Passive information collection using Recon ng

Keywords: penetration test

Passive information collection using Recon ng

Full feature web information search framework, developed based on Python.
Note: when reading this article, pay attention to reading the comments in the code at the same time.

1. Enter Recon ng environment

1.1 welcome interface

    _/_/_/    _/_/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/      _/            _/      _/    _/_/_/
   _/    _/  _/        _/        _/      _/  _/_/    _/            _/_/    _/  _/       
  _/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/        _/      _/  _/  _/  _/  _/_/_/_/  _/  _/  _/  _/  _/_/_/
 _/    _/  _/        _/        _/      _/  _/    _/_/            _/    _/_/  _/      _/ 
_/    _/  _/_/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/      _/            _/      _/    _/_/_/    

                                         / \\ /\
    Sponsored by...               /\  /\/  \\V  \/\
                                 / \\/ // \\\\\ \\ \/\
                                // // BLACK HILLS \/ \\

                  ____   ____   ____   ____ _____ _  ____   ____  ____
                 |____] | ___/ |____| |       |   | |____  |____ |
                 |      |   \_ |    | |____   |   |  ____| |____ |____

                      [recon-ng v5.1.1, Tim Tomes (@lanmaster53)]                       

[84] Recon modules
[14] Disabled modules
[8]  Reporting modules
[4]  Import modules
[2]  Exploitation modules
[2]  Discovery modules

[recon-ng][default] > # Command prompt, where you enter interactive mode

1.2 help interface

1.2.1 view commands available in interactive mode

[recon-ng][default] > help

Commands (type [help|?] <topic>):
back            Exits the current context
dashboard       Displays a summary of activity
db              Interfaces with the workspace's database
exit            Exits the framework
help            Displays this menu
index           Creates a module index (dev only)
keys            Manages third party resource credentials
marketplace     Interfaces with the module marketplace
modules         Interfaces with installed modules
options         Manages the current context options
pdb             Starts a Python Debugger session (dev only)
script          Records and executes command scripts
shell           Executes shell commands
show            Shows various framework items
snapshots       Manages workspace snapshots
spool           Spools output to a file
workspaces      Manages workspaces

1.2.2 viewing Recon ng command

$ recon-ng -h
usage: recon-ng [-h] [-w workspace] [-r filename] [--no-version] [--no-analytics]
                [--no-marketplace] [--stealth] [--accessible] [--version]

recon-ng - Tim Tomes (@lanmaster53)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -w workspace      load/create a workspace
  -r filename       load commands from a resource file
  --no-version      disable version check. Already disabled by default in Debian
  --no-analytics    disable analytics reporting. Already disabled by default in Debian
  --no-marketplace  disable remote module management
  --stealth         disable all passive requests (--no-*)
  --accessible      Use accessible outputs when available
  --version         displays the current version

2 work area

If you do not create a workspace, you will work in the default workspace of Recon ng. However, for the convenience of management, it is best to create an independent partition for independent tasks, and the data between partitions does not affect each other.

2.1 view existing workspace

[recon-ng][default] > workspaces list # List workspaces

  | Workspaces |       Modified      |
  | default    | 2021-09-25 11:24:00 |
  | test1      | 2021-09-27 09:06:49 |
  | test2      | 2021-09-27 09:50:58 |

2.2 adding a new workspace

[recon-ng][default] > workspaces create demo # Create workspace
[recon-ng][demo] > # After creation, it will automatically enter the workspace

2.3 entering a work area

Recon ng has two ways to enter a workspace.

In the interactive interface:

[recon-ng][demo] > workspaces load default # Import workspace
[recon-ng][default] > 

On the command line:

$ recon-ng -w demo
    _/_/_/    _/_/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/      _/            _/      _/    _/_/_/
   _/    _/  _/        _/        _/      _/  _/_/    _/            _/_/    _/  _/       
  _/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/        _/      _/  _/  _/  _/  _/_/_/_/  _/  _/  _/  _/  _/_/_/
 _/    _/  _/        _/        _/      _/  _/    _/_/            _/    _/_/  _/      _/ 
_/    _/  _/_/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/_/_/    _/      _/            _/      _/    _/_/_/    

                                         / \\ /\
    Sponsored by...               /\  /\/  \\V  \/\
                                 / \\/ // \\\\\ \\ \/\
                                // // BLACK HILLS \/ \\

                  ____   ____   ____   ____ _____ _  ____   ____  ____
                 |____] | ___/ |____| |       |   | |____  |____ |
                 |      |   \_ |    | |____   |   |  ____| |____ |____

                      [recon-ng v5.1.1, Tim Tomes (@lanmaster53)]                       

[84] Recon modules
[14] Disabled modules
[8]  Reporting modules
[4]  Import modules
[2]  Exploitation modules
[2]  Discovery modules

[recon-ng][demo] > 

2.4 working area parameters

2.4.1 display workspace parameters

[recon-ng][demo] > options list

  Name        Current Value  Required  Description
  ----------  -------------  --------  -----------
  NAMESERVER        yes       default nameserver for the resolver mixin
  PROXY                      no        proxy server (address:port)
  THREADS     10             yes       number of threads (where applicable)
  TIMEOUT     10             yes       socket timeout (seconds)
  USER-AGENT  Recon-ng/v5    yes       user-agent string
  VERBOSITY   1              yes       verbosity level (0 = minimal, 1 = verbose, 2 = debug)

2.4.2 setting work area parameters

The workspace parameters here can also be skipped directly without setting and will not affect the results; But if you don't set parameters, it's easy for the other party to find that you scan him with Recon ng. Therefore, it is better to set it, and the scanning will be more hidden.

[recon-ng][demo] > options set USER-AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 # Set option values
USER-AGENT => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0
[recon-ng][demo] > options list

  Name        Current Value                                                              Required  Description
  ----------  -------------                                                              --------  -----------
  NAMESERVER                                                                    yes       default nameserver for the resolver mixin
  PROXY                                                                                  no        proxy server (address:port)
  THREADS     10                                                                         yes       number of threads (where applicable)
  TIMEOUT     10                                                                         yes       socket timeout (seconds)
  USER-AGENT  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0  yes       user-agent string
  VERBOSITY   1                                                                          yes       verbosity level (0 = minimal, 1 = verbose, 2 = debug)

3 DNS query

3.1 querying hosts

3.1.1 query process

[recon-ng][demo] > modules search brute # You can also search bing, baidu, shodan and other search engines
[*] Searching installed modules for 'brute'...



[recon-ng][demo] > modules load recon/domains-hosts/brute_hosts # Introduce corresponding module
[recon-ng][demo][brute_hosts] > options list # Enumerate options

  Name      Current Value                                 Required  Description
  --------  -------------                                 --------  -----------
  SOURCE    default                                       yes       source of input (see 'info' for details)
  WORDLIST  /home/parallels/.recon-ng/data/hostnames.txt  yes       path to hostname wordlist

[recon-ng][demo][brute_hosts] > options set SOURCE # Set source
[recon-ng][demo][brute_hosts] > run # Operation module

...... # The specific query results are omitted
[*] 92 total (92 new) hosts found.

3.1.2 display results

The query results will be saved in the database host table. You can view or obtain these data by using the show command or db query followed by SQL statements.

Using show:

[recon-ng][demo][brute_hosts] > show hosts
  | rowid |          host         |    ip_address   | region | country | latitude | longitude | notes |    module   |
  | 1     |     |    |        |         |          |           |       | brute_hosts |
  ...... # The detailed results are omitted
 | 92    |        |    |        |         |          |           |       | brute_hosts |

[*] 92 rows returned

Using db query SQL:

db query select host, ip_address from hosts

  |          host         |    ip_address   |
  |     |    |
...... # The detailed results are omitted
  |        |    |

[*] 92 rows returned

3.1.3 if you are not familiar with the module

You can use the info command to print the details of the current module, including various functions and the meaning of each option.

[recon-ng][demo][brute_hosts] > info

      Name: DNS Hostname Brute Forcer
    Author: Tim Tomes (@lanmaster53)
   Version: 1.0

  Brute forces host names using DNS. Updates the 'hosts' table with the results.

  Name      Current Value                                 Required  Description
  --------  -------------                                 --------  -----------
  SOURCE                                    yes       source of input (see 'info' for details)
  WORDLIST  /home/parallels/.recon-ng/data/hostnames.txt  yes       path to hostname wordlist

Source Options:
  default        SELECT DISTINCT domain FROM domains WHERE domain IS NOT NULL
  <string>       string representing a single input
  <path>         path to a file containing a list of inputs
  query <sql>    database query returning one column of inputs

3.2 hosts analysis

Parse the existing host to find a new host, as follows.

[recon-ng][demo][brute_hosts] > back
[recon-ng][demo] > modules search resolve
[*] Searching installed modules for 'resolve'...


[recon-ng][demo] > modules load recon/hosts-hosts/resolve
[recon-ng][demo][resolve] > options list

  Name    Current Value  Required  Description
  ------  -------------  --------  -----------
  SOURCE  default        yes       source of input (see 'info' for details)

[recon-ng][demo][resolve] > options set SOURCE query select host from hosts
SOURCE => query select host from hosts # The hosts just queried are parsed here
[recon-ng][demo][resolve] > run
...... # The detailed results are omitted
[*] 12 total (12 new) hosts found.

3.3 query ports according to hosts

3.3.1 query process

[recon-ng][demo][resolve] > back
[recon-ng][demo] > modules search shodan
[*] Searching installed modules for 'shodan'...


[recon-ng][demo] > modules load recon/hosts-ports/shodan_ip
[recon-ng][demo][shodan_ip] > options list

  Name    Current Value  Required  Description
  ------  -------------  --------  -----------
  LIMIT   1              yes       limit number of api requests per input source (0 = unlimited)
  SOURCE  default        yes       source of input (see 'info' for details)

options set SOURCE query select ip_address from hosts
SOURCE => query select ip_address from hosts
[recon-ng][demo][shodan_ip] > run
...... # The detailed results are omitted. It may take a while here
[*] 2499 total (263 new) ports found.
[recon-ng][demo][shodan_ip] > show ports

  | rowid |    ip_address   |                        host                       | port | protocol | banner | notes |   module  |
  | 1     |    |                                | 443  | tcp      |        |       | shodan_ip |
...... # The detailed results are omitted. You can also query the results by querying the database as mentioned earlier

[*] 263 rows returned

4 generate report

4.1 generation process

Recon ng supports generating reports in multiple formats. The following is an example of html.

[recon-ng][demo][shodan_ip] > back
[recon-ng][demo] > modules search report
[*] Searching installed modules for 'report'...


[recon-ng][demo] > modules load reporting/html
[recon-ng][demo][html] > options list

  Name      Current Value                                           Required  Description
  --------  -------------                                           --------  -----------
  CREATOR                                                           yes       use creator name in the report footer
  CUSTOMER                                                          yes       use customer name in the report header
  FILENAME  /home/parallels/.recon-ng/workspaces/demo/results.html  yes       path and filename for report output
  SANITIZE  True                                                    yes       mask sensitive data in the report

[recon-ng][demo][html] > options set FILENAME /home/parallels/results.html
FILENAME => /home/parallels/results.html
[recon-ng][demo][html] > options set CREATOR
[recon-ng][demo][html] > options set CUSTOMER a dingle dog
CUSTOMER => a dingle dog
[recon-ng][demo][html] > run
[*] Report generated at '/home/parallels/results.html'.

4.2 generation effect

Click the hosts and ports section to expand all the specific search results.

Posted by deurwaarder on Fri, 08 Oct 2021 18:28:29 -0700