MySQL Learning Records —— Complex Project Practice

Keywords: SQL less

Item 10: Travel and Users (Difficulty: Difficulty)

The Trips table contains travel information for all taxis. Each trip has a unique key Id, Client_Id and Driver_Id are the foreign keys of Users_Id in the Users table. Status is an enumeration type with enumeration members ('completed','cancelled_by_driver','cancelled_by_client').

Id Client_Id Driver_Id City_Id Status Request_at
1 1 10 1 completed 2013-10-01
2 2 11 1 cancelled_by_driver 2013-10-01
3 3 12 6 completed 2013-10-01
4 4 13 6 cancelled_by_client 2013-10-01
5 1 10 1 completed 2013-10-02
6 2 11 6 completed 2013-10-02
7 3 12 6 completed 2013-10-02
8 2 12 12 completed 2013-10-03
9 3 10 12 completed 2013-10-03
10 4 13 12 cancelled_by_driver 2013-10-03

The Users table stores all users. Each user has a unique key Users_Id. Banned indicates whether the user is banned, while Role is an enumeration type for ('client','driver','partner').

Users_Id Banned Role
1 No client
2 Yes client
3 No client
4 No client
10 No driver
11 No driver
12 No driver
13 No driver

Write an SQL statement to find out the cancellation rate of non-prohibited users between October 1, 2013 and October 3, 2013. Based on the table above, your SQL statement should return the following results, with Cancellation Rate retaining two decimal places.

Day Cancellation Rate
2013-10-01 0.33
2013-10-02 0.00
2013-10-03 0.50
-- Create table Trips And insert data
Create table If Not Exists Trips 
    Id INT(5),
    Client_Id INT(5),
    Driver_Id INT(5), 
    City_Id INT(5), 
    Status ENUM('completed','cancelled_by_driver', 'cancelled_by_client'),
    Request_at varchar(50)
INSERT INTO Trips(Id, Client_Id, Driver_Id,City_Id, Status, Request_at)  
                 ('1', '1', '10', '1', 'completed', '2013-10-01'),
                 ('2', '2', '11', '1', 'cancelled_by_driver', '2013-10-01'),
                 ('3', '3', '12', '6', 'completed', '2013-10-01'),
                 ('4', '4', '13', '6','cancelled_by_client', '2013-10-01'),
                 ('5', '1', '10', '1', 'completed', '2013-10-02'),
                 ('6', '2', '11', '6', 'completed', '2013-10-02'),
                 ('7', '3', '12', '6', 'completed', '2013-10-02'),
                 ('8', '2', '12', '12', 'completed', '2013-10-03'),
                 ('9', '3', '10', '12', 'completed', '2013-10-03'),
                 ('10', '4', '13', '12','cancelled_by_driver', '2013-10-03');
-- Create table Users And insert data
Create table If Not Exists Users 
    Users_Id INT(5),
    Banned VARCHAR(50), 
    Role ENUM('client', 'driver', 'partner')
INSERT INTO Users (Users_Id, Banned, Role)
                  ('1', 'No', 'client'),
                  ('2', 'Yes', 'client'),
                  ('3', 'No', 'client'),
                  ('4', 'No', 'client'),
                  ('10', 'No', 'driver'),
                  ('11', 'No', 'driver'),
                  ('12', 'No', 'driver'),
                  ('13', 'No', 'driver');
-- Query the Cancellation Rate of Non-Prohibited Users from October 1, 2013 to October 3, 2013
SELECT request_at,
       ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Status="completed" THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)/COUNT(*),2) 
       AS Cancellation_Rate
      SELECT * FROM Trips 
          WHERE client_id NOT IN
            SELECT users_id FROM Users 
            WHERE banned = "yes" and role = "client"
          AND request_at >= "2013-10-01" 
          AND request_at <= "2013-10-03"
    ) AS t
    GROUP BY request_at 
    ORDER BY request_at ASC;

Item 11: Top 3 high-paid employees in each department (Difficulty: Medium)

Empty the employee table in Item 7 and insert the following data again (actually insert 5,6 rows more):

Id Name Salary DepartmentId
1 Joe 70000 1
2 Henry 80000 2
3 Sam 60000 2
4 Max 90000 1
5 Janet 69000 1
6 Randy 85000 1

Write an SQL query to find the top three employees in each department. For example, based on the given table above, the query results should be returned:

Department Employee Salary
IT Max 90000
IT Randy 85000
IT Joe 70000
Sales Henry 80000
Sales Sam 60000

In addition, consider realizing the functions of employees with high salaries in the former N departments.

-- Delete previously created Employee Table data, re-insert data
INSERT INTO Employee(Id, Name, Salary, DepartmentId)
                    (1, "Joe", 70000, 1),
                    (2, "Henry", 80000, 2),
                    (3, "Sam", 60000, 2),
                    (4, "Max", 90000, 1),
                    (5, "Janet", 69000, 1),
                    (6, "Randy", 85000, 1);
-- Save the two tables as new tables by inlinking them with department numbers h ,Find out the top three salaries by divisions
    SELECT d.Name Department, e.Name Employee, e.Salary 
        FROM Employee e INNER JOIN Department d
            ON e.DepartmentId = d.Id;
SELECT Department, h1.Employee, h1.Salary
    FROM h h1
    WHERE 3 >   
            SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT h2.Salary) 
            FROM h h2
            WHERE h2.Salary > h1.Salary AND h1.Department = h2.Department
    ORDER BY Department, h1.Salary DESC;

Item 12 Score Ranking - (Difficulty: Medium)

It is still the scoring table of Item 9 to achieve the ranking function, but the ranking is not continuous, as follows:

Score Rank
4.00 1
4.00 1
3.85 3
3.65 4
3.65 4
3.50 6
-- Establish score Table and insert data
	Score FLOAT(4)
INSERT INTO score(Id, Score)
           VALUES(1, 3.50),
                 (2, 3.65),
                 (3, 4.00),
                 (4, 3.85),
                 (5, 4.00),
                 (6, 3.65);
-- Establish score Table and insert data
	Score FLOAT(4)
INSERT INTO score(Id, Score)
           VALUES(1, 3.50),
                 (2, 3.65),
                 (3, 4.00),
                 (4, 3.85),
                 (5, 4.00),
                 (6, 3.65);
-- If the score of the left table is less than that of the right table, the left table is joined by the left table. id After grouping, the number of scores in the right table is counted.+1
SELECT s1.Score, COUNT(s2.Score) + 1 Rank
    FROM Score s1 LEFT JOIN Score s2
        ON s1.Score < s2.Score
    GROUP BY s1.Id
    ORDER BY s1.Score DESC;

Posted by Iki on Sat, 06 Apr 2019 15:54:30 -0700