Stored procedure
A set of SQL statements used to complete specific database functions, which are compiled and stored in the database system. In use, the user calls and executes the stored procedure by specifying the defined stored procedure name and giving the corresponding stored procedure parameters, thus completing one or a series of database operations.
It consists of three parts: procedure declaration, execution procedure and stored procedure exception (optional).
create or replace procedure sp_ ( p_sResult out integer,--Return value p_ID in number --ID ) as v_id number(16); cursor v_chac_cr is select from T001 t where t.sid=p_ID;--cursor begin open v_chac_cr(); loop fetch v_chac_cr into v_id; exit when v_chac_cr%notfound; insert into F002(cnt) values (v_id); end loop; close v_chac_cr; commit; p_sResult:=1; exception--Exception handling when others then p_sResult:=0; rollback; end sp_;
Project application
1. Get the next ID value of the table
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PNEXTID ( tablename IN VARCHAR2 , idno OUT NUMBER ) IS sqlstring VARCHAR2 ( 500 ); BEGIN sqlstring := 'SELECT nvl(max(id),0)+1 FROM ' ||tablename; execute immediate sqlstring into idno; -- Dynamic execution merge into tSequence a using ( select idno as ID, tablename as Name from dual) b --Combinatorial table merge into Determination table on (upper(a.Name)=upper(b.Name)) --Table name capitalization when matched then update set a.ID= case when b.ID>a.ID then b.ID else a.ID+ 1 end -- update; case when then else end; when not matched then insert (ID, Name ) values (b.ID,b.Name); --insert; select ID into idno from tSEQUENCE WHERE upper( name ) = upper(tablename); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN idno := - 1 ; END pNextID;
2. Return list data (cursor)
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SP_CONTENT ( o_result out types.cursorType, --Result set ip_pwf in varchar2) --Related process as /* --Type declaration is a cursor variable create or replace package TestPackage is type outlist is ref cursor; */ v_sql varchar2(1000); vn_count numeric(12,0); vn_num numeric(12,0); vn_id numeric(12,0); vs_table varchar2(30); vn_inst numeric(12,0); begin vn_count:=length(ip_pwf); vn_num:=instr(ip_pwf,'.'); vn_id:=to_number(substr(ip_pwf,1,vn_num-1)); vs_table:=substr(ip_pwf,vn_num+1,vn_count-vn_num); begin v_sql:='select nvl(max(job_code),0) from '||vs_table||' where company = '||vn_id||''; execute immediate v_sql into vn_inst; exception when others then vn_inst:=0; end; open o_result for select caller,enddate,content from tuser t where class_code < vn_inst; end SP_CONTENT;