php Closure $this scoping problem

Keywords: Programming PHP Attribute

Today's problems,

  1. Scenario class A defines a static function f1.
  2. Another class B is exemplified in this static func f1
  3. f1 then uses an instance of B for setAttribute operation, where one of the attribute s is an anonymous function cf1
  4. cf1 depends on a parameter, which is an example of B

class A
    public static function testClosureScope()
        $objB = (new B)->setAttr1(
            function (){
                self::otherFunc();//todo Here you need to use the currently instantiated B object as a parameter

    public static function otherFunc(B $objB)

class B
    public $attr1;

     * @return mixed
    public function getAttr1()
        return $this->attr1;

     * @param mixed $attr1
    public function setAttr1($attr1)
        $this->attr1 = $attr1;

        return $this;


Question: The above todo needs to be improved, How?

1. Delivery of $this


class A
    public static function testClosureScope()
        $objB = (new B)->setAttr1(
            function (){
                self::otherFunc($this);//todo Here you need to use the currently instantiated B object as a parameter

    public static function otherFunc(B $objB)

ERROR, the idea is good, but this $this is not transferable, the reason is:

  • The current testClosureScope method is static

  • Even if the method is not static, $this will automatically bind to an instance of Class A, that is, $this in Closure will automatically bind to the class defined, not necessarily the class invoked.


Solution method

1.Closure's Inheritance Scope Variables


class A
    public static function testClosureScope()
        $objB = (new B);

            function ()use($objB){
                self::otherFunc($objB);//todo Here you need to use the currently instantiated B object as a parameter

        return $objB;

    public static function otherFunc(B $objB)

class B
    public $attr1;

     * @return mixed
    public function getAttr1()
        return $this->attr1;

     * @param mixed $attr1
    public function setAttr1($attr1)
        $this->attr1 = $attr1;

        return $this;

$obj  = A::testClosureScope();

$cf = $obj->getAttr1();
$cf();//RECURSION recursively refers to itself

2. Closure's bindTo


class A
    public static function testClosureScope()
        $f = function (){
                self::otherFunc($this);//Here you need to use the currently instantiated B object as a parameter
        $objB = (new B);

        $bindF = $f->bindTo($objB);//Closure is bound to instance B; so the $this above will take effect; be careful to receive the return value

        return $objB;

    public static function otherFunc(B $objB)

class B
    public $attr1;

     * @return mixed
    public function getAttr1()
        return $this->attr1;

     * @param mixed $attr1
    public function setAttr1($attr1)
        $this->attr1 = $attr1;

        return $this;

$obj  = A::testClosureScope();

$cf = $obj->getAttr1();

Posted by bogins on Sat, 12 Oct 2019 11:02:25 -0700