mysql database advanced statement - medium

Keywords: Database MySQL regex


1, Regular expression

1. Introduction

2. Common matching types

3. Query mode

2, Operator

1. Arithmetic operator

2. Comparison operator

3. Logical operator (Boolean)

  4. Bitwise operator

  3, Connection query

1. Inner connection

2. Left connection

3. Right connection


1, Regular expression

1. Introduction

MySQL regular expressions usually match the required special strings in the records according to the specified matching pattern when retrieving database records. MySQL regular expressions use the keyword regexp to specify the matching pattern of regular expressions

2. Common matching types

  matching      describe
^    Matches the start character of the text
$    Matches the end character of the text
.    Match any single character
*Matches zero or more characters before it
+Matches the preceding character 1 or more times
character stringMatch contains the specified string
|  or
[...]Matches any character in the character set
[^...]    Matches any character that is not in parentheses
{n}Match the previous string n times
{n,m}Match the previous string at least n times and at most m times

3. Query mode

What does it start with
select * from ly where name regexp '^sh';
What does it end with
select * from ly where name regexp 'n$';
lu Having any character in the middle
select * from ly where name regexp 'l.u';
Match there ha of
select * from ly where name regexp 'han*';
Match there han of
select * from ly where name regexp 'han+';
contain an
select * from ly where name regexp 'an';
have han perhaps li of
select * from ly where name regexp 'han|li';
Match contains a perhaps l Equialphabetic
select * from ly where name regexp '[al]';
Not with a perhaps g Ending with
select * from ly where name regexp '[^ag]$';

#Note that '[^ sss]' can only be exactly reversed

2, Operator

1. Arithmetic operator

operator	describe
+		addition
-		subtraction
*		multiplication
/		division
%		Surplus

select 1+1,2-1,3*2,4/2,5/2;

2. Comparison operator

operator			describe
=				be equal to
>				greater than
<				less than
>=				Greater than or equal to
<=				Less than or equal to
!=or<>			Not equal to
is null			Judge whether a value is NULL
is not null		Judge whether a value is not NULL
between and		Between the two
in  			In collection
like			Wildcard matching
grertest		Returns the maximum value for two or more parameters
least   		Returns the minimum value for two or more parameters
regexp			regular expression 

Here we use ascii The codes are: a,A,0(97,65,48)

If both are integers, the comparison is based on integer values

If an integer a string, the string will be automatically converted to a number for comparison. (in the procedure, the two are generally not compared)

If both are strings, the comparison is performed by string

If at least one of the two values is NULL, the result of the comparison is NULL

3. Logical operator (Boolean)

operator			describe
not or !	    Logical non           have null return null,If 0 returns 1, if not 0 returns 0
and or &&		Logic and           have null return null,If 0 returns 0, if not 0 returns 1
or 		        Logical or           There is a non-zero null Return 1, yes null return null,All 0 returns 0
xor			    Logical XOR         have null return null,0 returns 1, all 0, non-0 returns 0

  4. Bitwise operator

Bitwise Operators 	describe
&			Bitwise AND        11 is 1, otherwise 0
|			Bitwise OR        1 with 1, otherwise 0
~			Bitwise inversion      Inverse calculation
^			Bitwise XOR      Different 1, otherwise 0
<<			Shift left by bit
>>			Shift right by bit

Bit operators are actually operators that evaluate binary numbers

priority	operator
1		!
2		~
3		^
4		*,/,%
5		+,-
6		>>,<<
7		&
8		|
9		=,<=>,>=,>,<=,<,<>,!=,IS,LIKE,REGEXP,IN
11		NOT
12		&&,AND
13		||,OR,XOR
14		:=

  3, Connection query

1. Inner connection

Internal join in MySQL is a combination of data records in two or more tables that meet certain conditions at the same time. When there are multiple tables at the same time, internal join can also be used continuously to realize internal join of multiple tables. However, for better performance, it is recommended not to exceed three tables

SELECT column_name(s)FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;

#In short, it is the intersection of the common conditions of the two tables and displays the results
select * from shi inner join shi02 on;

2. Left connection

The left connection can also be called the left outer connection. The left connection takes the left table as the base table, receives all rows of the left table, and uses these rows to match the records in the right reference table, that is, match all rows in the left table and qualified rows in the right table

select * from shi02 left join shi on;

#The left table displays the information of the left table, the right table displays the conditional intersection, and the others are null filled

3. Right connection

The right connection is also called the right outer connection. The right connection is just the opposite of the left connection. It is based on the right table. It is used to receive all rows in the right table and match these records with the rows in the left table

select * from shi02 left join shi on;

#Right displays the information in the right table, the left table displays the conditional intersection, and the others are null filled


Regular expressions: mainly normal queries, plus where   The field regexp is used for matching query

Operators are mainly common arithmetic, comparison, logic and bit operators

Arithmetic operator: select   Number (+ - * /%) number

Comparison operators: select characters (>, < >, is null, between and, in, like, greenest, leastd, etc.); The statement displays 1 correctly, 0 incorrectly, or maximum and minimum

Logical operator: logical non not or!, It means taking negation, null returns null, 0 returns 1, and non-0 returns 0; Logic and and or & &, which means intersection. Null returns null, 0 returns 0, and non-0 returns 1; Logical or or is the union set. If there is non-0null return 1, if there is null return null, all 0 return 0; Logical xor XOR

Bit operator: convert to binary operation& Press bit and 11 to get 1, otherwise 0| By bit or, 1 gets 1, otherwise 0~ Inverse calculation by bit^ Bitwise XOR, different 1, otherwise 0;

Internal connection: mainly refers to the intersection of two table conditions. Left connection means that the data in the right table is obtained according to the left condition without null complementation, that is, the data in the left table is obtained according to the right condition without null complementation

Posted by candy2126 on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 02:33:32 -0700