Practical skills of Xpath in browser

Keywords: Attribute

In the browser environment, some powerful xpath standard methods are not supported (such as the regular matching method matches()), and only limited methods can be used for extraction. Here is a list of my commonly used search skills and experience; update from time to time.

Commonly used

Take the following paging component node structure as an example:

<div class="pageList">
    <span data-span style="display:none">.</span>
    <span class="disabled">‹</span>
    <span class="current" data-span>1</span>
    <a href="" style="display:none"></a>
    <a href="/Program/n-d-2-a-2">2</a>
    <a href="/Program/n-d-2-a-3">3</a>
    <a href="/Program/n-d-2-a-4">4</a>
    <a href="/Program/n-d-2-a-5">5</a>
    <a href="/Program/n-d-2-a-2">›</a>
    <a href="/Program/n-d-2-a-30" class="last">... 30</a>
<div class="ad">
    <a href='xxx'></a>
    <a href="xxx"><img src="xxx" /></a>

"Or" conditions

Select the "previous" and "next" nodes:

//div[@class="pageList"]/span[@class="current" and @data-span]

"And" conditions

Select the "previous" and "next" nodes:

//div[@class="pageList"]/*[text()="‹" or text()="›" ]

"Non" condition

Select a node that does not contain the attribute of a href:



Select the a node with the 'Program' attribute in the href attribute:


Select the a node with the attribute of "Program" not included in the attribute of "href":


Judge whether it is a number

Select a node where the text is a number:

//div[@class="pageList"]/a[string(number(text())) != 'NaN'];

Parent node

Select a node containing img in ad:


Adjacent sibling node

Select the first adjacent node in front of node a on page 4 (node a on page 3):


Select the first adjacent node after node a on page 4 (that is, node a on page 5):


Begin or end with a specific character

Select the a-node whose attribute of the href starts with "/ Program" (ends with):



Select the first three a's:


Select the last a:


Implementation of Xpath method in js

function getElementsByXpath(xpathToExecute, element) {
        element = (element === undefined)? document:element;
        var result = [];
        var nodesSnapshot = document.evaluate(xpathToExecute, element, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
        for (var i = 0; i < nodesSnapshot.snapshotLength; i++) {
        return result;

//Example of invocation
getElementsByXpath('//div', document.body)

Here are the standard axes and operators for easy viewing. The original text of this part comes from

XPath operator

XPath expressions return node sets, strings, logical values, and numbers.


Xpath axis


Posted by getDizzle on Sun, 01 Dec 2019 07:44:23 -0800