stored procedure
I think it's just a function.... maybe it didn't get to the point, please let me know.
[general structure]
create or replace procedure storage name (input variable name data structure of variable)
Operation statement
Call stored procedure
exec procedure name ()
[example 1] create a stored procedure and delete the student data of a student number in the score table
create or replace procedure p_delscore (v_sno score.sno%type) as begin delete from score where sno=v_sno; if sql%rowcount=0 then dbms_output.put_line('nodata'); else dbms_output.put_line('delete'||sql%rowcount||'row'); commit; end if; end;
[implementation] exec p_delscore('0601020212 ')
[parse] if the data operation is successful, you must write a commit to submit. The most important thing about stored procedures is security. If the code stops running, the database will not be in a safe state.
[example 2] create a stored procedure, give the name of the Institute to be modified, and modify the name of the Department in the sdept table
create or replace procedure p_update (v_name sdept.deptno%type,v_dname sdept.deptno%type) as begin update sdept set dname=v_dname where dname=v_name; if sql%rowcount!=0 then dbms_output.put_line('To update'||sql%rowcount||'That's ok'); commit; else dbms_output.put_line('No data updates'); end if; end;
[implementation] exec p_update('School of computer information ',' School of computer science ')
[example 3] combined with the cursor, create a stored procedure, find the student numbers of all the failed students of a course, and store them in the failure table.
create table failgrade( sno char(15), cno char(15), grade number(6,2) ) create or replace procedure p_inscore (v_cname course.cname%type) as cursor scfail_cur is select * from score where grade<60 and cno =(select cno from course where cname =v_cname); sf scfail_cur%rowtype; begin open scfail_cur; loop fetch scfail_cur into sf; if scfail_cur%rowcount=0 then dbms_output.put_line('nodata'); exit; else exit when scfail_cur%notfound; insert into failgrade values(sf.sno,sf.cno,sf.grade); end if; end loop; close scfail_cur; end;