mycat configuration fragment

Keywords: mycat MySQL Database xml

Machine information

Machine IP Installation services Exposed port mycat service External exposure port 8066 mysql1 External exposure port 3306 mysql2 External exposure port 3306

1. Install mycat

1.1 download the installation package (it is recommended that the version be consistent, and you can try a new version after success)
mycat Download
jdk Download

1.2 decompression and installation

tar -zxf jdk-8u251-linux-x64.tar.gz
tar -zxf Mycat-server-1.6.5-release-20180122220033-linux.tar.gz

In my side, I've moved all the extracted files to the directory / usr/local. This depends on my habits. If I don't move them, when I configure the jdk and mycat environment variables later, the directory needs to be modified

1.3 configure environment variables
Compile the profile file under / etc / directory, and add the environment variable configuration at the end of the file
(if the paths of jdk and mycat are inconsistent, remember to modify them.)

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_251
export MYCAT_HOME=/usr/local/mycat
export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/rt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar


After editing, save to exit, and execute the following command.

#Refresh environment variable configuration
source profile
#Verify that the environment variable configuration is valid
java -version

2. Prepare mysql instance

2.1 prepare two mysql instances
In my side, I directly used docker to build two containers of msyql5.7. During this demonstration, docker is very convenient and quick, and can be done by one line of command.

docker run --name Mymysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql:5.7

be careful:

  1. The above command needs to install docker first, Refer to previous docker articles for installation methods
  2. You can start two mysql containers on the same machine, so remember to modify the port mapping. For example, if one is - p 3306:3306 and the other is - p {custom port}: 3306; if you are starting a mysql example for each machine, the above command will be executed separately without any modification (only for demonstration here, without configuring the mount data volume and other mysql configurations)
  3. Remember to turn on the firewall

2.2 initialize database and table
Each example establishes a user database, as well as a user table, to be used in our later fragmentation experiments.

-- export user Database structure of
USE `user`;

-- Export table user.user structure
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
  `name` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'name',
  `age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Age',
  `address` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'address',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

3. Configure sharding

mycat has three important configuration files: server.xml , schema.xml , rule.xml , we will not expand here, because each file has a large number of configurations, you can write a whole article, and there are many online related introduction materials, you can consult them by yourself.

3.1 configure fragment rule
modify rule.xml Configure sharding rules

	<tableRule name="partitionByMod-id-2">
	<function name="PartitionByMod" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByMod">
		<property name="count">2</property>

  • tableRule - name: the name of the rule we defined. You can choose it by yourself. You'd better see the meaning of the rule. rule.xml File cannot have the same tableRule name
  • Columns: fragment that field
  • algorithm: just match the function tag name below
  • function - class: define fragmentation algorithm, io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByMod,mycat provides many segmentation algorithms
  • property name = "count": number of sharded nodes, corresponding to schema.xml The number of dataNode configurations in the table tag

3.2 configuration schema

<!-- schema name Configure the logical library name, which can be defined; table name The configured logical table name is consistent with the prepared two databases -->
<schema name="demo" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100">
	<table name="t_user" primaryKey="id" dataNode="dn1,dn2" rule="partitionByMod-id-2"/>
<!-- Configure two dataNode,database And two mysql Same library name -->
<dataNode name="dn1" dataHost="host1" database="user" />
<dataNode name="dn2" dataHost="host2" database="user" />
<!-- to configure host1 Represents the database instance -->
<dataHost name="host1" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="0"
		  writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1"  slaveThreshold="100">
	<heartbeat>select user()</heartbeat>
	<writeHost host="hostS1" url="" user="root" password="123456">
<!-- to configure host2 Represents the database instance -->
<dataHost name="host2" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="0"
		  writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1"  slaveThreshold="100">
	<heartbeat>select user()</heartbeat>
	<writeHost host="hostS2" url="" user="root" password="123456">

3.3 configuration server.xml

<!-- mycat account number -->
<user name="root" defaultAccount="true">
	<!-- mycat password -->
	<property name="password">123456</property>
	<!-- Logical library name -->
	<property name="schemas">demo</property>

4. Start mycat test

4.1 start up:

#Or mycat restart
mycat start

4.2 check the log of mycat to see if it is started successfully

 tail -f /usr/local/mycat/logs/wrapper.log 

See the log line, and there is no error reported in the front, indicating that the startup is successful.

4.3 testing
I use Python for testing, because the code is simple. (I'm a python rookie QAQ)

import MySQLdb
import random
import string

conn = MySQLdb.connect(host="",port=8066,user="root",passwd ="123456",db="demo",charset='utf8')
# Using the cursor() method to get the operation cursor
cursor = conn.cursor()
for i in range(1,10):
    ran_str = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8))
    sqlStr = "insert into t_user(id,name,age,address)values('{}','{}',18,'Shenzhen, Guangdong Province')".format(i,ran_str)

Finally, we can see that the data is divided into two databases according to the module of id pair 2_ In the user table.

id modulo 2, these are defined in rule.xml In.

Posted by ganesh129 on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 22:20:45 -0700