PHP utility code snippet (2)

Keywords: PHP MySQL JSON Database

1. Convert URL: from string to hyperlink

If you're developing a forum, a blog, or a regular form submission, you often need users to visit a website. With this function, the URL string can be automatically converted to a hyperlink.

function makeClickableLinks($text) 
 $text = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)',  
 '<a href="\1">\1</a>', $text);  
 $text = eregi_replace('([[:space:]()[{}])(www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)',  
 '\1<a href="http://\2">\2</a>', $text);  
 $text = eregi_replace('([_.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+.)+[a-z]{2,3})',  
 '<a href="mailto:\1">\1</a>', $text);  
return $text;  


$text = "This is my first post on";
$text = makeClickableLinks($text);
echo $text;

2. Block multiple IP S from visiting your website

This code snippet allows you to disable certain IP addresses from accessing your website.

if ( !file_exists('blocked_ips.txt') ) {
 $deny_ips = array(
} else {
 $deny_ips = file('blocked_ips.txt');
// read user ip adress:
$ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) : '';
// search current IP in $deny_ips array
if ( (array_search($ip, $deny_ips))!== FALSE ) {
 // address is blocked:
 echo 'Your IP adress ('.$ip.') was blocked!';

3. Mandatory file download

If you need to download a specific file without opening a new window, the following code snippet can help you.

function force_download($file) 
    $dir      = "../log/exports/"; 
    if ((isset($file))&&(file_exists($dir.$file))) { 
       header("Content-type: application/force-download"); 
       header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $dir.$file . '"'); 
       header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); 
       header("Content-length: ".filesize($dir.$file)); 
       header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); 
       header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '"'); 
    } else { 
       echo "No file selected"; 



4. Create JSON data

Use the following PHP fragment to create JSON data, which is convenient for you to create Web services for mobile applications.

$json_data = array ('id'=>1,'name'=>"Mohit");
echo json_encode($json_data);

5. Compress the zip file

Use the following PHP snippet to instantly compress the zip file.

function create_zip($files = array(),$destination = '',$overwrite = false) {  
    //if the zip file already exists and overwrite is false, return false  
    if(file_exists($destination) && !$overwrite) { return false; }  
    $valid_files = array();  
    //if files were passed in...  
    if(is_array($files)) {  
        //cycle through each file  
        foreach($files as $file) {  
            //make sure the file exists  
            if(file_exists($file)) {  
                $valid_files[] = $file;  
    //if we have good files...  
    if(count($valid_files)) {  
        //create the archive  
        $zip = new ZipArchive();  
        if($zip->open($destination,$overwrite ? ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE : ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== true) {  
            return false;  
        //add the files  
        foreach($valid_files as $file) {  
        //echo 'The zip archive contains ',$zip->numFiles,' files with a status of ',$zip->status;  
        //close the zip -- done!  
        //check to make sure the file exists  
        return file_exists($destination);  
        return false;  


$files=array('file1.jpg', 'file2.jpg', 'file3.gif');  
create_zip($files, '', true); 

6. Unzip the file

function unzip($location,$newLocation)
        if(exec("unzip $location",$arr)){
            for($i = 1;$i< count($arr);$i++){
                $file = trim(preg_replace("~inflating: ~","",$arr[$i]));
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;


unzip('','unziped/test'); //File would be unzipped in unziped/test folder

7. Zoom image

function resize_image($filename, $tmpname, $xmax, $ymax)  
    $ext = explode(".", $filename);  
    $ext = $ext[count($ext)-1];  
    if($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg")  
        $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($tmpname);  
    elseif($ext == "png")  
        $im = imagecreatefrompng($tmpname);  
    elseif($ext == "gif")  
        $im = imagecreatefromgif($tmpname);  
    $x = imagesx($im);  
    $y = imagesy($im);  
    if($x <= $xmax && $y <= $ymax)  
        return $im;  
    if($x >= $y) {  
        $newx = $xmax;  
        $newy = $newx * $y / $x;  
    else {  
        $newy = $ymax;  
        $newx = $x / $y * $newy;  
    $im2 = imagecreatetruecolor($newx, $newy);  
    imagecopyresized($im2, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, floor($newx), floor($newy), $x, $y);  
    return $im2;   

8. Use mail() to send mail

function send_mail($to,$subject,$body)
$headers = "From: KOONK\r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To:\r\n";
$headers .= "Return-Path:\r\n";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP5\n";
$headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";


$to = "";
$subject = "This is a test mail";
$body = "Hello World!";

9. Convert seconds to days, hours and minutes

function secsToStr($secs) {
    if($secs>=86400){$days=floor($secs/86400);$secs=$secs%86400;$r=$days.' day';if($days<>1){$r.='s';}if($secs>0){$r.=', ';}}
    if($secs>=3600){$hours=floor($secs/3600);$secs=$secs%3600;$r.=$hours.' hour';if($hours<>1){$r.='s';}if($secs>0){$r.=', ';}}
    if($secs>=60){$minutes=floor($secs/60);$secs=$secs%60;$r.=$minutes.' minute';if($minutes<>1){$r.='s';}if($secs>0){$r.=', ';}}
    $r.=$secs.' second';if($secs<>1){$r.='s';}
    return $r;


$seconds = "56789";
$output = secsToStr($seconds);
echo $output;

10. Database connection

Connect to MySQL database

$DBNAME = 'koonk';
$HOST = 'localhost';
$DBUSER = 'root';
$DBPASS = 'koonk';
$CONNECT = mysql_connect($HOST,$DBUSER,$DBPASS);
    echo 'MySQL Error: '.mysql_error();
$SELECT = mysql_select_db($DBNAME);
    echo 'MySQL Error: '.mysql_error();

Posted by jonathanellis on Fri, 03 Apr 2020 00:01:20 -0700