Processing flow of request in RGW for source code interpretation

Keywords: REST Swift Ceph

Processing flow of request in RGW for source code interpretation

Request Processing Flowchart

Take civetweb as an example

  1. is the entry for the entire radosgw service. The main() function selects different front-end types based on the rgw frontends parameter settings in ceph.conf, and then executes the corresponding run() method to start the entire frontend service.Note that different handler s are generated for various types of interfaces, such as s3, swift, admin, depending on the rgw_enable_apis settings in ceph.conf, as follows

    get_str_list(g_conf->rgw_enable_apis, apis); #Get a list of interface types
      map<string, bool> apis_map;
      for (list<string>::iterator li = apis.begin(); li != apis.end(); ++li) {
        apis_map[*li] = true;
      if (apis_map.count("s3") > 0 || s3website_enabled) {
        if (! swift_at_root) {
          rest.register_default_mgr(set_logging(new RGWRESTMgr_S3(s3website_enabled))); #Set S3 interface default handler to RGWRESTMgr_S3
      if (apis_map.count("swift") > 0) {
        do_swift = true;
        RGWRESTMgr_SWIFT* const swift_resource = new RGWRESTMgr_SWIFT;#Set swift interface default handler to RGWRESTMgr_SWIFT
  2. Then in the corresponding, according to the civetweb start process described earlier, set the corresponding start parameters, and then use mg_start() to complete the start of civetweb.(Note that the callback setting in the parameter is civetweb_callback)

    int RGWMongooseFrontend::run() {
      char thread_pool_buf[32];
      snprintf(thread_pool_buf, sizeof(thread_pool_buf), "%d",
      string port_str;
      map<string, string> conf_map = conf->get_config_map();
      conf->get_val("port", "80", &port_str);
      std::replace(port_str.begin(), port_str.end(), '+', ',');
      conf_map["listening_ports"] = port_str; #civetweb default boot listening port
      set_conf_default(conf_map, "enable_keep_alive", "yes"); #keep_alive parameter settings
      set_conf_default(conf_map, "num_threads", thread_pool_buf); #Default threads settings
      set_conf_default(conf_map, "decode_url", "no");
      struct mg_callbacks cb;
      memset((void *)&cb, 0, sizeof(cb));
      cb.begin_request = civetweb_callback; #Callback function settings
      cb.log_message = rgw_civetweb_log_callback;
      cb.log_access = rgw_civetweb_log_access_callback;
      ctx = mg_start(&cb, &env, (const char **)&options); #Start Services
      if (!ctx) {
        return -EIO;
      return 0;
    } /* RGWMongooseFrontend::run */
  3. With the settings from the previous step, each request request in civetweb_callback needs to be processed by process_request(), noting that each request request will bind a set of RGWRados (responsible for data read and write of the underlying Librados)/RGWREST (processing corresponding requests and responses)/OpsLogSocket (logging messages)

    static int civetweb_callback(struct mg_connection* conn) {
    struct mg_request_info* req_info = mg_get_request_info(conn);
    RGWMongooseEnv* pe = static_cast<RGWMongooseEnv *>(req_info->user_data); 
    // hold a read lock over access to pe->store for reconfiguration
    RWLock::RLocker lock(pe->mutex);
    RGWRados* store = pe->store; 
    RGWREST* rest = pe->rest; 
    OpsLogSocket* olog = pe->olog; 
    RGWRequest req(store->get_new_req_id());
    RGWMongoose client_io(conn);
    int ret = process_request(pe->store, rest, &req, &client_io, olog); #Each request request request binds a set of previous RGWRados, RGWREST, OpsLogSocket s
  4. The process_request() in is then called, where rest->get_handler obtains the corresponding handler type based on whether the requested URL contains bucket and object information, then calls handler->get_op(store) to get the final Handler Based on the corresponding request_method of the handler obtained earlier, and triggers the pre_exec(), execute(), complete() corresponding to the handler to complete the entire reqProcessing of UEST request, code as follows:

    int process_request(RGWRados* store, RGWREST* rest, RGWRequest* req,GWStreamIO* client_io, OpsLogSocket* olog)
    {int ret = 0;
    RGWHandler_REST *handler = rest->get_handler(store, s, client_io, &mgr,&init_error); #The corresponding handler type is further obtained here depending on whether the URL contains a bucket or an Object field
    if (init_error != 0) {
    abort_early(s, NULL, init_error, NULL);
    goto done;
    dout(10) << "handler=" << typeid(*handler).name() << dendl;
    should_log = mgr->get_logging();
    req->log_format(s, "getting op %d", s->op);
    op = handler->get_op(store); #Here you get the handler type that will ultimately process the request request request based on request_method
    req->log(s, "pre-executing");
    op->pre_exec(); #Request Preprocessing
    req->log(s, "executing");
    op->execute(); #Specific implementation of specific requests
    req->log(s, "completing");
    op->complete(); #Complete Request Processing
    RGWHandler_REST* RGWRESTMgr_S3::get_handler(struct req_state *s)
      bool is_s3website = enable_s3website && (s->prot_flags & RGW_REST_WEBSITE);
      int ret =
                        is_s3website ? RGW_FORMAT_HTML :
                        RGW_FORMAT_XML, true);
      if (ret < 0)
        return NULL;
      RGWHandler_REST* handler;
      // TODO: Make this more readable
      if (is_s3website) {
        if (s->init_state.url_bucket.empty()) {
          handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Service_S3Website;
        } else if (s->object.empty()) {
          handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3Website;
        } else {
          handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3Website;
      } else {
        if (s->init_state.url_bucket.empty()) {
            handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Service_S3; #Switch to RGWHandler_REST_Service_S3 if the bucket is empty
        } else if (s->object.empty()) {
            handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3; #Switch RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3 if obj is empty
        } else {
            handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3; #bucket and Object are not empty, switch to RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3
      ldout(s->cct, 20) << __func__ << " handler=" << typeid(*handler).name()
                << dendl;
      return handler;
    RGWOp* RGWHandler_REST::get_op(RGWRados* store)
      RGWOp *op;
      switch (s->op)  #Here s corresponds to the structure of a req_state
      { rest->op
       case OP_GET:
         op = op_get();
       case OP_PUT:
         op = op_put();
       case OP_DELETE:
         op = op_delete();
       case OP_HEAD:
         op = op_head();
       case OP_POST:
         op = op_post();
       case OP_COPY:
         op = op_copy();
       case OP_OPTIONS:
         op = op_options();
         return NULL;
      if (op) {
        op->init(store, s, this);
      return op;
    } /* get_op */
    Structural Definition
    struct req_state {
      CephContext *cct;
      RGWClientIO *cio;
      RGWRequest *req; /// XXX: re-remove??
      http_op op; #Corresponds to an enumeration type, as follows
      RGWOpType op_type;
      enum http_op {

URL->handler procedure

Understand the entire URL conversion handler process, feel request information quickly locate specific op operations, debug, the entire process is summarized in the following figure.

Posted by SQL Maestro on Thu, 20 Jun 2019 13:00:30 -0700