ngnix+keepalive Load Balancing Setup

Keywords: Nginx RPM Session yum

3.7 Load Balancing Setup

3.7.1 Environment Architecture

Figure 3.7.1 nginx environment architecture diagram


3.7.2 Install dependency packages


#yum -y install gcc pcre-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel


3.7.3 Upload the Nginx and Keepalived installation packages to the server

Upload nginx-1.6.2.tar.gz and keepalived-1.2.12.tar.gz to the two load balancing servers/app directories.


3.7.4 Install Nginx

1. Unzip the installation package, command:

#tar –zxvf nginx-1.6.2.tar.gz


2. Enter the nginx-1.6.2 folder and command:

#cd /app/nginx-1.6.2


3. Configure installation software, commands:

#./configure --with-http_stub_status_module



4. Compile and install, commands:

#make && make install


3.7.5 Install Keepalived

1. Unzip the installation package, command:

# tar –zxvf keepalived-1.2.12.tar.gz


2. Enter the nginx-1.6.2 folder and command:

# cd keepalived-1.2.12


3. Configure installation software, commands:



4. Compile and install commands:

#make && make install


5. New keepalived service, command:

#cp /usr/local/etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived /etc/rc.d/init.d/


#cp /usr/local/etc/sysconfig/keepalived /etc/sysconfig/


#mkdir /etc/keepalived


#cp /usr/local/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf /etc/keepalived/


#cp /usr/local/sbin/keepalived /usr/sbin/


3.7.6 Configuring Nginx

The NginX configuration of the two access servers is exactly the same. Modify the following nginx.conf configuration file and replace it with the nginx.conf file in the usr/local/nginx/conf directory of the server.


Be careful:

Load balancing is configured as HTTP, Web Services protocol, which mainly includes Portal access IP and ports and system HTTP, DIP IP and ports used by Web Services protocol.

When DIP and Nginx deploy the same server, be aware to keep the Nginx proxy port and the DIP port inconsistent, that is, the ports in the upstream and server configuration sections of the Nginx configuration file are inconsistent.


3.7.7 Configuring Keepalived

The installation servers are divided into master and slave servers, and the keepalived configuration files for the master and slave servers differ.

1. Configure the configuration file for the master server

Modify the following keepalived-master.conf configuration file contents and change the file name to keepalived.conf, then replace keepalived.conf under the master server/etc/keepalived directory.


2. Configure the configuration file from the server

Modify the following keepalived-backup.conf configuration file contents and change the file name to keepalived.conf, then replace keepalived.conf in the master server/etc/keepalived directory.


3. Verification

(1) Start keepalived on primary and secondary servers: #/etc/init.d/keepalived start

(2) Check on the primary server if virtual IP is already bound: #ip addr, as shown in Figure 3.7.7-1, is the bound virtual IP address.


Figure 3.7.7-1 Binding Virtual IP Address

(3) Stop keepalived: #/etc/init.d/keepalived stop on the primary server and check from the server if virtual IP is bound.

(4) Start keepalived on the master server to see if the master server can take over virtual IP again


3.7.8 Add monitoring scripts

Keepalived supports configuring monitoring scripts to monitor Nginx status.Here, nmap is used to check the nginx port to determine the state of nginx.

1. Install nmap software, command:

Upload nmap-4.76-1.x86_64.rpm to the / app directory of both servers

Installation Software: #rpm - ivh nmap-4.76-1.x86_64.rpm


2. Modify the following monitoring script and upload it to the / opt directory of both servers.


3.7.9 Validation Test

1. Start the nginx and keepalived services of the master and slave servers, respectively.Note that the nginx service is started first, then the keepalivedservice, command:

Enter the / usr/local/nginx/sbin directory, #cd/usr/local/nginx/sbin

Start nginx service, #. /nginx

Start the keepalived service, #/etc/init.d/keepalived start


2. Host Server Test

(1) VIP Access Portal: Google Browser Address Bar Enter Address: http://VIP: Port/integrator/index.shtml .If the keepalived profile is configured with a VIP of and the nginx configuration listening port is 8080, the access address is: To see if the Portal home page can be successfully loaded, and if it can be successfully loaded, nginx+keepalived is successfully configured;

(2) VIP access to DIP: The system configures a HTTP-LOCAL process and is successfully deployed.Push a message with the Firefox plugin httprequest or soapui.Push HTTP URL is http://VIP:Communications Gateway Configuration Port/ Channel configuration path.Observe message monitoring for successful processing and, if successful, the nginx+keepalived configuration dip load balancing portion is successfully configured.


3. Testing from the server

Stop the nginx service on the master server, same as 3.7.9 2.Test on the master server.If accessible, it means that when the nginx master server hangs up, it can automatically switch to nginx from the server successfully, and the monitoring script works.


1. ngnix configuration file

#Start a process, usually set equal to the number of cpUs
worker_processes  1;

#Operating mode and maximum number of connections
events {
	use   epoll;				#epoll is a way of multiplexing IO(I/O Multiplexing), but only for linux2.6 or above cores can greatly improve nginx performance
    worker_connections  1024;	#Maximum number of concurrent links for a single background worker process

#Set up an http server to leverage its reverse proxy capabilities to provide load balancing support
http {
	#Set the mime type, defined by the mime.type file
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
	#The sendfile directive specifies whether nginx calls the sendfile function (zero copy mode) to output a file. For normal applications,
    #Must be set to on, if used for applications such as downloads, disk IO overload applications can be set to off to balance disk and network I/O processing speed and reduce uptime of the system.
    sendfile        on;
    #tcp_nopush     on;

	#Connection timeout
    #keepalive_timeout  0;
    keepalive_timeout  65;

	#Set load balancing server list
    upstream portal {
		ip_hash; #Directs IP requests to the same backend.
		#Native Open Port
    server {
		#Listen on port 8081
        listen       8081;
		#Define access using

		#Default Request
        location / {
           proxy_set_header Host $host: 8081;
           proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
           proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
           proxy_pass http://Portal; #Request to go to the list of servers defined by the portal, name needs to be unique

2. keepalive master server configuration

global_defs {
	notification_email {			#Specify the objects to which keepalived needs to send email s when a switch occurs, one line at a time

   notification_email_from	 #Specify sender
   smtp_server						 #Specify smtp server address
   smtp_connect_timeout 30									 #Specify smtp connection timeout
   router_id nginx_master									 #An identification of the machine running keepalived


#Backup load balancing server name defined earlier
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
	#Only MASTER and BACKUP States must be capitalized.
    state MASTER
	#Port to communicate
    interface eth0
	#Unique identification of the same VRRP instance.That is, the virtual_router_id of the same vrrp_stance,MASTER and BACKUP are identical.It is also unique throughout vrrp.
	virtual_router_id 51
    #Weight, the larger the value, the larger the weight.MASTER is greater than SLAVE
	priority 101
	#Time interval for synchronization checks between MASTER and SLAVE load balancers.Unit is: seconds
    advert_int 1
	#Authentication methods for MASTER and SLAVE
    authentication {
        auth_type PASS
        auth_pass 1111
    virtual_ipaddress {

virtual_server 8080 {
     delay_loop 2   #Check the real_server status every 2 seconds
     lb_algo wrr   #LVS algorithm
     lb_kind DR    #LVS mode
     persistence_timeout 60   #Session Hold Time
     protocol TCP
     real_server 8081 {
     weight 3
     notify_down /opt/  #Script executed after service down load detected
     TCP_CHECK {
     connect_timeout 10    #Connection timeout
     nb_get_retry 3       #Number of reconnections
     delay_before_retry 3   #Reconnection Interval Time
     connect_port 8080   #Health Check Port

3. keepalive configuration from server

global_defs {
notification_email {					#Specify the objects to which keepalived needs to send email s when a switch occurs, one line at a time

   notification_email_from	#Specify sender
   smtp_server						#Specify smtp server address
   smtp_connect_timeout 30									#Specify smtp connection timeout
   router_id nginx_backup									#An identification of the machine running keepalived


#Backup load balancing server name defined earlier
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
	#Only MASTER and BACKUP States must be capitalized.
    state BACKUP
	#Port to communicate
    interface eth0
	#Unique identification of the same VRRP instance.That is, the virtual_router_id of the same vrrp_stance,MASTER and BACKUP are identical.It is also unique throughout vrrp.
    virtual_router_id 51
    #Weight, the larger the value, the larger the weight.MASTER is greater than SLAVE
    priority 99
	#Time interval for synchronization checks between MASTER and SLAVE load balancers.Unit is: seconds
    advert_int 1
	#Authentication methods for MASTER and SLAVE
    authentication {
        auth_type PASS
        auth_pass 1111
    virtual_ipaddress {

virtual_server 8080 {
     delay_loop 2   #Check the real_server status every 2 seconds
     lb_algo wrr   #LVS algorithm
     lb_kind DR    #LVS mode
     persistence_timeout 60   #Session Hold Time
     protocol TCP
     real_server from nginx The server IP Corresponding service port {
     weight 3
     notify_down /opt/  #Script executed after service down load detected
     TCP_CHECK {
     connect_timeout 10    #Connection timeout
     nb_get_retry 3       #Number of reconnections
     delay_before_retry 3   #Reconnection Interval Time
     connect_port from nginx Service Correspondence Port   #Health Check Port

Posted by hanji on Sun, 30 Jun 2019 12:26:39 -0700