nginx deployment and installation

Keywords: Java Nginx OpenSSL RPM Hadoop

1. When learning ngnix, there is no need to install it. In fact, the installation is very simple. A shell script can do it. Please refer to the following

Use the root user to execute the script, which is as follows:

set -o nounset
basedir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)

# Set user name and password

# Version information of nginx

# nginx installation directory

#Check that the gcc environment is installed
which gcc &> /dev/null  || (echo -e "\033[31mgcc uninstall !!\033[0m"; exit 1)
test $? -eq 1 && exit 1

which make &>/dev/null || ( echo -e "\033[31mmake uninstall!\033[0m" ;exit 1)
test $? -eq 1 && exit 1

# check openssl 
openssl=$(rpm -qa | grep openssl)
if [[ $openssl = "" ]]
  echo -e "\033[31mopenssl is uninstall\033[0m"
  exit 1

# check pcre-devel
pcre_devel=$(rpm -aq | grep pcre-devel)
if [[ $pcre_devel = "" ]]
  echo -e "\033[31mpcre-devel is uninstall\033[0m"
  exit 1

# check zlib-devel
zlib_devel=$(rpm -aq | grep zlib-devel)
if [[ $zlib_devel = "" ]]
  echo -e "\033[31mzlib-devel is uninstall\033[0m"
  exit 1

test -f nginx-$nginx_version.tar.gz || (echo "nginx-$nginx_version.tar.gz file not found" ; exit 1)
test $? -eq 1 && exit 1

tar -zxf nginx-$nginx_version.tar.gz 
cd nginx-$nginx_version

./configure --prefix=$nginx_install_dir && make && make install || (echo "nginx install fail"; exit 1)
test $? -ge 1 && exit 1

function succ_msg {
  awk 'BEGIN{printf "%-50s \033[32m%-30s\033[0m\n","'$1'", "'$2'"}'

function fail_msg {
  awk 'BEGIN{printf "%-50s \033[31m\033[05m%-30s\033[0m\n","'$1'", "'$2'"}'

succ_msg "nginx install" "Success"

2. Finally, you will be prompted that the installation is successful. At this time, you can start and check whether nginx is successful

Start nginx


The default port of nginx is 80. Check whether the service is restarted successfully
ps -ef | grep nginx

Turn off nginx

/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop

Restart command

/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload

To access the ip address of the server, you do not need to add a port. The following shows that the installation and deployment are successful


Posted by bk6662 on Mon, 30 Dec 2019 12:26:23 -0800