Simple OVER() function
Instead of OVER(), AVG() is a simple aggregate function, which calculates the AVG of each partition in the way of GROUP BY
SELECT -- Select the id, country name, season, home, and away goals m.id, c.name AS country, m.season, m.home_goal, m.away_goal, -- Use a window to include the aggregate average in each row AVG(m.home_goal + m.away_goal) AS overall_avg FROM match AS m LEFT JOIN country AS c ON m.country_id = c.id GROUP BY m.id, c.name;
After OVER() is used
SELECT -- Select the id, country name, season, home, and away goals m.id, c.name AS country, m.season, m.home_goal, m.away_goal, -- At this time, it is not added partition by Of over(),Partition is the whole DATASET,So it is overall_avg,Amount to Tableau Medium{AVG()} AVG(m.home_goal + m.away_goal) OVER() AS overall_avg FROM match AS m LEFT JOIN country AS c ON m.country_id = c.id;
RANK() OVER() function
SELECT -- Select the league name and average goals scored l.name AS league, AVG(m.home_goal + m.away_goal) AS avg_goals, -- Rank each league according to the average goals Add a new column RANK() OVER(ORDER BY AVG(m.home_goal + m.away_goal)) AS league_rank FROM league AS l LEFT JOIN match AS m ON l.id = m.country_id WHERE m.season = '2011/2012' GROUP BY l.name -- Order the query by the rank you created Still need to use the new one rank Column sorting ORDER BY league_rank;
SELECT -- Select the league name and average goals scored name AS league, AVG(m.home_goal + m.away_goal) AS avg_goals, -- Rank leagues in descending order by average goals use DESC Reverse order RANK() OVER (ORDER BY AVG(m.home_goal + m.away_goal) DESC) AS league_rank FROM league AS l LEFT JOIN match AS m ON l.id = m.country_id WHERE m.season = '2011/2012' GROUP BY l.name -- Order the query by the rank you created ORDER BY league_rank;
RANK() sort:
- rank()over(order by column name sort) results are discontinuous. If there are 4 people, 3 of them are tied for the first place, then the final sorting results are as follows: 1 11 4
rank()over(order by TOTALEXAMSCORE desc) AS orderbyNum
- the result of deny ﹐ rank() over (order by column name) is continuous. If there are 4 people, 3 of them are tied for the first place, the final sorting result is as follows: 11 1 2
dense_rank()over(order by TOTALEXAMSCORE desc) AS orderbyNum
----Rank() over (partition by column nameorder by column namesort) uses partition method to get the highest score of each course
OVER() with Partition
- Partition by 1 column
SELECT date, season, home_goal, away_goal, CASE WHEN hometeam_id = 8673 THEN 'home' ELSE 'away' END AS warsaw_location, -- with season Is a partition, the same Season Of AVG value equally AVG(home_goal) OVER(PARTITION BY season) AS season_homeavg, AVG(away_goal) OVER(PARTITION BY season) AS season_awayavg FROM match -- Filter the data set for Legia Warszawa matches only WHERE hometeam_id = 8673 OR awayteam_id = 8673 ORDER BY (home_goal + away_goal) DESC;
- Partition by MULTIPLE column
SELECT date, season, home_goal, away_goal, CASE WHEN hometeam_id = 8673 THEN 'home' ELSE 'away' END AS warsaw_location, -- use season and month Partition, same season,In different months AVG()It's different AVG(home_goal) OVER(PARTITION BY season, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date)) AS season_mo_home, AVG(away_goal) OVER(PARTITION BY season, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date)) AS season_mo_away FROM match WHERE hometeam_id = 8673 OR awayteam_id = 8673 ORDER BY (home_goal + away_goal) DESC;
OVER() combined with CTE
-- Set up the home team CTE First CTE,Find out all M Team when home team Hour match WITH home AS ( SELECT m.id, t.team_long_name, CASE WHEN m.home_goal > m.away_goal THEN 'Manchester United Win' WHEN m.home_goal < m.away_goal THEN 'Manchester United Loss' ELSE 'Tie' END AS outcome FROM match AS m LEFT JOIN team AS t ON m.hometeam_id = t.team_api_id), -- Set up the away team CTE First CTE,Find out all M Team when away team Hour match away AS ( SELECT m.id, t.team_long_name, CASE WHEN m.home_goal > m.away_goal THEN 'Manchester United Loss' WHEN m.home_goal < m.away_goal THEN 'Manchester United Win' ELSE 'Tie' END AS outcome FROM match AS m LEFT JOIN team AS t ON m.awayteam_id = t.team_api_id) -- Select columns and and rank the matches by date Find out all M The game the team lost, according to date sort SELECT DISTINCT m.date, home.team_long_name AS home_team, away.team_long_name AS away_team, m.home_goal, m.away_goal, RANK() OVER(ORDER BY date) as date_rank -- Join the CTEs onto the match table because SELECT There are home, away Two CTE Field of table, so it cannot be LEFT JOIN FROM match AS m INNER JOIN home ON m.id = home.id INNER JOIN away ON m.id = away.id WHERE m.season = '2014/2015' AND ((home.team_long_name = 'Manchester United' AND home.outcome = 'Manchester United Loss') OR (away.team_long_name = 'Manchester United' AND away.outcome = 'Manchester United Loss'));
First CTE (second similar) =
Final result = >