No matching records found when bootstrap-table displays data

Keywords: JSON JSP Attribute

Today, to implement the query function, we need to update the list display. When using bootstrap-table, the background controller sends back the json string of the query result by using @responsebody. The postman debugging result shows no problem, as shown in the figure:

However, the bootstrap-table on the jsp page has been displaying No matching records found, debugging for a long time, but no error was reported. Later, after annotating the parameters of the bootstrap-table paging request, the problem was solved, the source code was not studied in depth, and the problem was not clear. I hope the God of understanding could explain it. The annotated request code is as follows

var TableInit = function () {
            var oTableInit = new Object();
            //Initialize Table
            oTableInit.Init = function () {
                    url: '/StudentInfo/student/listData',         //Request the background URL (*)
                    method: 'post',                      //Request mode (*)
                    //Toolbar:' toolbar', // which container does the toolbar button use
                    striped: true,                      //Whether to display row spacing color
                    cache: false,//Whether to use caching, default to true,
                    //pagination: true, // whether to display pagination (*)
                    //sortable: false, // Enables sorting
                    //SortOrder:'asc', // sorting
                    queryParams: oTableInit.queryParams,//Transfer parameter (*)
                    sidePagination: "server",     //Paging: Client client paging, server server paging (*)
                   // pageNumber:1, // Initialize loading page 1, default page 1
                    //pageSize: 50, // Number of rows per page (*)
                    //pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100], // The number of rows available per page (*)
                    strictSearch: true,
                    clickToSelect: true,                //Whether to enable click-select rows
                    height: 460,                        //Line height. If the height attribute is not set, the table automatically feels the height of the table according to the number of records.
                    uniqueId: "id",                     //The unique identifier for each row, usually the primary key column
                    cardView: false,                    //Whether to display detailed view or not
                    detailView: false,                   //Whether to display parent-child table
                    columns: [{
                        field: 'sno',
                        title: 'Student ID'
                        field: 'sname',
                        title: 'Full name'
                    }, {
                        field: 'gender',
                        title: 'Gender'
                        field: 'major',
                        title: 'major'

            //Get the parameters of the query
          oTableInit.queryParams = function (params) {
                var temp = {   //The key name here and the variable name of the controller have to be changed all the time. This way, the controller has to be changed as well.
                    limit: params.limit,   //Page size
                    offset: params.offset,  //Page number

                return temp;
            return oTableInit;

Posted by vcv on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 02:57:17 -0800