1. Create nodes
CREATE (dept:Dept { deptno:10,dname:"Accounting",location:"Hyderabad" })
Where Dept is the node name and Dept is the label name (which can be understood as the table name)
CREATE (emp:Employee{id:123,name:"Lokesh",sal:35000,deptno:10})
2. search
Neo4j uses the CQL MATCH + RETURN command-
- Retrieving some attributes of a node
- Retrieving all attributes of a node
- Retrieving some attributes of nodes and relationships
- Retrieving all attributes of nodes and relationships
MATCH (dept: Dept) RETURN dept.deptno,dept.dname
3. Create relationships
In the following scenarios, we can use the Neo4j CQL CREATE command to create a relationship between two nodes. These situations apply to Uni and two-way relationships.
- Create attributeless relationships between two existing nodes
MATCH (e:Customer) RETURN e MATCH (cc:CreditCard) RETURN cc MATCH (e:Customer),(cc:CreditCard) CREATE (e)-[r:DO_SHOPPING_WITH ]->(cc)
- Create relationships with attributes between two existing nodes
MATCH (cust:Customer),(cc:CreditCard) CREATE (cust)-[r:DO_SHOPPING_WITH{shopdate:"12/12/2014",price:55000}]->(cc) RETURN r
- Create attributeless relationships between two new nodes
- Create relationships with attributes between two new nodes
CREATE (video1:YoutubeVideo1{title:"Action Movie1",updated_by:"Abc",uploaded_date:"10/10/2010"}) -[movie:ACTION_MOVIES{rating:1}]-> (video2:YoutubeVideo2{title:"Action Movie2",updated_by:"Xyz",uploaded_date:"12/12/2012"})
- Creating/not using attributes between two exit nodes with a WHERE clause
4. Create labels
Use the Neo4j CQL CREATE command
- Create a single label for a node
CREATE (google1:GooglePlusProfile)
- Create multiple tags for nodes
CREATE (m:Movie:Cinema:Film:Picture)
- Create a single label for a relationship
CREATE (p1:Profile1)-[r1:LIKES]->(p2:Profile2),
5. Where clause creates relationships
MATCH (cust:Customer),(cc:CreditCard) WHERE cust.id = "1001" AND cc.id= "5001" CREATE (cust)-[r:DO_SHOPPING_WITH{shopdate:"12/12/2014",price:55000}]->(cc) RETURN r
MATCH (a {name: "Laurence Fishburne"} - [r1: ACTED_IN] - > (m) < - [r2: DIRECTED] - (d) RETURN a,r1,r2,m,d and MATCH (a) - [r1: ACTED_IN] - > (m) < - [r2: DIRECTED] - (d) where a.name= "Laurence Fishe" RETURN a, r1, r2, m, where clauses are equivalent
6. Delete nodes and relationships
MATCH (e: Employee) DELETE e MATCH (cc: CreditCard)-[rel]-(c:Customer) DELETE cc,c,rel
7. Remove deletes labels and attributes
Delete attributes
MATCH (book { id:122 }) REMOVE book.price RETURN book
Tag deletion
MATCH (m:Movie) REMOVE m:Picture
8. Set adds attributes
MATCH (dc:DebitCard) SET dc.atm_pin = 3456 RETURN dc
9. Sorting sort
MATCH (emp:Employee) RETURN emp.empid,emp.name,emp.salary,emp.deptno ORDER BY emp.name
10. Union merger
<MATCH Command1> UNION <MATCH Command2>
11. Limit and skip
MATCH (emp:Employee) RETURN emp LIMIT 2 MATCH (emp:Employee) RETURN emp SKIP 2
Neo4j CQL has provided a "SKIP" clause to filter or limit the number of rows returned by the query. It trims the results at the top of the CQL query result set, skipping the first two lines.
12. Merge merger
Used to check whether the node has been created, because the CQL MERGE command checks whether the node is available in the database. If it does not exist, it creates a new node. Otherwise, it does not create a new node.
13. In operation
MATCH (e:Employee) WHERE e.id IN [123,124] RETURN e.id,e.name,e.sal,e.deptno
14. Directional relations
Neo4j only supports directed relationships
15. String functions (upper, lower, substring, replace)
MATCH (e:Employee) RETURN e.id,UPPER(e.name),e.sal,e.deptno
Upper, lower, substring (string subscript SUBSTRING(e.name,0,2), characters 0 to 2), replace
16. Aggregation functions (count, max, min, sum, avg)
MATCH (e:Employee) RETURN MAX(e.sal),MIN(e.sal)
17. Relational functions (start node, end node, id, type)
MATCH (a)-[movie:ACTION_MOVIES]->(b) RETURN ENDNODE(movie) MATCH (a)-[movie:ACTION_MOVIES]->(b) RETURN ID(movie),TYPE(movie)
Internal ID of the system
18. Unique constraints
Reference: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1336299