The world's largest sketch dataset: multi process & & multi thread data set generation practice

Keywords: Python data structure Machine Learning Deep Learning

The previous article introduced the past and present of quickdraw:

The largest hand drawn sketch data set in the universe - QuickDraw analysis, download, use, training and visualization (with complete code)_ A fan boy addicted to cycling - CSDN blog

However, in the process of generation, the cpu utilization is very low, and it is difficult to use it on a large scale. For example, it took seven days and seven nights to generate 10k image s in a single category, let alone use all hundreds of classes. It is necessary to fundamentally solve the problem of efficiency! This article from simple to deep, step by step, hand-in-hand to take you to completely solve this problem. The same solution can be reused in other deep learning tasks.


baseline task

Multithreading - the cost of creating / destroying is huge, and the gain is not worth the loss

Thread pool -- pool technology solves the overhead of thread creation / destruction

Why is CPU utilization still so low?

Python multithreading caused by GIL global interpreter lock is like a dummy

Multi process parallel computing

reference resources

baseline task

In the previous article, a class was encapsulated and reused directly.

import cv2
import os
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from sketch_processing import draw_three
import numpy as np
import random
class DrawSketch(object):
    def __init__(self):
    def scale_sketch(self, sketch, size=(448, 448)):
        [_, _, h, w] = self.canvas_size_google(sketch)
        if h >= w:
            sketch_normalize = sketch / np.array([[h, h, 1]], dtype=np.float)
            sketch_normalize = sketch / np.array([[w, w, 1]], dtype=np.float)
        sketch_rescale = sketch_normalize * np.array([[size[0], size[1], 1]], dtype=np.float)
        return sketch_rescale.astype("int16")
    def canvas_size_google(self, sketch):
        :param sketch: google sketch, quickDraw
        :return: int list,[x, y, h, w]
        # get canvas size
        vertical_sum = np.cumsum(sketch[1:], axis=0)
        xmin, ymin, _ = np.min(vertical_sum, axis=0)
        xmax, ymax, _ = np.max(vertical_sum, axis=0)
        w = xmax - xmin
        h = ymax - ymin
        start_x = -xmin - sketch[0][0]
        start_y = -ymin - sketch[0][1]
        # sketch[0] = sketch[0] - sketch[0]
        return [int(start_x), int(start_y), int(h), int(w)]
    def draw_three(self, sketch, random_color=False, show=False, img_size=512):
        :param sketches: google quickDraw, (n, 3)
        :param thickness: pass
        :return: None
        # print("three ")
        # print(sketch)
        # print("-" * 70)
        thickness = int(img_size * 0.025)
        sketch = self.scale_sketch(sketch, (img_size, img_size))  # scale the sketch.
        [start_x, start_y, h, w] = self.canvas_size_google(sketch=sketch)
        start_x += thickness + 1
        start_y += thickness + 1
        canvas = np.ones((max(h, w) + 3 * (thickness + 1), max(h, w) + 3 * (thickness + 1), 3), dtype='uint8') * 255
        if random_color:
            color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
            color = (0, 0, 0)
        pen_now = np.array([start_x, start_y])
        first_zero = False
        for stroke in sketch:
            delta_x_y = stroke[0:0 + 2]
            state = stroke[2:]
            if first_zero:
                pen_now += delta_x_y
                first_zero = False
            cv2.line(canvas, tuple(pen_now), tuple(pen_now + delta_x_y), color, thickness=thickness)
            if int(state) == 1:  # next stroke
                first_zero = True
                if random_color:
                    color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
                    color = (0, 0, 0)
            pen_now += delta_x_y
        if show:
            key = cv2.waitKeyEx()
            if key == 27:  # esc
        return cv2.resize(canvas, (img_size, img_size))
class SketchData(object):
    def __init__(self, dataPath, model="train"):
        self.dataPath = dataPath
        self.model = model
    # Load data
    def load(self):
        dataset_origin_list = []
        category_list = self.getCategory()
        for each_name in category_list:
            # npz_test = np.load(f"./{self.dataPath}/{each_name}", encoding="latin1", allow_pickle=True)["test"]
            npz_tmp = np.load(f"./{self.dataPath}/{each_name}", encoding="latin1", allow_pickle=True)[self.model]
            print(f"dataset: {each_name} added.")
        return dataset_origin_list
    # Get category list
    def getCategory(self):
        category_list = os.listdir(self.dataPath)
        return category_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
    sketchdata = SketchData(dataPath='./dataset_npz')
    category_list = sketchdata.getCategory()
    dataset_origin_list = sketchdata.load()
    # Mapping
    for category_index in range(len(category_list)):
        sample_category_name = category_list[category_index]
        save_name = sample_category_name.replace(".npz", "")
        # create folder
        folder = os.path.exists(f"./save_img/{save_name}/")
        if not folder:
            print(f"./save_img/{save_name}/ is new mkdir!")
        drawsketch = DrawSketch()
        # Mapping
        for image_index in range(10):
            # sample_sketch = dataset_origin_list[sample_category_name.index(sample_category_name)][index]
            sample_sketch = dataset_origin_list[category_list.index(sample_category_name)][image_index]
            sketch_cv = drawsketch.draw_three(sample_sketch, True)
            plt.xticks([])  # Remove the x-axis
            plt.yticks([])  # Remove the y-axis
            plt.axis('off')  # Remove the coordinate axis
            print(f"{save_name}/{image_index}.jpg is saved!")

Multithreading - the cost of creating / destroying is huge, and the gain is not worth the loss

this is a bad idea.

This may be a good method when several threads are needed, but we hope to create dozens / hundreds of crazy run s, which certainly won't work.

Thread pool -- pool technology solves the overhead of thread creation / destruction

In order to solve the overhead of thread creation / destruction, we introduce thread pool technology. Compared with the pooling technology in C + +, Python interpretive language has high development efficiency and is written quickly.

But note that we need a global lock to lock the queue to prevent deadlock when fetching. The general framework is as follows:

# Multi thread generation of sketch image
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from queue import Queue
import threading

# Global queue locking
indexQueue = Queue(maxsize=10000)
queueLock = threading.Lock()
for i in range(0, 10000):

def worker():
    # Lock the sketch subscript that is not drawn in the queue every time
    if not indexQueue.empty():
        index = indexQueue.get()
        print("queue is empty")
    print(f"thread write {index} image!")
    # print(f'thread is over')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Open a thread pool
    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1000) as t:
        while not indexQueue.empty():

The complete code is as follows:

# Multi thread generation of sketch image
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from queue import Queue
import threading
import cv2
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
import asyncio

class DrawSketch(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def scale_sketch(self, sketch, size=(448, 448)):
        [_, _, h, w] = self.canvas_size_google(sketch)
        if h >= w:
            sketch_normalize = sketch / np.array([[h, h, 1]], dtype=np.float)
            sketch_normalize = sketch / np.array([[w, w, 1]], dtype=np.float)
        sketch_rescale = sketch_normalize * np.array([[size[0], size[1], 1]], dtype=np.float)
        return sketch_rescale.astype("int16")

    def canvas_size_google(self, sketch):
        :param sketch: google sketch, quickDraw
        :return: int list,[x, y, h, w]
        # get canvas size

        vertical_sum = np.cumsum(sketch[1:], axis=0)
        xmin, ymin, _ = np.min(vertical_sum, axis=0)
        xmax, ymax, _ = np.max(vertical_sum, axis=0)
        w = xmax - xmin
        h = ymax - ymin
        start_x = -xmin - sketch[0][0]
        start_y = -ymin - sketch[0][1]
        # sketch[0] = sketch[0] - sketch[0]
        return [int(start_x), int(start_y), int(h), int(w)]

    def draw_three(self, sketch, random_color=False, show=False, img_size=512):
        :param sketches: google quickDraw, (n, 3)
        :param thickness: pass
        :return: None
        thickness = int(img_size * 0.025)

        sketch = self.scale_sketch(sketch, (img_size, img_size))  # scale the sketch.
        [start_x, start_y, h, w] = self.canvas_size_google(sketch=sketch)
        start_x += thickness + 1
        start_y += thickness + 1
        canvas = np.ones((max(h, w) + 3 * (thickness + 1), max(h, w) + 3 * (thickness + 1), 3), dtype='uint8') * 255
        if random_color:
            color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
            color = (0, 0, 0)
        pen_now = np.array([start_x, start_y])
        first_zero = False
        for stroke in sketch:
            delta_x_y = stroke[0:0 + 2]
            state = stroke[2:]
            if first_zero:
                pen_now += delta_x_y
                first_zero = False
            cv2.line(canvas, tuple(pen_now), tuple(pen_now + delta_x_y), color, thickness=thickness)
            if int(state) == 1:  # next stroke
                first_zero = True
                if random_color:
                    color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
                    color = (0, 0, 0)
            pen_now += delta_x_y
        if show:
            key = cv2.waitKeyEx()
            if key == 27:  # esc
        return cv2.resize(canvas, (img_size, img_size))

class SketchData(object):
    def __init__(self, dataPath, model="train"):
        self.dataPath = dataPath
        self.model = model

    # Load data
    def load(self):
        dataset_origin_list = []
        category_list = self.getCategory()
        for each_name in category_list:
            # npz_test = np.load(f"./{self.dataPath}/{each_name}", encoding="latin1", allow_pickle=True)["test"]
            npz_tmp = np.load(f"./{self.dataPath}/{each_name}", encoding="latin1", allow_pickle=True)[self.model]
            print(f"dataset: {each_name} added.")
        return dataset_origin_list

    # Get category list
    def getCategory(self):
        category_list = os.listdir(self.dataPath)
        return category_list

# Global queue locking
indexQueue = Queue(maxsize=MAXQUEUESIZE)
queueLock = threading.Lock()
for i in range(0, MAXQUEUESIZE):

def worker():
    # Lock the sketch subscript that is not drawn in the queue every time
    if not queueLock.acquire(blocking=False):
        print(f"queueLock acquire is timeout!")
    if not indexQueue.empty():
            image_index = indexQueue.get_nowait()
            # timeout return and release
            print(f"queue get is timeout!")
        print("queue is empty")
    sample_sketch = dataset_origin_list[category_list.index(sample_category_name)][image_index]
    sketch_cv = drawsketch.draw_three(sample_sketch)
    plt.xticks([])  # Remove the x-axis
    plt.yticks([])  # Remove the y-axis
    plt.axis('off')  # Remove the coordinate axis
    print(f"{save_name}/{save_name}_{image_index}.png is saved!")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sketchdata = SketchData(dataPath='./sketch_dataset_airplane')
    category_list = sketchdata.getCategory()
    dataset_origin_list = sketchdata.load()
    # Mapping
    for category_index in range(len(category_list)):
        sample_category_name = category_list[category_index]
        save_name = sample_category_name.replace(".npz", "")
        # create folder
        folder = os.path.exists(f"./sketch_image/{save_name}/")
        if not folder:
            print(f"./sketch_image/{save_name}/ is new mkdir!")
        drawsketch = DrawSketch()

        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAXTHREADSIZE) as t:
            while not indexQueue.empty():
                # t.shutdown(wait=False)

Why is CPU utilization still so low?

I thought I could run straight to 90%. It's so comfortable. But still only about 1%?

Python multithreading caused by GIL global interpreter lock is like a dummy

  It should not be pointed out here that multithreading in python is not really multithreading.

The execution of Python code is controlled by the python virtual machine (interpreter). At the beginning of Python design, only one thread is executing in the main loop. Just like running multiple processes in a single CPU system, multiple programs can be stored in memory, but only one program runs in the CPU at any time. Similarly, although the Python interpreter can run multiple threads, only one thread runs in the interpreter.

Access to the Python virtual machine is controlled by the global interpreter lock (GIL), which ensures that only one thread is running at the same time. In a multithreaded environment, the Python virtual machine executes as follows:

  • 1. Set GIL.
  • 2. Switch to a thread for execution.
  • 3. Operation.
  • 4. Set the thread to sleep.
  • 5. Unlock GIL.
  • 6. Repeat the above steps again.

Multi process parallel computing

In order to reduce the overhead of process creation, we continue to use process pool technology to solve this problem.

Python provides a very easy-to-use multiprocessing package multiprocessing. You only need to define a function, and python will do everything else. With this package, you can easily complete the transformation from single Process to concurrent execution. Multiprocessing supports subprocesses, communication and data sharing, and performs different forms of synchronization. It provides Process, Queue, Pipe, Lock and other components.

For detailed study, please see the following blog:

Python multi process programming - jihite - blog Park

I created 128 processes at once, ran crazy and felt comfortable. Ha ha ha. Note, however, that you need to create blocking processes and lock free operations. Because the drawing operation takes time, if it is non blocking, all processes will return directly. This lock free design is much more perfect than the previous lock operation. The specific code is as follows:

# Multi thread generation of sketch image
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from queue import Queue
import threading
import cv2
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
import asyncio
import multiprocessing

class DrawSketch(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def scale_sketch(self, sketch, size=(448, 448)):
        [_, _, h, w] = self.canvas_size_google(sketch)
        if h >= w:
            sketch_normalize = sketch / np.array([[h, h, 1]], dtype=np.float)
            sketch_normalize = sketch / np.array([[w, w, 1]], dtype=np.float)
        sketch_rescale = sketch_normalize * np.array([[size[0], size[1], 1]], dtype=np.float)
        return sketch_rescale.astype("int16")

    def canvas_size_google(self, sketch):
        :param sketch: google sketch, quickDraw
        :return: int list,[x, y, h, w]
        # get canvas size

        vertical_sum = np.cumsum(sketch[1:], axis=0)
        xmin, ymin, _ = np.min(vertical_sum, axis=0)
        xmax, ymax, _ = np.max(vertical_sum, axis=0)
        w = xmax - xmin
        h = ymax - ymin
        start_x = -xmin - sketch[0][0]
        start_y = -ymin - sketch[0][1]
        # sketch[0] = sketch[0] - sketch[0]
        return [int(start_x), int(start_y), int(h), int(w)]

    def draw_three(self, sketch, random_color=False, show=False, img_size=512):
        :param sketches: google quickDraw, (n, 3)
        :param thickness: pass
        :return: None
        thickness = int(img_size * 0.025)

        sketch = self.scale_sketch(sketch, (img_size, img_size))  # scale the sketch.
        [start_x, start_y, h, w] = self.canvas_size_google(sketch=sketch)
        start_x += thickness + 1
        start_y += thickness + 1
        canvas = np.ones((max(h, w) + 3 * (thickness + 1), max(h, w) + 3 * (thickness + 1), 3), dtype='uint8') * 255
        if random_color:
            color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
            color = (0, 0, 0)
        pen_now = np.array([start_x, start_y])
        first_zero = False
        for stroke in sketch:
            delta_x_y = stroke[0:0 + 2]
            state = stroke[2:]
            if first_zero:
                pen_now += delta_x_y
                first_zero = False
            cv2.line(canvas, tuple(pen_now), tuple(pen_now + delta_x_y), color, thickness=thickness)
            if int(state) == 1:  # next stroke
                first_zero = True
                if random_color:
                    color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
                    color = (0, 0, 0)
            pen_now += delta_x_y
        if show:
            key = cv2.waitKeyEx()
            if key == 27:  # esc
        return cv2.resize(canvas, (img_size, img_size))

class SketchData(object):
    def __init__(self, dataPath, model="train"):
        self.dataPath = dataPath
        self.model = model

    # Load data
    def load(self):
        dataset_origin_list = []
        category_list = self.getCategory()
        for each_name in category_list:
            # npz_test = np.load(f"./{self.dataPath}/{each_name}", encoding="latin1", allow_pickle=True)["test"]
            npz_tmp = np.load(f"./{self.dataPath}/{each_name}", encoding="latin1", allow_pickle=True)[self.model]
            print(f"dataset: {each_name} added.")
        return dataset_origin_list

    # Get category list
    def getCategory(self):
        category_list = os.listdir(self.dataPath)
        return category_list

drawsketch = DrawSketch()

def func(image_index, sample_category_name, save_name):
    sample_sketch = dataset_origin_list[category_list.index(sample_category_name)][image_index]
    sketch_cv = drawsketch.draw_three(sample_sketch)
    plt.xticks([])  # Remove the x-axis
    plt.yticks([])  # Remove the y-axis
    plt.axis('off')  # Remove the coordinate axis
    print(f"{save_name}/{save_name}_{image_index}.png is saved!")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sketchdata = SketchData(dataPath='./sketch_dataset_17')
    category_list = sketchdata.getCategory()
    dataset_origin_list = sketchdata.load()
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=MAXTHREADSIZE)
    # Mapping
    for category_index in range(len(category_list)):
        sample_category_name = category_list[category_index]
        save_name = sample_category_name.replace(".npz", "")
        # create folder
        folder = os.path.exists(f"./sketch_image/{save_name}/")
        if not folder:
            print(f"./sketch_image/{save_name}/ is new mkdir!")

        for i in range(0, MAXQUEUESIZE):
            # The total number of processes to be executed is processes. When a process is completed, a new process will be added
            # pool.apply_async(func, (i,))  # Non blocking
            pool.apply(func, (i, sample_category_name, save_name))  # block
    pool.join()  # Call the close function before calling join, otherwise an error will occur. After closing, no new process will be added to the pool. The join function waits for all child processes to end
    print(f"all process is end! save path is ./sketch_image/{save_name}/, category_list is {category_list}")

# Global queue locking
indexQueue = Queue(maxsize=MAXQUEUESIZE)
queueLock = threading.Lock()
for i in range(0, MAXQUEUESIZE):

def worker():
    # Lock the sketch subscript that is not drawn in the queue every time
    if not queueLock.acquire(blocking=False):
        print(f"queueLock acquire is timeout!")
    if not indexQueue.empty():
            image_index = indexQueue.get_nowait()
            # timeout return and release
            print(f"queue get is timeout!")
        print("queue is empty")
    sample_sketch = dataset_origin_list[category_list.index(sample_category_name)][image_index]
    sketch_cv = drawsketch.draw_three(sample_sketch)
    plt.xticks([])  # Remove the x-axis
    plt.yticks([])  # Remove the y-axis
    plt.axis('off')  # Remove the coordinate axis
    print(f"{save_name}/{save_name}_{image_index}.png is saved!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
    sketchdata = SketchData(dataPath='./sketch_dataset_airplane')
    category_list = sketchdata.getCategory()
    dataset_origin_list = sketchdata.load()
    # Mapping
    for category_index in range(len(category_list)):
        sample_category_name = category_list[category_index]
        save_name = sample_category_name.replace(".npz", "")
        # create folder
        folder = os.path.exists(f"./sketch_image/{save_name}/")
        if not folder:
            print(f"./sketch_image/{save_name}/ is new mkdir!")
        drawsketch = DrawSketch()

        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAXTHREADSIZE) as t:
            while not indexQueue.empty():
                # t.shutdown(wait=False)

Well, that's the end of today's sharing. Here is the fishing time based on running data. Ha ha ha~

reference resources

Posted by kaumilpatel on Thu, 07 Oct 2021 17:09:20 -0700