Generators and iterators
Definition: in Python, the mechanism of calculating while looping is called generator.
1. Generator function
Generator functions -- essentially functions written by ourselves
As long as the function containing the yield keyword is a generator function, yield cannot be shared with return and needs to be written in the function
def generator(): print(a) yield 1 ret=generator() #Generator function: after execution, you will get a generator as the return value print(ret)
def generator(): print(1) yield 'a' print(2) yield 'b' yield 'c' g = generator() for i in g: print(i) ret = g.__next__() print(ret) ret = g.__next__() print(ret) ret = g.__next__() print(ret)
2. list push to type and dictionary derivation type
List derivation
Syntax [results, for loop condition filtering]
Requirement: each value in the list [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] is required to be increased by 1
Here you can use list generation
lst=[i+1 for i in range(10)] print(lst)
Dictionary derivation
lst=[11,22,33,44] dic={i:lst[i] for i in range(len(lst))} print(dic)
{0: 11, 1: 22, 2: 33, 3: 44}
Generator Expressions
g=(x+1 for x in range(10)) print(g)
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x00000223B825C890>#Generator memory address
In fact, by changing the list generated [] to (), a generator is created
l = [1,2,3] //Indexes //Loop for for i in l: pass for k in dic: pass '''list dic str set tuple''' f = open() range() enumerate print(dir([])) #Tell me all the methods the list has ret = set(dir([]))&set(dir({}))&set(dir(''))&set(dir(range(10))) print(ret) #iterable print('__iter__' in dir(int)) print('__iter__' in dir(bool)) print('__iter__' in dir(list)) print('__iter__' in dir(dict)) print('__iter__' in dir(set)) print('__iter__' in dir(tuple)) print('__iter__' in dir(enumerate([]))) print('__iter__' in dir(range(1)))
As long as the data type can be looped by for, it must have__ iter__ method
A list is executed__ iter__ The return value after () is an iterator
print(dir([])) print(dir([].__iter__())) print(set(dir([].__iter__())) - set(dir([]))) print([1,'a','bbb'].__iter__().__length_hint__()) #Number of elements l = [1,2,3] iterator = l.__iter__() print(iterator.__next__()) print(iterator.__next__()) print(iterator.__next__()) print(iterator.__next__())
Iteratable -- > ITER ා as long as it contains__ iter__ Methods are all iterative
[]. iter() iterator -- > next ා you can take values from one iterator through next
As long as it contains__ iter__ All methods are iterative -- iterative protocol
print('__iter__' in dir( [].__iter__())) print('__next__' in dir( [].__iter__())) from collections import Iterable from collections import Iterator print(isinstance([],Iterator)) print(isinstance([],Iterable)) class A: def __iter__(self): pass def __next__(self): pass a = A() print(isinstance(a,Iterator)) print(isinstance(a,Iterable)) l = [1,2,3,4] for i in l.__iter__(): print(i)
The concept of iterator
Iterator protocol -- internal__ next__ And__ iter__ Method is iterator
Iterator protocol and iterative protocol
All that can be looped for are iterative
It can be iterated inside__ iter__ method
As long as it's an iterator, it can be iterated
The iteratable. iter() method can get an iterator
In iterator__ next__ () method can get values one by one
for loop is actually using iterators
iterator: iteratable object
Give you the memory address directly
print([].__iter__()) print(range(10))
for can only be used when it is an iterative object
When we encounter a new variable and are not sure whether it can be for loop, we will judge whether it can be iterated
for i in l: pass iterator = l.__iter__() iterator.__next__()
Benefits of iterators:
1. All values will be taken from one container type.
2. Save memory space
#The iterator doesn't take up another chunk of memory, #Instead, generate one at a time as the loop #Give me one next time
l = [1,2,3,45] iterator = l.__iter__() while True: print(iterator.__next__()) print(range(100000000000000)) print(range(3)) print(list(range(3))) def func(): for i in range(2000000): i = 'python%s'%i return i func()