rowid: the physical location of the current data in the database
Features: no table, can be found
--View employee's job number, name, salary, and physical location id select employee_id,first_name,salary,rowid from employees;
rownum: number the query results that meet the query criteria (starting from 1)
Index the query results that meet the where condition
The serial number must start from 1 and continue to be an integer value
rownum makes condition judgment: < n < = n > = 1 = 1
-- View employee's job number,Name,salary, Add number for each row of data(1-start) select employee_id,frist_name,salary,rownum from employees; -- View employee information with salary greater than 10000: Job No,Name,salary,No rownum. select employee_id,first_name,salary,rownum from employees where salary>10000; -- View employee table,Top 10 employee information(Job No,Name,salary,No)[No<=10] select employee_id,first_name,salary,rownum from employees where rownum <= 10; -- View employee table,Eleventh~20th employee information(Job No,Name,salary,No) select employee_id,first_name,salary,rownum from employees where rownum >10 and rownum <=20; [×]
Concept: during the execution of a query statement, you need to use the execution result of another query SQL (subquery)?
--Employee information with x salary (job number, name, salary)? select * from employees where salary = X; --x is the highest salary? select max(salary) from employees; -- x
1. Subquery result is the value of 1 row and 1 column
Take the result of sub query as the condition of main query
-- Employee information with the highest salary(Job No,Name,salary)? //Ideas: 1. Get the highest salary maxSalary select max(salary) from employees;--maxSalary; 2. Get paid for maxSalary Employee information for(Job No,Name,salary) select employee_id,first_name,salary from employees where salary = (maxSalary); 3. merge SQL select employee_id,first_name,salary from employees where salary = (select max(salary) from employees); -- Query the information of employees whose salary is greater than the average salary(Job No,Name,salary) 1. Get average wage avgSalary select avg(salary) from employees;--avgSalary 2. Get paid>avgSalary Employee information for? select * from employees where salary > (avgSalary); 3. merge select * from employees where salary > (select avg(salary) from employees);
2. The result of subquery is the value of n row and 1 column
The result of sub query is used as the condition judgment of main query, and multi value enumeration is generally used to judge in
-- Query and last name 'King' Employee information in the same department of? 1. get king Department id: --deptId select department_id from employees where last_name ='King';--DeptId 2. Query Department id by deptId Employee information for? select * from employees where department_id in (DeptId) 3. merge: select * from employees where department_id in (select department_id from employees where last_name ='King');
3. The result of subquery is n rows and N columns
The main query takes the result of the sub query as a temporary table and queries again
-- View employee information(Job No,Name,salary),Top 10 employee information sorted by salary descending? select employee_id,first_name,salary from employees where rownum <=10 order by salary desc;[error: Sort by reason and then take the top 10,actual sql Execution order: first get the top 10 and then sort]
Artificial thinking: 1. Sort by salary descending first---Sorted results select employee_id,first_name,salary from employees order by salary desc; -- EMP1 surface-- n That's ok n Results temporary table for column 2. Take the top 10 results after sorting select * from (EMP1) where rownum <=10; 3. merge select * from (select employee_id,first_name,salary from employees order by salary desc) where rownum <=10;
Paging query [key]
-- 1. View employee table,Eleventh~20th employee information(Job No,Name,salary,No) //Ideas: 1. Get the EMP1 surface?[Add a to the table rownum Of RN S / n column of] select employee_id,first_name,salary,rownum as rn from employees;--EMP1 2. query EMP1 in RN The value of is 11~20 Employee information between?[Query temporary table for step 1,Query again] select employee_id,first_name,salary,rn from (emp1) where rn >=11 and rn <=20; 3. merge select employee_id,first_name,salary,rn from (select employee_id,first_name,salary,rownum as rn from employees) where rn >=11 and rn <=20;
-- 2. Query the 11th item after employee information is sorted in descending order of salary~Article 20 employee information?[important, Written examination, 100%development] 1. Sort by salary descending: select * from employees order by salary desc;-- t1 2. Yes t1 Table add RN Sequence number column select employee_id,first_name,salary,rownum rn from (t1);--t2 3. obtain RN 11~20 Employee information between? select employee_id,first_name,salary,rn from (t2) where rn >=11 and rn <=20; 4. merge select employee_id,first_name,salary,rn from (select employee_id,first_name,salary,rownum rn from (select * from employees order by salary desc)) where rn >=11 and rn<=20;