PlantUML Quick Start UML Time Series Diagram

Keywords: Design Pattern OOP UML

UML Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are the most commonly used UML diagrams after class diagrams. Sequence diagrams represent interactions as a two-dimensional graph with the time axis vertically and the time going down vertically. The horizontal axis represents the roles in collaboration and is generally a Class.Objects, with a dashed line representing the lifeline of each role, and rectangular vertical bars indicating whether they are active or not. Synchronous or asynchronous messages can be sent between objects.

Sequence diagrams may be more valuable than class diagrams for PlantUML

Synchronization message

Alice -> Bob: Hi
Bob --> Alice: Hi

Alice -> Bob: Is this a pen?
Bob --> Alice: No! This is an apple!!

  • Basic composition of sequence diagram: <role> <message type> <role> <message content>
  • In message type - > indicates synchronous message
  • -->A dashed line indicates a return message

Asynchronous message

Alice ->> Bob: Hi
Alice ->> Bob: Is this a pen?
Alice ->> Bob: Is this a pen??
Alice ->> Bob: Is this a pen???
Alice ->> Bob: Is this a pen????

Bob -> Alice: This is an apple!!!

-->Represents an asynchronous message

Role Lifeline

participant Alice
participant Bob
participant Carol

Carol -> Bob: Who is Alice?
Bob -> Alice: Are you Alice?

  • Multiple participant s show the lifelines of the roles in left-to-right order
  • If there are no participant s, the order in which the roles appear shows their lifelines from left to right

Role Legend

actor Actor
boundary Boundary
control Control
entity Entity
database Database
collections Collections

In addition to participant, special role types can be represented using other keywords

Message to yourself

Aclie -> Aclie: do something by yourself
Aclie -> Aclie: do something by yourself
Aclie -> Aclie: do something by yourself
Aclie -> Aclie: do something by yourself

message number

Alice -> Bob: Hi
Bob -> Carol: Hi
Carol -> Dave: Hi
Bob -> Dave: Hi

Sometimes you need to add a sequence number to the message to indicate the order. You can add autonumber before the first message and autonumber for subsequent messages.

Start Number and Increment

autonumber 3
Alice -> Bob: Hi
Bob -> Carol: Hi
autonumber 2 3
Carol -> Dave: Hi
Bob -> Dave: Hi

AutoNumber < start number > < increment > is used to specify the increment of its sequence number and its increment

Message Sequence Number Paused

Alice -> Bob: Hi
autonumber stop
Bob -> Carol: Hi
Carol -> Dave: Hi
autonumber resume
Bob -> Dave: Hi
Carol -> Dave: Hi
  • autonumber stop: automatic number pause
  • autonumber resume: autonumber resume

Message Group

Alice -> Bob: Is this a pen?
alt yes
    Alice <-- Bob: Yes! This is a pen!!
else no
    Alice <-- Bob: No! This is an apple!!!!!

  • Sometimes multiple messages are needed to represent a set of related logic, and preset keywords can be used to represent various logic, such as
    • alt/else
    • opt
    • loop
    • par
    • break
    • critical
  • Add text that represents logic after the keyword, such as yes, no, and so on
  • Indentation of message information is not required, but is more readable

Message Group Nesting

Other message groups can be nested within a message group as follows:

Alice -> Bob: Is this a pen?
alt yes
    Alice <-- Bob: Yes! This is a pen!!
else no
    Alice <-- Bob: Noooooooo! This is an apple!!!!!
    loop ∞
        Alice -> Bob: Oh sorry! By the way, is this a pen?
        Alice <-- Bob: No!!!!

Custom Message Group

In addition to message groups using preset keywords, you can customize a message group with any name

group copy
    Alice -> Bob: Is this a pen?
    Alice <-- Bob: No! This is an apple!!

Add the name of the message group after the group

Lifeline Active State

activate Alice
Alice -> Bob

activate Bob
Bob -> Carol

activate Carol
Bob <-- Carol

deactivate Carol
Alice <-- Bob

deactivate Bob

  • The lifeline of activate <name>specified name is active
  • Deactive <name>lifeline of specified name exits active state

Nested Active State

activate Alice
Alice -> Bob

activate Bob
Bob -> Bob
activate Bob
Bob -> Carol

activate Carol
Bob <-- Carol

deactivate Carol
Alice <-- Bob

deactivate Bob

Continuing activate in activate can nest active states

Create roles and lifelines

Alice -> Bob
create Carol
Bob -> Carol: new
Bob -> Carol
Bob <-- Carol
Alice <-- Bob

Create <name>is used to create a role and its lifeline, where the message arrow executes the role legend

Reference, Reference

Alice -> Bob
ref over Bob, Carol: ...
Alice <-- Bob
ref over Alice
end ref

Reference information can be added to a time series diagram

  • Ref over <Lifeline Name>: <Content>: Reference Scope and Reference Content
  • Ref over...End ref: Reference can be wrapped

Boundary line

== Foo ==
Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob

== Bar ==
Bob -> Carol
Bob <-- Carol

== <name> ==Add a boundary line that spans the lifelines of all roles

External message

[-> Alice: Hello
Alice ->]: Hello

Use [,] before and after the message arrow to indicate a message from or to the outside

Message Interval

Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob

Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob
Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob
Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob

  • Add || between messages to properly open the message interval
  • ||<pixel>|:pixel can specify the number of pixels at a specific interval


Alice -> Bob
note left: Hello
Alice <-- Bob
note right: World
Alice -> Alice
note left
end note

  • A message followed by a note left or note right indicates that a note is added at the appropriate location, noting that note cannot specify top or bottom
  • Note <left|right>...Endnote can write notes on new lines
  • Note Content Support Creole Format, Creole has a syntax similar to Markdown

Example Creole syntax

note left
  = Heading 1
  == Heading 2
  === Heading 3

  * List 1
  * List 2
  ** List 2-1

  # Ordered List 1
  # Ordered List 2
  ## Ordered List 2-1

  * **bold**
  * //Italic//
  * ""Equal width font(monospace)""
  * --Strikeout--
  * __Underline__

  |= |= Column1 |= Column2 |
  |1 |Value1-1  |Value1-2  |
  |2 |Value2-1  |Value2-2  |

  * <color:red>Set Colors</color>
  * <color:#00FF00>Color number</color>
  * <back:skyblue>background color</back>
  * <size:18>Font Size</size>
  * <b>bold</b>


end note

Posted by zrueda on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 10:08:11 -0700