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mongoDB Query Advancement--Aggregation Pipeline(1) Review
mongoDB Query Advancement--Aggregation Pipeline(2) Review
mongoDB Query Advancement--Aggregation Pipeline(3) Review
Classification of pipeline operators
Pipeline operators can be divided into three categories:
- Stage Operators
- Expression Operators
- Accumulators
Refer to the MongoDB website:
The main content of this article is the accumulator in pipeline operators.
Accumulators could only be used under $group, but with version 3.2 or above, some can also be used for $project.Accumulators are used for each group when used in $group and for each literal quantity when used in $project.
Common accumulators
Operator | Sketch |
$sum | Sum operator, v3.2+can be used for $group or $poject |
$avg | Mean operator, v3.2+can be used for $group or $poject |
$first | Used to return the first value of a grouping, only for $group |
$last | Used to return the last value of a group, only for $group |
$max | For returning the maximum value of a grouping, v3.2+ can be used for $group or $poject |
$min | For returning the minimum value of a grouping, v3.2+ can be used for $group or $poject |
$sum operator
- Use under $group
{ $sum: <expression> }
- Use under $project:
{ $sum: <expression> } or { $sum: [ <expression1>, <expression2> ... ] }
The Works of Liezi | value | Result |
{ $sum : <field> } | Number only | Sum of all values |
{ $sum : <field> } | Contains numbers and non-numbers | Sum of all numeric values |
{ $sum : <field> } | Non-numeric or non-existent | 0 |
Give an example:
Take a look at the comprehensive examples that follow
$avg mean operator
- Use under $group
{ $avg: <expression> }
- Use under $project:
{ $avg: <expression> } or { $avg: [ <expression1>, <expression2> ... ] }
Give an example:
Take a look at the comprehensive examples that follow
first evaluator
{ $first: <expression> }
Give an example:
Assume data:
[ { _id: 1, name: 'kate', class: 'a' }, { _id: 2, name: 'jack', class: 'a' }, { _id: 3, name: 'kent', class: 'b' }, ]
db.collection.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$class", firstPersonName: { $first: "$name" } } } ] )
[ { _id: 'a', firstPersonName: 'kate' }, { _id: 'b', firstPersonName: 'kent' }, ]
$last evaluation last operator
{ $last: <expression> }
Give an example:
Assume data:
[ { _id: 1, name: 'kate', class: 'a' }, { _id: 2, name: 'jack', class: 'a' }, { _id: 3, name: 'kent', class: 'b' }, ]
db.collection.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$class", firstPersonName: { $last: "$name" } } } ] )
[ { _id: 'a', firstPersonName: 'jack' }, { _id: 'b', firstPersonName: 'kent' }, ]
$max maximum operator
- Use under $group
{ $max: <expression> }
- Use under $project:
{ $max: <expression> } or { $max: [ <expression1>, <expression2> ... ] }
Give an example:
Take a look at the comprehensive examples that follow
$min minimum operator
- Use under $group
{ $min: <expression> }
- Use under $project:
{ $min: <expression> } or { $min: [ <expression1>, <expression2> ... ] }
Give an example:
Take a look at the comprehensive examples that follow
Comprehensive example
Suppose you have a collection of results
[ { _id: 1, name: 'kate', score: 80, class: 'a', subject: 'A' }, { _id: 2, name: 'kate', score: 60, class: 'a', subject: 'B' }, { _id: 3, name: 'jack', score: 90, class: 'a', subject: 'A' }, { _id: 4, name: 'jack', score: 60, class: 'a', subject: 'B' }, { _id: 5, name: 'nick', score: 80, class: 'b', subject: 'A' }, { _id: 6, name: 'nick', score: 90, class: 'b', subject: 'B' }, { _id: 7, name: 'kent', score: 50, class: 'b', subject: 'A' }, { _id: 7, name: 'kent', score: 30, class: 'b', subject: 'B' }, ]
Example 1
- Get the highest score in each subject
- Get the lowest score for each subject
- Get average score for each subject
db.collection.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$subject", maxScore: { $max: '$score' }, minScore: { $min: '$score' }, avgScore: { $avg: '$score' }, } } ] )
[ { _id: 'A', maxScore: 90, minScore: 50, avgScore: 75 }, { _id: 'B', maxScore: 90, minScore: 30, avgScore: 60 }, ]
Example 2
- Get total points per person
- Sort high to low
db.collection.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$name", totalScore: { $sum: '$score' } } }, { $sort: { totalScore: -1 } }, { $project: { _id: 0, name: '$_id', totalScore: 1, } } ] )
[ { name: 'nick', totalScore: 170 }, { name: 'jack', totalScore: 150 }, { name: 'kate', totalScore: 140 }, { name: 'kent', totalScore: 80 } ]
Thank you for reading~