opengl Lesson 1 glBegin glend Drawing,

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Program code:

void myDisplay(void)
     glBegin( /* Fill in the pattern you want here. */ );
        /* Use glVertex* series functions here */
        /* Specify the desired vertex position */

1. Callable functions between glBegin() and glEnd()

Functional Meaning

glVertex*() Sets vertex coordinates
glColor*() Sets the current color
glIndex*() Sets the current color table
glNormal*() Sets Normal Coordinates
glCoord*() generates coordinates
glCallList(),glCallLists() executes the display list
glTexCoord*() Sets texture coordinates
glEdgeFlag*() controls boundary rendering
glMaterial*() Setting Material
Table 7-2 Callable functions between glBegin() and glEnd()

glVertex3f() indicates that the function belongs to gl library and the parameters are three float parameter pointers. We use glVertex*() to represent this kind of function.

2. Geometric primitive types and descriptions
Type description
GL_POINTS Single Vertex Set
GL_LINES Multi-group Double Vertex Line Segments
GL_POLYGON Single Simple Filled Convex Polygon
GL_TRAINGLES Multi-group Independent Filling Triangle
GL_QUADS Multiple Groups of Independently Filled Quadrilateral
GL_LINE_STRIP Unclosed Fold Line
GL_LINE_LOOP Closed Fold
GL_TRAINGLE_STRIP Linear Continuously Filled Triangular Strings
GL_TRAINGLE_FAN Sector Continuously Filled Triangular Strings
GL_QUAD_STRIP Filling Quadrilateral Strings Continuously

Example 2

Let the five vertices of a Pentagon be located as follows:
E        B

    D    C
 Firstly, according to the sequence equation of cosine theorem, the distance a from the center to the vertex of a pentagonal star is calculated.
(Suppose that the edge length of a Pentagon corresponding to a regular pentagon is.0)
a = 1 / (2-2*cos(72*Pi/180));
Then, according to the definition of sine and cosine, the x coordinates bx and y coordinates by of B and y coordinates of C are calculated.
(Suppose that the center of the Pentagon is at the origin of the coordinates.
bx = a * cos(18 * Pi/180);
by = a * sin(18 * Pi/180);
cy = -a * cos(18 * Pi/180);
The coordinates of five points can be expressed simply by the above four quantities and some constants.
#include <math.h>
const GLfloat Pi = 3.1415926536f;
void myDisplay(void)
     GLfloat a = 1 / (2-2*cos(72*Pi/180));
     GLfloat bx = a * cos(18 * Pi/180);
     GLfloat by = a * sin(18 * Pi/180);
     GLfloat cy = -a * cos(18 * Pi/180);
         PointA[2] = { 0, a },
         PointB[2] = { bx, by },
         PointC[2] = { 0.5, cy },
         PointD[2] = { -0.5, cy },
         PointE[2] = { -bx, by };

     // In order of A->C->E->B->D->A, the pentagram can be drawn in one stroke.

Example 3

Since the default coordinate values of OpenGL can only range from - 1 to 1, (you can modify them, but leave the method for later.)
So we set a factor factor to reduce all coordinate values in equal proportion.
So you can draw more sinusoidal cycles.
Try to modify factor values and observe changes

#include <math.h>
const GLfloat factor = 0.1f;
void myDisplay(void)
     GLfloat x;
         glVertex2f(-1.0f, 0.0f);
         glVertex2f(1.0f, 0.0f);         // The above two points can draw the x-axis.
         glVertex2f(0.0f, -1.0f);
         glVertex2f(0.0f, 1.0f);         // The above two points can draw the y axis.
     for(x=-1.0f/factor; x<1.0f/factor; x+=0.01f)
         glVertex2f(x*factor, sin(x)*factor);

Note (0,0 points in the center of the image)

Point size defaults to 1 pixel, but it can also be changed. The command to change is glPointSize, whose function prototype is as follows:
void glPointSize(GLfloat size);
The size must be greater than 0.0f, with a default value of 1.0f in pixels.
Note: For specific OpenGL implementations, there is a limit to the size of the point. If the size of the setting exceeds the maximum value, the setting may be problematic.

void myDisplay(void)





         glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f);

         glVertex2f(0.5f, 0.5f);




Notice that there are two square points.

Draw the dotted line.

First, glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE) is used to start the dotted line mode (which can be turned off using glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE).

Then, use glLineStipple to set the style of dashed lines.

void glLineStipple(GLint factor, GLushort pattern);

Patterns are 16-length sequences of 1 and 0. From the lowest point of view, if 1, the factor points that should be drawn next on the line will be drawn as real; if 0, the factor points that should be drawn next on the line will be drawn as virtual.

void myDisplay(void)




     glLineStipple(4, 0x0F0F);


         glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f);

         glVertex2f(0.5f, 0.5f);




Posted by nickihandy on Sun, 21 Apr 2019 17:48:34 -0700