nodejs learning notes (1) - web crawler

Keywords: Javascript JQuery encoding

Unconsciously, I have been developing nodejs for more than a year. I learned a lot in the process and forgot a lot, so I still insist on leaving some content in the blog for later reference.

This article mainly realizes a simple website crawler function, grabs the website inside picture as well as the content.

Before grabbing, the modules of SUPERGEN, cheerio, request and fs are used.

In fact, the purpose of SUPERGEN and http is the same, both of them are used to simulate requests through URLs. In order to record the usage, both of them are used here. cheerio, I personally understand, is equivalent to jquery of a server, which can filter the response content, and the usage is the same as jquery. fs module is the file operation module in nodejs.

Take crawling 360 website as an example:

 1 /**
 2  * Internet worm
 3  */
 5 let sup = require("superagent");
 6 let cheer = require("cheerio");
 7 let request = require("request");
 8 let fs = require("fs");
 9 const domain = "";
10 const url = "https://" + domain + "/";
11 sup.get(url).end(function (err, res, body) {
12     if (err) {
13         console.log(err);
14     } else {
15         console.log('----------------------');
16         //Find the text content of the page response 
17         let $ = cheer.load(res.text);
18         //adopt cheerio Filter content usage and jquery Just like: find out all the pictures in it
19         let rst = $("img"); 
20         rst.each(function (idx, item) {
21             //Here request.get Of encoding Be sure to set to null,api The document has instructions for null The response text will return a buffer
22             let imgUrl = (item.attribs.src.includes('//') ? 'http:' : url) + item.attribs.src;
23             console.log('********************', imgUrl);
24             request.get({ url: imgUrl, encoding: null }, function (error, response, body) {
25                 if (error) {
26                     console.error(error);
27                 } else {
28                     //Download data continuously
29                     let dir = domain + "/" + item.attribs.src.replace('//', '');
30                     let path = dir.split('/');
31                     //Remove the last filename section
32                     path.pop();
33                     if (fs.existsSync(path.join('/')) == false) {
34                         //Cycle folder creation
35                         var dirInfo = "";
36                         for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
37                             dirInfo += path[i] + "/"
38                             if (fs.existsSync(dirInfo) == false && dirInfo != '')
39                                 fs.mkdirSync(dirInfo);
40                         }
41                     }
42                     //hold body Of. string Turn to object Write to file
43                     fs.writeFile(dir, body, (err) => {
44                         console.log('----------------', err);
45                     })
46                 }
47             })
48         })
49     }
50 })


The above is a personal learning record. It's just a knowledge sharing point. If there's something wrong, please leave a message to point out.

Posted by ubunken on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 23:04:57 -0700