webpack summary
1. It's hard to avoid cross domain problems in front and back platform separation projects, which can be configured in devServer of webpack
devServer:{ proxy:{ "/api":{ target:"https://****. com "/ / address of data interface changeOrigin:true, // Cross domain allowed secure:false, // Allow to run on https pathRewrite: { //If you don't want to always pass / api, you can override the path '^/api': '' } } } }
2. Configure the interface address of development environment and production environment
//Find the config/dev.env.js and prod.env.js files in Vue cli //dev.env.js is configured as follows module.exports = merge(prodEnv, { NODE_ENV: '"development"', API_ROOT:'"//"' }) //prod.env.js is configured as follows module.exports = { NODE_ENV: '"production"', API_ROOT:'"https://***. com / "'/ / online interface address }
3.axios configuration
After you configure the following code, you can use axios to pull data directly from components,
const url= process.env.API_ROOT;//Match automatically according to the running environment //When axios submits data, if qs package is used, // Serialize {user:'zhangsan',psw:123} into user = Zhangsan &; PSW = 123} using qs.stringify() to serialize the code axios.post(`${url}/xxx/xxx`,qs.stringify(data)) .then((res)=>{})
4. Font path error in iview css after package transfer
We found that the font path introduced in the packed css file is not correct, and there is an extra layer of / css. We just need to rewrite the configuration in build/webpack.prod.conf.js
module: { rules: utils.styleLoaders({ sourceMap: config.build.productionSourceMap, extract: false,// Rewrite from true to false usePostCSS: true }) }
5. When we import files, if the path is too long, we can use aliases
resolve:{ alias:{ '@':resolve('src'), 'common':resolve('src/common'), 'components':resolve('src/components') } }
Vue router summary
1. How to monitor Vue router
Method 1. watch
watch:{ $route(to,from){// to destination route, jump from that route console.log(to,from) } } //Deep monitoring watch:{ $route:{ handler:function(newVal,oldVal){ console.log(newVal,oldVal); }, deep:true//Deep monitoring } } // Match methods event watch:{ '$route':'getChange' }, methods:{ getChange(){ console.log(this.$route.path) } }
Method 2 route guard in component
beforeRouteEnter(to,from,next){ //!! Cannot get component instance this because the component has not been created when the hook is executing //But you can use the callback to get it next(vm=>{ }) }, beforeRouteUpdata(to,from,next){ // Route change, when the component is reused, use / foo:id // Access to this }, beforeRouteLeave(to,from,next){ //The corresponding route call when the navigation leaves the component // Access to this }
To be continued