One Linux command per day (31):du

Unlike df, du is a view of using disk space for files and directories.

1. Command format

du [Options] [Files]

2. Command Function

Display disk usage space for files or directories.

3. Command parameters

- a or - all, showing the size of all files and directories, default output unit is byte.

- b, - bytes, in which byte is the output unit when displaying the directory or file size.

- c, - total, which shows the total of all directories or files, will appear "xxx total" at the end of the output.

- k, - kilobytes, the unit of output is KB (1024 bytes).

- m or --- megabytes, the output unit is MB.

- s, - summary, lists only the sum of all files and directories.

- h, - human-readable, with K, M, G as output units, improves the readability of information.

- x, - one-file-xystem, which is based on the file system being processed at the beginning, is skipped in case of other different file system directories.

- L, < Symbolic Link > or --- dereference < Symbolic Link >, the size of the source file for the symbolic link is specified in the display option.

- S, - separate-dirs, shows the size of the directory, and does not contain its subdirectories.

Exclude = directory or file >, skipping the specified directory or file.

- D or --- dereference-args, which displays the size of the source file for the specified symbolic link.

- H, - si, and - H parameters are the same, but K, M, G are converted into 1000 units.

- Or --- count-links, which repeatedly calculates the files linked to the hardware.

4. Use examples

Example 1: Space occupied by displaying directories or files

Command: du

# du

608     ./test6
308     ./test4
4       ./scf/lib
4       ./scf/service/deploy/product
4       ./scf/service/deploy/info
12      ./scf/service/deploy
16      ./scf/service
4       ./scf/doc
4       ./scf/bin
32      ./scf
8       ./test3
1288    .

Description: Display the size of the current directory and its subdirectories, the bottom 1288 is the size of the current directory.

Example 2: Display the space occupied by the specified file

Command: du log2012.log

# du log2012.log 

300 log2012.log

Example 3: View the space occupied by the specified directory

Command: du scf

# du scf
4       scf/lib
4       scf/service/deploy/product
4       scf/service/deploy/info
12      scf/service/deploy
16      scf/service
4       scf/doc
4       scf/bin
32      scf

Example 4: Display space occupied by multiple files

Command: du log30.tar.gz log31.tar.gz

# du log30.tar.gz log31.tar.gz 

4       log30.tar.gz
4       log31.tar.gz

Example 5: Show only the sum size

Command: du-s

# du -s
1288    .

# du -s scf
32      scf

# cd ..

# du -s test
1288    test

Example 6: Easy-to-read format display

Command: du-h test

# du -h test

608K    test/test6
308K    test/test4
4.0K    test/scf/lib
4.0K    test/scf/service/deploy/product
4.0K    test/scf/service/deploy/info
12K     test/scf/service/deploy
16K     test/scf/service
4.0K    test/scf/doc
4.0K    test/scf/bin
32K     test/scf
8.0K    test/test3
1.3M    test

Example 7: Both files and directories are displayed

# du -ah test

4.0K    test/log31.tar.gz
4.0K    test/test13.tar.gz
0       test/linklog.log
0       test/test6/log2014.log
300K    test/test6/linklog.log
0       test/test6/log2015.log
4.0K    test/test6/log2013.log
300K    test/test6/log2012.log
0       test/test6/log2017.log
0       test/test6/log2016.log
608K    test/test6
0       test/log2015.log
0       test/test4/log2014.log
4.0K    test/test4/log2013.log
300K    test/test4/log2012.log
308K    test/test4
4.0K    test/scf/lib
4.0K    test/scf/service/deploy/product
4.0K    test/scf/service/deploy/info
12K     test/scf/service/deploy
16K     test/scf/service
4.0K    test/scf/doc
4.0K    test/scf/bin
32K     test/scf
4.0K    test/log2013.log
300K    test/log2012.log
0       test/log2017.log
0       test/log2016.log
4.0K    test/log30.tar.gz
4.0K    test/log.tar.bz2
4.0K    test/log.tar.gz
0       test/test3/log2014.log
4.0K    test/test3/log2013.log
8.0K    test/test3
4.0K    test/scf.tar.gz
1.3M    test

Example 8: Display the size of disk space occupied by several files or directories, and also count their total.

Command: du-c log30.tar.gz log31.tar.gz

# du -c log30.tar.gz log31.tar.gz 

4  log30.tar.gz
4  log31.tar.gz
8  Total

Note: With the - c option, du not only displays the disk space occupied by the directories, but also counts the total in the last line.

Example 9: Sort by space size

Command: Du | sort - NR | more

# du|sort -nr|more

1288    .
608     ./test6
308     ./test4
32      ./scf
16      ./scf/service
12      ./scf/service/deploy
8       ./test3
4       ./scf/service/deploy/product
4       ./scf/service/deploy/info
4       ./scf/lib
4       ./scf/doc
4       ./scf/bin

Example 10: In the current directory, output the disk space used by each subdirectory

Command: du-h -- MAX-depth = 1

# du -h --max-depth=1

608K    ./test6
308K    ./test4
32K     ./scf
8.0K    ./test3
1.3M    .

Posted by HostingTrade on Wed, 10 Jul 2019 17:11:29 -0700