MySQL learning - common database commands

Keywords: Database MySQL less

Pycharmlog in to MySQL

1. Create project

2. Click the Database button on the right
3. Enter the user name and password of mysql in the pop-up edit box
If Server returns invalid timezone. Go to 'Advanced' tab and set 'serverTimezone' profile error is prompted, please refer to: Problem solving

Database common field constraints

Constraint type Keyword
Primary key self increment primary key auto_increment
Can not repeat unqiue
Can not be empty not null
Default value default


create table user1(
  id int primary key auto_increment,
  username varchar(16) not null unique ,
  password varchar(16) not null,
  gender tinyint default 0,
  account decimal(12,2) default 0,
  vip boolean default false

Database addition, deletion, modification, query and other commands

insert data

Syntax: insert into [table name] value ([data 1], [data 2] );

insert into user3 (username,password,createDatetime) values
('Zhang Wei','pass1','2019-07-11'),('Wang Wei','pass2','2019-07-11'),
('Wang Fang','pass3','2019-07-12'),('Li Wei','pass4','2019-07-11'),
('Xiu Ying Wang','pass5','2019-07-12'),('Grace','pass6','2019-07-11'),
('Li Na','pass7','2019-07-10'),('Xiu Ying Zhang','pass8','2019-07-10'),
('Liu Wei','pass9','2019-07-12'),('Aman Chang','pass10','2019-07-10');

Modifying data

Syntax: update table name set field 1 = value, field 2 = value where [conditions]

update user1 set username='name2' where id=1;

Delete data

delete from [table name] where [condition]


delete from user1 where id=1;


Add a new field in the table. Specify the type and constraint of the new field
alter table table name add field name type constraint;
Modify the field in the table, specify the modified field and the modified name, field type and constraint
alter table table name change original field name new field name type constraint;
Delete field in table
alter table drop field name;
Modify the name of the table
rename table [original table name] to [new table name]


alter table user2 add tel tinyint unique;
alter table user2 change tel tel varchar(16) unique;
alter table user2 drop tel;
rename table  user2 to user3;

Query statement

1. View all data in the table
select * from [table name]; note: * indicates all fields

select * from user3;

2. View the specified fields
select field 1, field 2 from table name;

select username, password from user3;

3. Comparison criteria query
select * from table name where condition;

condition command
Equal =
Unequal !=
Empty is null
Not empty is not null
Greater than (greater than or equal to) >(>=)
Less than (less than or equal to) <(<=)
select * from user3 where username='Wang Wei';

select * from user3 where username!='Wang Wei';

select * from user3 where createDatetime is not null;

select * from user3 where id >=5;

4. Fuzzy condition query
select * from table name where field like expression;

condition command
% Match any number of characters
_ Match a character
select * from user where username like '%king%'
select * from user where username like 'king_'

5. Scope query
select * from table name where field in ([May 1], [May 2]...) ;

select * from user where username in ('Wang Wei','Li Na');

6. Logical operators

condition command
and And
or or


select * from user3 where username='Wang Wei' or username='Li Na';

7. grouping

select * from table name where condition group by field 1, field 2 ;

  1. By which field, which field will not be repeated.
  2. group by should be written after where
select count(*),createDatetime from user3 group by createDatetime;

select * from table name where condition group by field 1, field 2 having [conditions];
where is to filter the results of select * from
having is to filter the final result of group by

select count(*),createDatetime from user3 group by createDatetime having count(*) > 3;

8. ranking
select * from table name where condition group by field 1, field 2 having [condition] order by [field 1] asc|desc, [field 2] asc|desc;

  1. Meaning of asc and desc asc: ascending (default) desc: descending
  2. The sorting priority is based on field 1. If field 1 is the same, the sorting priority is based on field 2
select * from user3 order by createDatetime desc,id asc;

9. Paging (limit)
select * from table name where condition group by field 1, field 2 having [condition] order by [field 1] ASC DESC, [field 2] ASC desc limit [start index], [number of data];

select * from user3 limit 3,5;
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Posted by Giri J on Mon, 13 Jan 2020 19:51:16 -0800