split('\\')[1], txts[i], clas))

Divide image training set and test set

  • For each category, there are 800, 100, 100 images for training, validation and testing.
def split_train_val_nus_wide_10k(): #Divide the training set and test set of pictures
    count = 0
    print('Split training and test set for images')
    with open(output_dir, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        for i, line in enumerate(f):
            print("\r", end="")
            print("Download progress: {}%: ".format(i/100), "▋" * (i // 100), end="")
            count += 1
            line = line.strip().split('      ')
            img = line[0]
            doc = line[-1]
            if count % 1000 < 900:
                new_path = 'NUS_WIDE_10K/image_split/train/'
                new_path = 'NUS_WIDE_10K/image_split/val/'
            if not os.path.exists(new_path + doc):
                os.mkdir(new_path + doc)
            image_path = 'Flickr/' + img
            shutil.copyfile(image_path, new_path + doc + '/' + img.split('/')[-1])

Complete code

import os
import numpy as np
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
import shutil
import sys

N_SAMPLE = 269648
label_dir = "Groundtruth/AllLabels"
image_dir = 'ImageList/ImageList.txt'
txt_dir = 'NUS_WID_Tags/All_Tags.txt'
output_dir = 'NUS_WIDE_10K/NUS_WIDE_10k.list'
classes = ['animal', 'clouds', 'flowers', 'food', 'grass', 'person', 'sky', 'toy', 'water', 'window']   #10 categories of NUS-WIDE-10K dataset

print('loading all class names')
cls_id = {}
with open("Concepts81.txt", "r") as f:
    for cid, line in enumerate(f):
        cn = line.strip()
        cls_id[cn] = cid
id_cls = {cls_id[k]: k for k in cls_id}
print('Finished, with {} classes.'.format(len(id_cls)))

print('Extract and sample id from label files')
data_list = {}
class_files = os.listdir(label_dir)
class_files.remove('Labels_waterfall.txt')  #Remove labels manually_ Waterfall.txt this file prevents errors
for class_file in class_files:
    for clas in classes:
        if clas in class_file:
            print('class_file:' + class_file)
            with open(os.path.join(label_dir, class_file), "r") as f:
                i = []
                for sid, line in enumerate(f):
                    if int(line) > 0:
                print('total samples of {}:'.format(clas) + str(len(i)))
                data_list[clas] = random.sample(i, 1000)    #Randomly select 1000 data for each category
                print('sample number of ' + clas + ':{}\n'.format(len(data_list[clas])))

print('Extract all images and text')
images = []
txts = []
with open(image_dir, "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
with open(txt_dir, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip().split('      ')
print('images:{}  text:{}'.format(len(images), len(txts)))

print('Write the list')
with open(output_dir, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for clas in classes:
        for i in data_list[clas]:
            f.write('{}      {}      {}\n'.format(images[i].split('\\')[0] + '/' + images[i].split('\\')[1], txts[i], clas))

def split_train_val_nus_wide_10k(): #Divide the training set and test set of pictures
    count = 0
    print('Split training and test set for images')
    with open(output_dir, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        for i, line in enumerate(f):
            print("\r", end="")
            print("Download progress: {}%: ".format(i/100), "▋" * (i // 100), end="")
            count += 1
            line = line.strip().split('      ')
            img = line[0]
            doc = line[-1]
            if count % 1000 < 900:
                new_path = 'NUS_WIDE_10K/image_split/train/'
                new_path = 'NUS_WIDE_10K/image_split/val/'
            if not os.path.exists(new_path + doc):
                os.mkdir(new_path + doc)
            image_path = 'Flickr/' + img
            shutil.copyfile(image_path, new_path + doc + '/' + img.split('/')[-1])


Posted by ambrennan on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 12:23:47 -0700