MySQL Learning - Data in Operating Tables

Keywords: MySQL

ABSTRACT: This paper mainly studies the method of using DML statements to manipulate the data in tables.

insert data


By inserting the incoming data:

1 insert into table name [(column name 1,... (column name n)] values (value 1,... Value n;

Inserting through query data:

1 insert into table name [(column 1,..., column n)]
2 select column 1,..., column n from query table;


1 mysql> insert into score values (null, 'Zhang San', 'Computer', 98);
2 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
4 mysql> 

Update data


1 update table name set field 1 = value 1,... Field n = value n
2 [where expression]
3 [order by expression]
4 [limit start number, number of queries]


1 mysql> update score set grade = 99 where id = 1;
2 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
3 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
5 mysql> 

Delete data


1 delete from table name
2 [where expression]
3 [order by expression]
4 [limit expression]


1 mysql> delete from score where id = 1;
2 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
4 mysql> 

Basic Query


1 select field column name from table name
2 [where expression]
3 [group by expression]
4 [have expression]
5 [order by expression]
6 [limit start number, number of queries]


1 Field Column Name: Represents the field of the query, queries multiple fields with, separated, use * number to represent all the fields of the query.
Table Name: Represents the source of query data, which can be single or multiple, separated by multiple table names.
Where expression: optional, restricting the conditions that the query meets.
4 group by expression: optional, grouped according to the specified field.
5 having expression: optional, qualifying the conditions satisfied by the query, used to use aggregate function qualifying conditions.
6 order by expression: optional, specifying the sort mode, asc and desc.
7 limit start number, query number: optional, set the number of data bars displayed each time.


Create a score sheet:

1 mysql> create table score (
2     ->   id int(10) primary key auto_increment ,
3     ->   student varchar(20) not null,
4     ->   course varchar(20) not null,
5     ->   grade int(10)
6     -> );
7 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
9 mysql> 

Insert data:

 1 insert into score values(null, 'Zhang San', 'Computer', 98);
 2 insert into score values(null, 'Zhang San', 'English?',  53);
 3 insert into score values(null, 'Li Si', 'Computer', 48);
 4 insert into score values(null, 'Li Si', 'Chinese', 88);
 5 insert into score values(null, 'Wang Wu', 'Chinese', 95);
 6 insert into score values(null, 'Zhao Liu', 'Computer', 70);
 7 insert into score values(null, 'Zhao Liu', 'English?', 92);
 8 insert into score values(null, 'Zhao Liu', 'Chinese', 73);
 9 insert into score values(null, 'Sun Qi', 'English?', 94);
10 insert into score values(null, 'Zhou Ba', 'Computer', 90);
11 insert into score values(null, 'Zhou Ba', 'English?', 85);
12 insert into score values(null, 'Wu 9', 'Computer', 90);
13 insert into score values(null, 'Wu 9', 'Chinese', 55);

Query all results:

 1 mysql> select * from score;
 2 +----+---------+-----------+-------+
 3 | id | student | course    | grade |
 4 +----+---------+-----------+-------+
 5 | 1 | Zhang San | Computer | 98|
 6 | 2 | Zhang San | English | 53|
 7 | 3 | Li Si | Computer | 48|
 8 | 4 | Li Si | Chinese | 88|
 9 | 5 | Wang Wu | Chinese | 95|
10 | 6 | Zhao 6 | Computer | 70|
11 | 7 | Zhao Liu | English | 92|
12 | 8 | Zhao Liu | Chinese | 73|
13 | 9 | Sun Qi | English | 94|
14 | 10 | Wednesday 8 | Computer | 90|
15 | 11 | Wednesday 8 | English | 85|
16 | 12 | Wu Jiu | Computer | 90|
17 | 13 | Wu Jiu | Chinese | 55|
18 +----+---------+-----------+-------+
19 13 rows in set (0.00 sec)
21 mysql> 

Query the computer's performance:

 1 MySQL > select * from score where course = computer';
 2 +----+---------+-----------+-------+
 3 | id | student | course    | grade |
 4 +----+---------+-----------+-------+
 5 | 1 | Zhang San | Computer | 98|
 6 | 3 | Li Si | Computer | 48|
 7 | 6 | Zhao 6 | Computer | 70|
 8 | 10 | Wednesday 8 | Computer | 90|
 9 | 12 | Wu Jiu | Computer | 90|
10 +----+---------+-----------+-------+
11 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
13 mysql> 

Query the number and name of the students who have passed the examination and rank them according to the number:

 1 mysql> select id,student from score group by student having min(grade) > 60 order by id;
 2 +----+---------+
 3 | id | student |
 4 +----+---------+
 5 |  5 | Wang Wu    |
 6 |  6 | Zhao Liu    |
 7 |  9 | Sun Qi    |
 8 | 10 | Zhou Ba    |
 9 +----+---------+
10 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
12 mysql> 

To be continued

Posted by mikeashfield on Mon, 09 Sep 2019 22:02:33 -0700