In MySQL, if a column type is TIMESTAMP or DATETIME and on update current_timestamp is set, the value of the field is automatically updated to the current time as the update command updates the line record. This feature is very useful in application development, making it easy to record the last update time of each line.
But this feature is not standard SQL grammar. After migrating to PostgreSQL, the database has to add set updated_at = current_timestamp in every update statement, which will inevitably be missed. So I developed PgAUT Plug-in, providing MySQL-like functionality.
I. Marker Auto Update Fields
The principle of plug-in is to create a trigger automatically when creating tables, and assign the values of fields that need to be updated automatically to clock_timestamp() before the update statement is executed.
In order to identify which fields need to be updated automatically, a special alias is created for the timestamp type by using the "domain", which is subsequently used as the type of field that needs to be updated automatically:
create domain auto_update_timestamp as timestamp; -- Create table create table foo ( id bigint primary key, c1 auto_update_timestamp default current_timestamp ); -- Modify table alter table foo add column c2 auto_update_timestamp;
2. Create Trigger
Knowing which columns need to be updated automatically, you can bind a trigger to the table to update the values automatically when updating:
create or replace foo_on_update_handler() returns trigger as $$ begin new.c1 = clock_timestamp(); new.c2 = clock_timestamp(); return new; end; $$ language plpgsql; create trigger foo_on_update_trigger before update on foo for each row execute procedure foo_on_update_handler();
Event Trigger
Unlike ordinary triggers, Event trigger Capture all DDL changes, such as CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE, etc. With this feature, triggers can be created automatically when creating tables:
create or replace function table_event_trigger_handler() returns event_trigger as $$ declare _e record; _sql text; _schema_name text; _table_name text; begin -- adopt pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands Get the element information of the current change for _e in select * from pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() loop if _e.object_type = 'table' and _e.command_tag = 'CREATE TABLE' then -- from pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands Can't get the name of the table -- Only by hand pg_class Get in schema and table Name select pg_namespace.nspname, pg_class.relname into _schema_name, _table_name from pg_class inner join pg_namespace on pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid where pg_class.oid = _e.objid; -- All types of change tables obtained from column information tables are auto_update_timestamp Column names -- Assemble into a group new.<column-name> := clock_timestamp(); select string_agg(' new.' || column_name || ' := clock_timestamp();', E'\n') into _sql from information_schema.columns where table_schema = _schema_name and table_name = _table_name and domain_name = 'auto_update_timestamp'; -- Execute dynamic statements to create trigger functions execute format($SQL$ create or replace function %s.%s_on_update_handler() returns trigger as $HANDLER$ begin %s return new; end; $HANDLER$ language plpgsql; $SQL$, _schema_name, _table_name, _sql); -- Execute dynamic statements to create triggers execute format($SQL$ create trigger %s_%s_on_update_trigger before update on %s.%s for each row execute procedure %s.%s_on_update_handler() $SQL$, _schema_name, _table_name , _schema_name, _table_name , _schema_name, _table_name); end if; end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql; -- Create event triggers to process CREATE TABLE Event create event trigger table_event_trigger on ddl_command_end when tag in ('CREATE TABLE') execute procedure table_event_trigger_handler();
Complete other event triggers
The above code implements the automatic creation of trigger functions and triggers when CREATE TABLE is processed, and binds them to new tables. It also needs to create ALTER TABLE to update trigger functions when table fields are added or deleted, and DROP TABLE to delete trigger functions when table fields are added or deleted.
Details can be found in the source code of the plug-in: