Oracle Learning Day 3

Keywords: SQL Stored Procedure Java JDBC

1. Introduction to PLSQL

  1. Oracle database extends SQL, and then adds some programming language features, which can control the execution process of SQL, and then realize some complex business functions.

1.1 Composition of PLSQL

  1. Component

                 - It's the declaration part.
                 - yes plsql Subject part
                 - Exception handling section
  2. Note: There can be no declare and exception, but there can be no begin and end.

  3. dbms_output.put_line(): Output content to the console.

  4. If you want to output content to the console, you must turn on the output function.
    • set serveroutput on;
    • This command only needs to be executed once, not every time.

1.2 Operator

  1. Arithmetic operators:+-*/
  2. The comparison operator: >>= <=!= <=!= <> (and!= are the same)
  3. Logical operators: or and not
  4. Assignment operator::=
  5. Scope operator:..

  6. Special assignments:

    • You can use select in

1.3 Variable

  1. Syntax: variable name [constant] data type [:= value];
  2. If the constant keyword is specified, the variable must be initialized when it is declared, and the value of the variable cannot be changed.
  3. Common data types:
data type Effect
NUMBER Numerical model
VARCHAR2 String type
CHAR Character
DATE Date type
BOOLEAN Boolean type
  1. Special data types
    • % Type: The data type of this variable is the same as that of a variable or a field.
    • % rowtype: Specifies that the data type is the same as a table and that only one row of data can be received using variables of that type.

1.4 Process Control

1.4.1 Conditional Judgment

  1. Grammatical Format:

     if conditional expression then
     elsif conditional expression then
     end if;
  2. Be careful:

    • elsif has no e, no space
  3. Code

     -- Query the salary levels of employees with specified employee numbers,If it is greater than 3000, it is A;2000-3000 yes B,Other grades are C
       p_sal emp.sal%type;
       p_empno emp.empno%type := 7900;
     select sal into p_sal from emp where empno = p_empno;
     if p_sal > 3000 then
       dbms_output.put_line('The wage scale is A');
       elsif p_sal > 2000 then
       dbms_output.put_line('The wage scale is B');
         dbms_output.put_line('The wage scale is C');
       end if;

1.4.2 Loop Statement

  1. Loop loop (similar to do..while loop in java)

    • Grammatical Format

            Circulatory body
            exit when condition; -- Exit condition
        end loop;
    • Example

        -- Achieve additions of 1 to 10
        p_sum number(4) := 0; -- Preserve the results of additions
        p_num number(4) := 1;
                  p_sum := p_sum + p_num;
                  p_num := p_num +1;
                  exit when p_num > 10;
            end loop;
  2. while...loop loop (similar to the while loop in java)

    • Grammatical Format

        while conditional expression
          Circulatory body
        end loop;
    • Examples:

      -- Achieve odd number addition between 1 and 10

      p_sum number(4) := 0;
      p_count number(4) := 1;
      while p_count <= 10 
        if mod(p_count,2) = 1 then
        p_sum := p_sum + p_count;
      end if;
        p_count := p_count + 1;
      end loop;
  1. for loop

    • Grammatical Format

      for variable name in start value... end value
       end loop;
    • Example

        -- Realization 1-10 Addition of even numbers between
        p_sum number(2) := 0;
          for i in 1..10
            if mod(i,2) = 0 then
              p_sum := p_sum + i;
            end if;
          end loop;
  1. Exercise: Output 99 multiplication tables

    • dbms_output.put() output without newline
    • dbms_output.new_line() to a new line
    • Examples:

        set SERVEROUTPUT ON;    
         for i in 1..9
              for j in 1..i 
                dbms_output.put(j || '*' || i || '=' || (j*i));
                dbms_output.put('   ');
              end loop;
        end loop;

1.5 exception handling

1.5.1 Grammatical Structure of Exception Handling

            when exception name 1 then 
                Exception handling statement
            when exception name 1 then 
                Exception handling statement
            when others then
            Exception handling statements...

1.5.2 Keyword

  1. sqlcode: Number used to retrieve exceptions
  2. sqlerrm: Information used to retrieve exceptions

1.5.3 Classification of exceptions: predefined and custom exceptions

1.5.4 predefined anomalies

  1. Predefined exceptions can be searched in documents according to the number of exceptions.
  2. Some exceptions have names that can be captured, but not all exceptions have names. Some exceptions have only exceptions.

  1. An example of anomaly capture with a name

             set SERVEROUTPUT ON;
               p_temp number(4);
                 p_temp := 10/0; -- Abnormal information
                   when zero_divide then
                   dbms_output.put_line('Divisor cannot be 0');
                 when others then
                   dbms_output.put_line('Exception code:' || sqlcode);
                   dbms_output.put_line('Abnormal information' || sqlerrm);

1.5.5 custom exception

  1. Exceptional name of grammatical structure
  2. How Oracle throws exceptions

    • Mode 1: Oracle automatically throws exceptions
    • Way 2: Use raise keyword to throw exception by hand.
  3. Mode 1 example:

           -- Custom exception
             myEx exception;
             p_sal emp.sal%type;
             -- Judging employees'wages,If the wage is less than 1000 yuan, throw an exception.
             select sal into p_sal from emp where empno = 7369; -- 800
           if p_sal < 1000 then
           raise myEx; --throw
             dbms_output.put_line('Wages are still acceptable.');
           end if;
                when myEx then 
               dbms_output.put_line('alas,Wages are too low!');
               when others then 
                  dbms_output.put_line('Exception code:' || sqlcode);
               dbms_output.put_line('Abnormal information' || sqlerrm);      
  4. Throw an exception using raise_application_error(sqlcode,sqlerrms)

           -- Custom exception
             myEx exception;
             p_sal emp.sal%type;
             pragma exception_init(myEx,-20001);-- Bind the specified exception number to an exception variable
             -- Judging employees'wages,If the wage is less than 1000 yuan, throw an exception.
             select sal into p_sal from emp where empno = 7369; -- 800
           if p_sal < 1000 then
             RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Well, the salary is too low.');-- throw
             dbms_output.put_line('Wages are still acceptable.');
           end if;
               when others then 
                  dbms_output.put_line('Exception code:' || sqlcode);
               dbms_output.put_line('Abnormal information' || sqlerrm); 
    • Note: For anomalies without names, if you need to capture these anomalies, you need to bind the number of the exception to an anomaly variable first; use pragma exception_init (anomaly name, sqlcode) to bind the number of the exception to the name of the anomaly variable.

1.5 Transaction Control

1.5.1 The Concept of Transaction in Database

  1. In a transaction, all DML operations are executed as a whole, either completely successful or totally unsuccessful. If a transaction does not end, the data in the transaction will only be valid in the current session.

  2. Question: When will a transaction end?

    • Submission transaction
    • Roll back transactions
    • DDL (adding tables, modifying tables, deleting tables), CONN and other operations were performed.

      -- Account Statement
        create table tb_account (
          id number(4) primary key,
          name varchar2(20) unique,
          mon number(7,2)
        insert into tb_account values(1,'Dog baby',5000);
        insert into tb_account values(2,'godson',5000);
          p_temp number(2) := 12;
         update tb_account set mon = mon -1000 where name='Dog baby';
         p_temp := p_temp / 0;
         update tb_account set mon = mon + 1000 where name='godson';
          commit; -- Transaction submission
          dbms_output.put_line('Successful implementation');
          when others then 
          dbms_output.put_line('error message' || sqlerrm);
          rollback; -- rollback
          dbms_output.put_line('Transfer failure,Transaction rolled back');
  1. Setting savepoints: Syntax savepoint savepoints

    • Setting a savepoint: Getting the transaction back to the savepoint
    • Note: When a transaction rollback is performed, the DML statement before the savepoint is unaffected.

          -- Preservation Points
            savepoint a;
            insert into emp(empno,ename)
            values (1200,'jacky');
            SAVEPOINT b; -- Preservation Points b
                insert into emp(empno,ename)
            values (1300,'rose');
          --Transaction rollback to b
          rollback to b;

2. Cursor

2.1 Cursor Concept

  1. A cursor is a data type used to save a result set. A cursor is somewhat similar to an iterator in java.
  2. When using cursor to obtain data, first move the cursor, and then get the row data where the cursor is located.

2.2 Create cursors

  1. Grammatical Format:

         Cursor cursor name (parameter) is select statement.

2.2 Use cursors

  1. open

    • open cursor name;
  2. Grab cursor data:

    • fetch cursor into row variable
  3. Close the cursor

    • close cursor.
  4. Example

           -- Create a Cursor
           -- declare cursor
             cursor p_empCursor is select * from emp;
           -- Declare row variables
           p_emp emp%rowtype;
             -- open
             open p_empCursor;
           -- Get data for cursors
             fetch p_empCursor into p_emp;
           -- Close the cursor
          close p_empCursor;

2.3 Cursor Properties

- %found:If fetch Success,This property returns true,Otherwise return false
- %notfound:If fetch Not Successful,This property will true,Otherwise return false
- %rowcount:Returns the number of rows that the current cursor has traversed.
- %isopen:Determine whether the cursor has been opened,If it's already opened,This property returns true,If not opened,This property returns false;Called if the cursor is not opened fecth,Errors will occur.(Tips:Invalid cursor.)

          set SERVEROUTPUT ON;
          -- Create a Cursor
          -- declare cursor
            cursor p_empCursor is select * from emp;
          -- Declare row variables
          p_emp emp%rowtype;

            -- open
            open p_empCursor;

            -- loop

          -- Get data for cursors
            fetch p_empCursor into p_emp;
          -- Close the cursor
            exit when p_empCursor%notfound;
               dbms_output.put_line('The employee's name is:' || p_emp.ename || 'Employee's salary is:' || p_emp.sal);
         end loop;
            dbms_output.put_line('Number of rows currently traversed:' || p_empCursor%rowcount);

         close p_empCursor;

2.3 Cursor for Loop

  1. If you use the for loop to traverse the cursor, you do not need to open the cursor, fetch, and close the cursor operation.

  2. Grammatical Format:

             for variable in cursor
                 Circulatory body
             end loop;
  3. Code examples

         -- Way traversal cursor
         cursor cur_emp is select * from emp;
         for p_emp in cur_emp
           dbms_output.put_line(p_emp.ename || 'The salary is' || p_emp.sal);
         end loop;

2.4 Parametric cursors

  1. Usage: If you use a cursor with parameters, pass the parameters when you open the cursor

             -- Declare cursors with parameters
             cursor p_empCursor(p_deptno emp.deptno%type) is select * from emp where deptno= p_deptno;
               -- Row variables
                p_emp emp%rowtype;
               -- open
               open p_empCursor(10);
               -- Get data for cursors
                 fetch p_empCursor into p_emp;
                 exit when p_empCursor%notfound;
                    dbms_output.put_line('The employee's name is:' || p_emp.ename || 'Employee's salary is:' || p_emp.sal);
              end loop;
                 dbms_output.put_line('Number of rows currently traversed:' || p_empCursor%rowcount);
                  close p_empCursor;
  2. If it is a cursor for loop, you need to pass parameters to the cursor after the cursor name.

2.5 Implicit Cursor

  1. Implicit cursor is also called SQL cursor. Implicit cursor does not need to be created by users. When users perform DML operations, Oracle database will automatically create a cursor through which the state information of DML operations can be manipulated.

2.5.1 Implicit cursor properties

  1. % notfound: If the DML operation is unsuccessful, the property returns true, or false.

  2. % found: If the DML operation is successful, the property returns true, or false.

  3. % rowcount: Returns the number of rows affected.

       -- Implicit Cursor
         delete from emp where deptno is null;
         if sql%found then
         dbms_output.put_line('Successful deletion,Has been deleted' || sql%rowcount || 'Record');
          dbms_output.put_line('Delete failed');
         end if; 

3. Stored Procedures

3.1 Concept

  1. Stored procedure is a named PLSQL block. Through stored procedure, client can call PLSQL block of database server.
  2. benefit
    • Improve the security of database
    • The IO times are reduced and the execution efficiency of the program is improved.
    • Enhanced code reusability
  3. shortcoming
    • The portability ratio is poor. If you change the database code, it won't work.

3.2 Create stored procedures

  1. Grammatical Format:

         create or replace procedure Process name(parameter...) as
             -- The main part of the process(PLSQL block)
  2. Examples:
           -- Create stored procedures
           create or replace procedure proc_hello as 
             SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('hello procedure');
  3. Be careful
    • No parentheses are needed if there are no parameters.

3.3 Use stored procedures

  1. Mode 1: Call stored procedures inside PLSQL blocks:

             Process name (parameter)
    • Examples:

        proc_hello; -- No parentheses are required if there are no parameters
  2. Mode 2: Calling stored procedure outside PLSQL, the key word to be used is exec.

       -- Calling stored procedures
       exec proc_hello;

3.4 Classification of Stored Procedures

1. According to the parameters:

- Storage Procedures with Input Parameters
 - Stored Procedures with Output Parameters
 - Storage Procedures with Input and Output Parameters

3.5 Storage Procedures with Input Parameters

  1. Define input parameters: parameter name [in] parameter type;

            -- Create a stored procedure,to emp Table Query Data
         create or replace procedure proc_add_emp(p_empno emp.empno%type,p_ename emp.ename%type) as
           insert into emp(empno,ename)
           -- to emp Insert data in
           exec proc_add_emp(1313,'to one's heart's content');

3.6 Storage Procedures with Output Parameters

  1. The function of output parameters is to export data from stored procedures to the outside of stored procedures.
  2. Define output parameters: parameter name out type

       -- Create stored procedures with output parameters,Achieve 1 to 10 additions,And output the result to the outside of the stored procedure
         Using stored procedures with output parameters, the sum of 1 to 10 is calculated and returned by parameters.
         create or replace procedure pro_1to10_sum(
                p_sum out number
          tem_sum number(4):=0;
          for i in 1..10
           tem_sum := tem_sum + i;
          end loop;
          p_sum := tem_sum;
         -- Calling stored procedures
          p_sum number(4);
          dbms_output.put_line('1 To sum up to 10:'|| p_sum);

3.7 Storage Procedures with Input and Output Parameters

  1. Definition format: parameter name in out type; can be passed in or out

         Use stored procedures with input and output parameters; query the employee's name and salary according to empno
         create or replace procedure pro_query_enameAndSal_by_empno(
                s_empno emp.empno%type,
                s_ename out emp.ename%type,
                s_sal out emp.sal%type
          select ename,sal into s_ename, s_sal from emp where empno= s_empno;
         -- Calling stored procedures
          p_ename emp.ename%type;
          p_sal emp.sal%type;
          --pro_query_enameAndSal_by_empno(7369, p_ename, p_sal);
          pro_query_enameAndSal_by_empno(7369, s_sal => p_sal, s_ename => p_ename);
          dbms_output.put_line('Employee number 7369 employee name is:'|| p_ename||',Their wages are:'|| p_sal);

3.8 Call stored procedures using JDBC

3.8.1 Preparatory phase

  1. Prepare a stored procedure:

     -- demand,Inquire the number of the supervisor according to the number of the employee
     create or replace procedure proc_get_mgr_no(
      p_empno in out emp.empno%type)
       select mgr into p_empno from emp where empno = d_empno;
  2. CallableStatement:

    • It is a sub-interface of PrepareStatement; this interface is used to execute the stored procedure of SQL.
    • setXxx(): Used to set input parameters;
    • getXxx(): Used to get the value of the output parameter;
    • RegiserOutParameter (): If the stored procedure has an output parameter, then the output parameter must be registered; (Specify the type of the output parameter).

3.8.1 Steps to invoke stored procedures using JDBC:

  1. Step 1: Get the connection to the database
  2. Step 2: Create a CallableStatement object;
  3. Step 3: If the stored procedure contains input parameters, set the value of the input parameters, and if the stored procedure contains output parameters, register the output parameters.
  4. Step 4: Execute stored procedures
  5. Step 5: If you have an output parameter, get the value of the output parameter.
  6. Step 6: Release resources
  7. Code example:

     import java.sql.CallableStatement;
     import java.sql.Connection;
     import java.sql.DriverManager;
     import java.sql.SQLException;
     import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;
      * Calling stored procedures using JDBC
      * @author like
     public class Demo {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
             // First get the connection object, because jdbc4.0 has been automatically registered after the driver
             try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(
                     "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl", "scott", "tiger");
             // Create CallableStatement object
                     CallableStatement call = con
                             .prepareCall("{call proc_get_mgr_no(?)}");
             ) {
                 // Setting input parameters
                 call.setInt(1, 7900);
                 // Register output parameters. The purpose of registration is to set parameters.
                 call.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.NUMBER);
                 // If there is an output parameter, the output parameter value is obtained.
                 int mgrNo = call.getInt(1);
                 System.out.println("The employee's supervisor's number is:" + mgrNo);
             } catch (SQLException e) {

3.8 Delete stored procedures

  1. Grammar:
    • drop procedure stored procedure name

4. Storage function

4.1 Concept

  1. Storage functions are very similar to stored procedure usage, but stored functions have return values, but stored procedures have no return values.

4.1 Create Functions

  1. Grammatical Format:

     create or replace function Function name(parameter...) return return type as
     -- Declarations
     -- The main part of a function
  2. Note that one difference between a function and a stored procedure is that the declaration of a function must have a return return value type.

  3. Examples:

     -- Create functions
     create or replace function func_hello return varchar2 as 
       return 'hello function';

4.2 Use functions

  1. Using Functions in QLSQL Blocks

         -- Using functions
           p_temp varchar2(20);
             p_temp := FUNC_HELLO; -- If there are no parameters, don't write parentheses
           dbms_output.put_line('The return value of the function is:' || p_temp);
  2. Use in SQL statements

       -- stay sql Use functions in statements
       select func_hello from dual;

Classification of 4.3 Functions

  1. Functions with input parameters
  2. Functions with Output Parameters
  3. Functions with input and output parameters

4.4 Functions with Input Parameters

    -- Define a function,Return the employee's annual salary based on the employee's number
    create or replace function func_get_year_sal (p_empno emp.empno%type) return number as
      p_sal emp.sal%type;
      p_comm emp.comm%type;
      select sal,comm into  p_sal,p_comm from  emp where empno = p_empno;
    return p_sal*12 + p_comm;

    select FUNC_GET_YEAR_SAL(7788) from dual;

4.5 Functions with Output Parameters

    -- Define a function,Return the employee's name,wages,Annual salary;Requirement:Name of Employee,Wages are output by output parameters,
    -- Annual salary returned by return value
    create or replace function func_get_user_info(
      p_empno emp.empno%type,
      p_ename out emp.ename%type,
      p_sal out emp.sal%type
    ) return number as
    -- Local Variables of Functions
      p_comm emp .comm%type;

      select ename,sal,comm into p_ename,p_sal,p_comm from emp where empno = p_empno;
      return p_sal*12 + p_comm;


    -- Call function
    p_ename emp.ename%type;
    p_sal emp.sal%type;
    p_yearSal number;
      p_yearSal := func_get_user_info(7900,p_ename,p_sal);
      dbms_output.put_line('Full name:' || p_ename || ' wages:' || p_sal || ' Annual salary:' || p_yearSal); 


4.5 Functions with Input and Output Parameters

  1. Generally, output parameters are seldom used and can be understood by oneself.

4.6 Use JDBC to call functions

        import java.sql.CallableStatement;
        import java.sql.Connection;
        import java.sql.DriverManager;
        import java.sql.SQLException;

        import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;

         * Calling functions using JDBC
         * @author like
        public class Demo2 {

            public static void main(String[] args) {

                // First get the connection object, because jdbc4.0 has been automatically registered after the driver
                try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(
                        "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl", "scott", "tiger");
                // Create CallableStatement object
                        CallableStatement call = con
                                .prepareCall("{?= call func_get_user_info(?,?,?)}");) {
                    // Registered Return Value Type
                    call.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.NUMBER);
                    // Setting the value of the input parameter
                    call.setInt(2, 7900);
                    // Register input parameters
                    call.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
                    call.registerOutParameter(4, OracleTypes.NUMBER);
                    // Execution function
                    // Get the return value and output parameters
                    int yearSal = call.getInt(1);
                    String ename = call.getString(3);
                    double sal = call.getDouble(4);
                    System.out.println(ename + "The salary is:" + sal + "Annual salary is:" + yearSal);
                } catch (SQLException e) {
  1. Be careful:
    • To call a function with JDBC, the return value must be registered, and if there are output parameters, the output parameters must also be registered.

4.6 Delete function

  1. Grammatical Format:
    • drop function function name

5. Zoning Technology

5.1 Partition Concept

  1. Partitioning technology is to divide a table into different parts, each part is a separate partition.
  2. Advantage

    • Dispersing data in different areas reduces the possibility of data corruption
    • Separate partitions can be backed up and restored
    • Mapping partitions to different physical disks
    • Improve manageability, availability and performance.
  3. Generally, it includes range partition, hash partition, list partition, composite partition, interval partition and system partition.

5.2 Scope Partition

  1. Range partitioning: Partitioning is based on the range of a column value.
  2. The grammar of range partitioning:

     After creating table
     Partition by range (field)
         Partition partition 1 values less than (value 1),
         Partition partition 2 values less than (value 2),
         Partition partition 3 values less than (maxvalue),
  3. Example

    -- Scope partition
    create table emp2(
      empno number(4) primary key,
      ename varchar2(20),
      sal number(7,2),
      deptno number(4)

      partition by range(sal) (
      partition p1 values less than(2000),
      partition p2 values less than(3000),
      partition p3 values less than(maxvalue)

    -- Initialization data
    insert into emp2
    select empno,ename,sal,deptno from emp;

    -- Using partitions
    select * from emp2 partition(p1);

5.3 List Partition

  1. List partitions can be managed according to the values of a column.

     -- List partitioning
     create table emp3(
       empno number(4) primary key,
       ename varchar2(20),
       sal number(7,2),
       deptno number(4)
     partition by list(deptno) (
       partition p1 values(10),
       partition p2 values(20),
       partition p3 values(30),
       partition p4 values(default)
     -- Initialization data
     insert into emp3
     select empno,ename,sal,deptno from emp;
     -- Using partitions
     select * from emp3 partition(p4);

Posted by Crazy Horse on Fri, 12 Jul 2019 14:12:02 -0700