MySql database learning (1)
mySQL (relational database management system)
MySQL is a relational database management system, developed by MySQL AB company in Sweden, which is currently a product of Oracle. MySQL is one of the most popular relational database management systems. In WEB application, MySQL is one of the best RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) application software.
MySQL is a kind of relational database management system, which saves data in different tables instead of putting all data in a large warehouse, which increases speed and flexibility.
The SQL language used by MySQL is the most commonly used standardized language for accessing databases. MySQL software adopts the dual authorization policy, which is divided into community version and commercial version. Due to its small size, fast speed, low total cost of ownership, especially the characteristics of open source, MySQL is generally selected as the website database for the development of small and medium-sized websites.
SQL statement of MYSQL
SQL:Structure Query Language
DDL: data definition definition language: definition and database / table structure: create (create) drop (delete) alter (modify)
DML: Data Manipulation Language: mainly used to insert (insert) update (modify) delete (delete) table data
DCL: data control language: define access rights, cancel access rights, and set grant for security
DQL: Data Query Language: select (query) from clause where clause
1. CRUD operation of database
- First, log in to the database server: mysql -uroot -proot
Create database
create database Database name create database day01; --When creating a database, specify the character set create database Database name character set character set; create database day01_1 character set utf-8; create database Database name character set character set collate Proofreading rules; create database day01_2 character set utf-8 collate utf8_bin;
view the database
--View database defined statements show create database Database name show create database day_01; show create database day_01_1; --View all databases show databases; informartion_schema performance_schema mysql
Modifying database operations
--Modify the character set of data alter database Database name character set character set; alter database day01_1 character set gbk;
Delete database
drop database Database name; drop database day01; drop database test;
Other database operation commands
--Switch database (select database) use Database name use day01; --Take a look at the database currently in use select database();
2. CRUD operation of table
Create table
The name of the create database database; create table table name( Column name column type (length) constraint, Column name 2 column type (length) constraint, ); Type of column: java sql int int char/string char/varchar char: fixed length varchar: variable length char (3) - space varchar (3) 11 Length represents the number of characters double double float float boolean boolean date date : YYYY-MM-DD time : hh:mm:ss Datetime: yyyy-mm-dd HH: mm: SS default value is null Timestamp: yyyy-mm-dd HH: mm: SS defaults to the current time Text: mainly used to store text blob: binary Column constraints: Primary key constraint: primary key Unique constraint: unique Non NULL constraint: not null Create table: 1. Analysis entity: Students 2. student ID 3. name 4. sex 5. age create table student( sid int primary key, sname varchar(31), sex int, age int );
View table
--View all tables show tables; --View table definition show create table student; --View table structure desc student;
Modify table
add, modify, change, drop, rename, character set
add column alter table table name add column type column alter table student add chengji int not null; modify column alter table student modify sex varchar(2); change column name alter table student change sex gender varchar(2); Delete column (dorp) alter table student drop chengji; Modify table name rename table student to studenttable; Modify the character set of the table alter table studenttable character set gbk;
Delete table
drop table studenttable;
Sql operation on CRUD of data in the table completely:
insert data
insert into table name (column name 1, column name 2, column name 3) values (value 1, value 2, value 3); --Simple writing method: if the data of insert type full column name, the column name after the table name can be omitted insert into table name values (value 1, value 2, value 3); insert into student values(2,'zhangsan',1,23); --Note: if you are inserting some columns, the column name cannot be omitted insert into student(sid,sname) values(3,'lisi'); insert into student values(3,'lisi'); / / this writing method is wrong --Insert batch data: insert into student(sid,sname,sex,age) values (1,'zhangsan',1,23), (2,'zhangsan',1,23), (3,'zhangsan',1,23), (4,'zhangsan',1,23), (5,'zhangsan',1,23), (6,'zhangsan',1,23); --Efficiency of single insertion and batch insertion It depends on how much data is inserted. If there is more data, the efficiency of batch insertion is high. --View data for table select * from student;
insert into student values(10, 'Li Si', 1, 23);
- Temporary solution: set names gbk; it's equivalent to the high-speed mysql server software. The current content we input under the command line is GBK code. When the command line window is closed, there will be problems when he enters Chinese.
- Permanent solution: modify my.ini configuration (in mysql installation path)
1. Suspend mysql service
2. Find my.ini configuration file in mysql installation path; C:\Program Files\MySql Server 5.5
3. Change the 57 line code to gbk
4. Save file exit
5. Start mysq service
Delete table record
delete from table name [where condition] delete from student where sid = 10; delete from student; if no condition is specified, all data in the table will be deleted one by one. --Interview question: what's the difference between delete data and truncate data delete: DML deletes the data in the table one by one truncate: DDL deletes the table first and rebuilds the table Which is more efficient: it depends on the amount of data in the table If there is less data, delete is more efficient If there is more data, truncate is more efficient
Update table record
update Table name set Column names=Column value, column name=Column value2 [ where condition] --take sid Change the name of 5 to Li Si --If the parameter is a string, the date is quoted in single quotes update student set sname = 'Li Si' where sid = 5; update Table name set Column names=Column name value2=Column value2 [ where condition] update student set sname ='Wang Wu',sex='1'; update student set sname ='Zhao Liu',sex='0' where sid=6;
Query record
select [distinct][*] [Column name2] from Table name [where condition] distinct : Remove duplicate data --Product classification: Mobile Digital,Shoes bag... 1.Classified ID 2.Classification name 3.Classification description create table category( cid int primary key auto_increment, cname varchar(10), cdesc varchar(31) ); insert into category values(null,'Mobile phone digital','kk electronic product, kk production'); insert into category values(null,'Shoes schoolbag','kk Leather shoes factory, kk production'); insert into category values(null,'Cigarette drinks','kk Wine, kk production'); insert into category values(null,'Snack biscuits','kk Whoahaha, kk production'); insert into category values(null,'Spicy spicy bar','kk Weilong, kk production'); select * from category; select cname,cdesc from category; --All goods 1.commodity ID 2.Trade name 3.prices for goods 4.Date of manufacture 5.Commodity classification ID //Commodity and commodity classification: relationship create table product( pid int primary key auto_increment pname varchar(10), price double, pdate timestamp, cno int ); insert into product values(null,'Millet 9',998,null,1); insert into product values(null,'1+',2888,null,1); insert into product values(null,'Adidas',99,null,2); insert into product values(null,'Old village head',88,null,3); insert into product values(null,'Strong wine',35,null,3); insert into product values(null,'Jenny Bakery',1,null,4); insert into product values(null,'Weilong spicy strips',1,null,5); insert into product values(null,'Spicy strips',1,null,5); --Simple query: ---Query all products: select * from product; ---To query the commodity name and price: select pname,price from product; ---Alias query as Keywords for, as Keywords can be omitted --Table alias: select p.pname ,p.price from product p;(Mainly used in multi table query); select p.pname,p.price from product as p; --Alias: select pname as Trade name ,price as commodity price from product; select pname as Trade name,price as commodity price from product; //ellipsisasKeyword select pname Trade name,price commodity price from product; ---Remove duplicate values --Query all prices of goods select price from product; select distinct price from product; --select Arithmetic query : Only on the query results + - * / select *,price*1.5 from product; select *,price*1.5 as el Discount price from product; select *,price*0.9 from product; --Price adjustment enquiry [ where Keyword] //Specify the conditions and determine the records to be operated --Query commodity price>60 All product information of yuan select * from product where price > 60 ; --where The latter condition is written as follows: --Relational operators: > >= < <= = != <> <> : Not equal to: StandardSQLgrammar != : Not equal to: non-standardSQLgrammar --To query all goods whose price is not equal to 88: select * from product where price <> 88; select * from product where price != 88; --Query commodity price between 10 and 100 select * from product where price > 10 and price >100; between ...and... select * from product where price between 10 and 100; --Logical operation:and , or ,not --It is found that the commodity price is less than 100 or more than 900. select * from product where price <35 or price >900; --like : Fuzzy query _ : Represents a character % : Represents more than one character -- Find out the desired products with cakes in their names '%cake%' select * from product where pname like '%cake%' -- The second name is all products of bear. '_The bear%' select * from product where pname like '_The bear%' -- in Get value in a range --Find commodity classification ID At 1,4,5 All the goods in it select * from product where cno in (1,4,5); --Sort query: order by Keyword asc : ascend Ascending (default sort method) desc : descend Descending order --0.Query all goods and sort by price select * from product order by price --1.Query all goods and sort them in descending order by price( asc -Ascending order desc-Descending order); select * from product order by price desc; --2.Query name has small goods, sorted by price descending 1.Query name has small products select * from product where pname like '%Small%'; 2.Sort to get results select * from product where pname like '%Small%'; order by price asc; --Aggregate function: sum() :Summation avg() :Average value count() :Statistical quantity max() :Maximum value min() :minimum value --1.Get the sum of all commodity prices: select sum(price) from product; --2.Get the average price of all goods: select avg(price) from product; --3.Get the number of all products: select count(*) from product; --Be careful: where Aggregate function cannot be followed by condition select * from product where price > avg(price);//This is wrong --Find out all products whose price is greater than the average price. //Query all items select * from product; //greater than //average price select avg(price) from product; select * from product where price > (select avg(price) from product); --Grouping: group by --1.according to cno Field grouping, count the number of goods after grouping select cno ,count(*) from product group by cno; --2.according to cno Group, group count the average price of each group of goods and the average price of goods > 60 select cno,avg(price) from product group by cno having avg(price) > 60; --having Keywords can be grouped after the occurrence of aggregate functions --where Keyword is not allowed to connect aggregate function before grouping --Writing order --S..F ..W..G...H..O by ..having ..order by --Execution sequence F..W..G..H..S..O from.. where.. group by ..having .. order by