General CRUD
1.1 Create the interface EmployeeMapper and inherit BaseMapper<T>
public interface EmployeeMapper extends BaseMapper<Employee> { /* * Mapper Interface * * Based on Mybatis: Writing CRUD-related methods in Mapper interface provides corresponding SQL mapping files and corresponding SQL statements for Mapper interface. * * MP-based: Let the XxxMapper interface inherit the BaseMapper interface. * * BaseMapper<T>: Generics specify the type of entity class that the current Mapper interface operates on. * */ // Integer insertEmployee(Employee employee ); // <insert useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" > SQL...</insert> }
2.1 Create test class TestMPCRUD01 for testing
2.1.1 Insert operation
public class TestMPCRUD01 { private ApplicationContext ioc = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml"); private EmployeeMapper employeeMapper = ioc.getBean("employeeMapper", EmployeeMapper.class); @Test public void testCommonInsert() { //Initialize Employee objects Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.setLastName("MP"); employee.setEmail(""); employee.setGender(1); employee.setAge(22); employee.setSalary(20000.0); // Insert into database // When insert method inserts, it makes non-null judgment according to each attribute of entity class. Only fields corresponding to non-null attributes appear in the SQL statement. // Integer result = employeeMapper.insert(employee); // When insertAllColumn method is inserted, the fields corresponding to the attributes will appear in the SQL statement regardless of whether the attributes are null or not. Integer result = employeeMapper.insertAllColumn(employee); System.out.println("result: " + result); //Get the primary key value of the current data in the database Integer key = employee.getId(); System.out.println("key:" + key); } }
2.1.2 Update Operation
@Test public void testCommonUpdate() { //Initialization of Modified Objects Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.setId(4); employee.setLastName("Miss Ozawa"); employee.setEmail(""); employee.setGender(0); employee.setAge(33); //Integer result = employeeMapper.updateById(employee); Integer result = employeeMapper.updateAllColumnById(employee); System.out.println("result: " + result); }
2.1.3 Query Operations
@Test public void testCommonSelect() { //1. Query by id Employee employee = employeeMapper.selectById(1); System.out.println(employee); //2. Query ID + lastName through multiple columns employee = new Employee(); employee.setId(4); employee.setLastName("Miss Ozawa"); employee.setGender(0); Employee result = employeeMapper.selectOne(employee); System.out.println("result: " + result); //3. Query <foreach> through multiple IDS List<Integer> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(4); idList.add(5); idList.add(6); idList.add(7); List<Employee> emps = employeeMapper.selectBatchIds(idList); System.out.println(emps); //4. Encapsulating Conditions Query by Map Map<String, Object> columnMap = new HashMap<>(); columnMap.put("last_name", "Tom"); columnMap.put("gender", 1); emps = employeeMapper.selectByMap(columnMap); System.out.println(emps); //5. Paging query emps = employeeMapper.selectPage(new Page<>(3, 2), null); System.out.println(emps); }
2.1.4 Delete operation
@Test public void testCommonDelete() { //1. Delete according to id Integer result = employeeMapper.deleteById(13); System.out.println("result: " + result); //2. Delete according to conditions Map<String, Object> columnMap = new HashMap<>(); columnMap.put("last_name", "MP"); columnMap.put("email", ""); result = employeeMapper.deleteByMap(columnMap); System.out.println("result: " + result); //3. Batch deletion List<Integer> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(3); idList.add(5); result = employeeMapper.deleteBatchIds(idList); System.out.println("result: " + result); }
3.1 summary
3.1.1 general purpose
Integer insert(T entity); Integer insertAllColumn(T entity); Integer updateById(@Param("et") T entity); Integer updateAllColumnById(@Param("et") T entity); T selectById(Serializable id); T selectOne(@Param("ew") T entity); List<T> selectBatchIds(List<? extends Serializable> idList); List<T> selectByMap(@Param("cm") Map<String, Object> columnMap); List<T> selectPage(RowBounds rowBounds, @Param("ew") Wrapper<T> wrapper); Integer deleteById(Serializable id); Integer deleteByMap(@Param("cm") Map<String, Object> columnMap); Integer deleteBatchIds(List<? extends Serializable> idList);
3.1.2 Annotations/Global Configuration
@TableName Global MP configuration: <property name="tablePrefix" value="tbl_"></property> @TableField Global MP configuration: <property name="dbColumn Underline" value="true"></property> @TableId Global MP configuration: <property name="idType" value="0"></property> Supporting primary key self-increment by inserting data into database to obtain primary key values Mybatis: You need to set it up with useGeneratedKeys and keyProperty MP: Automatically writes back primary key values to entity classes
4.1 SQL Injection Analysis
- The essence of A. employeeMapper is org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperProxy.
- In B. Mapper Proxy, sqlSession -> SqlSession Factory.
- C. SqlSession Facotry Configuration MappedStatements.
- Each mappedStatement represents a method in the Mapper interface and an SQL in the Mapper mapping file.
- When MP starts, it will analyze the methods in xxxMapper one by one, and process the corresponding SQL statements and save them to mappedStatements in the configuration object.
- D. substance:
- Configuration: MyBatis or MP global configuration objects.
- MappedStatement: A MappedStatement object corresponds to a select/update/insert/delete node in the Mapper configuration file, which mainly describes an SQL statement.
- SqlMethod: Enumeration of objects, SQL methods supported by MP.
- TableInfo: The database table reflects information, so you can get information about the database table.
- SqlSource: SQL statement processing objects.
- Mapper Builder Assistant: Used for caching, SQL parameters, query prescription result set processing, etc. Each mappedStatement is added to mappedstatements in configuration through Mapper Builder Assistant.