Path with a value in binary tree (+ linked list copy)

Keywords: Java


Input the following node and an integer of a binary tree, and print out all paths in which the sum of node values in the binary tree is the input integer. Path is defined as a path from the root node of the tree to the node that the leaf node passes through. (Note: in the list of returned values, the array with large array length is first)


It can be judged by traversing the root node one by one.

Note: copy operation with linked list after code

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class TreeNode {
    int val = 0;
    TreeNode left = null;
    TreeNode right = null;

    public TreeNode(int val) {
        this.val = val;


public class Solution {
    public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> FindPath(TreeNode root,int target) {
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> ans = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
        if(root == null)
            return ans;
        ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        Find(root, target, ans, list, 0);
        return ans;
    public void Find(TreeNode root, int target,
                     ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> ans, ArrayList<Integer> list, int sum){
        if(root == null || sum+root.val > target)
            return ;
        sum += root.val;
        if(root.left == null && root.right == null){
            if(target == sum){
                ans.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(list));//Add the same list as list
                list.remove(list.size()-1);//Remove the newly added node for subsequent operations in other situations
            return ;
        list.add(root.val); //Cannot be placed before the previous if
        Find(root.left, target, ans, list, sum);
        Find(root.right, target, ans, list, sum);
        list.remove(list.size()-1);//Remove the newly added node for subsequent operations in other situations

Linked list replication

Two species:

â‘ ArrayList<Integer> desc = new ArrayList<Integer>(src);

â‘¡Collections.copy(desc, src);

In the way of a = b, one linked list operation will affect the other linked list data

It's not very clear about the deep copy and shallow copy involved. If there is a way to practice and prove it, can you tell me?

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

public class Solution {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    	System.out.println("The following operations on a single linked list do not affect the data of another linked list(Operations with comments)");
    	System.out.println("==================ArrayList<Integer> desc = new ArrayList<Integer>(src);===============================");
		ArrayList<Integer> a = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		for (Integer integer : a) {
			System.out.print(integer+" ");
		ArrayList<Integer> b = new ArrayList<Integer>(a);
		for (Integer integer : b) {
			System.out.print(integer+" ");
		a.set(0, 1000);
		for (Integer integer : a) {
			System.out.print(integer+" ");
		for (Integer integer : b) {
			System.out.print(integer+" ");
		System.out.println("\n====================Collections.copy(desc, src);=============================");
		ArrayList<Integer> c = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		Collections.copy(c, b);
		for (Integer integer : b) {
			System.out.print(integer+" ");
		for (Integer integer : c) {
			System.out.print(integer+" ");
		//c.set(0, 1000);
		for (Integer integer : c) {
			System.out.print(integer+" ");
		for (Integer integer : b) {
			System.out.print(integer+" ");

Operation result:

If there is any mistake or unreasonable place, please correct it~

Come on!!

Posted by Thresher on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 14:36:14 -0800