MongoDB learning notes
01 - start MongoDB
// Open service sudo service mongodb start // Start MongoDB mongo
02 - database operation command
// View the database in use in the current period db // View all databases show dbs // Connect or create myTest database use myTest // Destroy myTest database use myTest db.dropDatabase()
03 - creation and deletion of collections
// Create the users collection in the mytest database use myTest db.createCollection("users") // View collections in the myTest database show collections // Delete users collection db.users.drop()
04 - insert data into set
If there is no corresponding set in the database, the corresponding set will be automatically created when inserting the set.
// Inserts a document into the users collection db.users.insert([{"name":"LiSi"},{"name":"WangWu"}]) // Define the data before inserting it LiSi=({"name":"lisi","email":""}) db.users.insert(LiSi)
05 - save or modify data in the set
// Save data to the users collection, or modify an existing document[{"name":"LiSi"},{"name":"WangWu"}])
06 - update data in set
// Change the name in the document content with the name lisi in the users collection to "wangwu" db.users.update({"name":"lisi"},{$set:{"name":"wangwu"}},{multi:true})
- The content in the first brace is the query criteria, and the content in the second brace indicates the data and content to be updated.
- By default, update updates only one document. If you want to update all data, you need to add "{multi: true}"
07 query data in collection
// Query all documents in the users collection db.users.find() // Format and display the queried data db.users.find().pretty() // Find the document with name lgl db.users.find({"name":"lgl"}).pretty() // Find lgl with name and mailbox“ "Document for" db.users.find({"name":"lgl","email":""}) // Find lgl with name or mailbox“ "Document for" db.users.find({ $or:[ {"name":"lgl"}, {"email":""} ] }).pretty()
08 conditional operator and its application
// Find users older than 18 and younger than 25 in the users collection // And the name is "666" or the email is“ "Document for" db.users.find({ "ages": {$gt:18,$lt:25}, $or: [ {"name": "666"}, {"email": ""} ] }).pretty()
- gt: greater than greater than
- lt: less than
- gte: greater than equal
- lte: less than equal
09 fuzzy query
// Find documents whose mailbox starts with '123' in the users collection db.users.find({"email":/^123/}).pretty() // Find documents with names ending in 'l' in the users collection db.users.find({"name":/l$/}).pretty()
Application of 10 type conditional operator
Syntax: $type: [key]
The optional key values are as follows:
- 1: Double (Double)
- 2: String (String)
- 3: Object
- 4: Array
- 5: Binary data
- 7: Object ID(Object id)
- 8: Boolean type
- 9: Date
- 10: Empty (Null)
- 11: Regular expression
- 13: JS code (Javascript)
- 14: Symbol
- 15: JS code with scope (JavaScript with scope)
- 16: 32-bit integer
- 17: Timestamp
- 18: 64 bit integer
- -1: Min key
- 127: max key
// Find a document with name type "string" db.myTest.find({"name":{$type:2}}) // The above code is equivalent to: db.myTest.find({"name":{$type:"string"}})
11 use of limit() and skip()
- limit(n): limit the number of query output results to no more than n!
- skip(m): skip the first m document data during output
// Skip the first three document data db.users.find().skip(3) // Skip the first three document data and limit the output document entries to no more than 3 db.users.find().limit(3).skip(3)
12 - sorting of output data
// Sort by name in ascending order db.users.find().sort({"name":1}) // In sort: '1' indicates ascending order and '- 1' indicates descending order.
13 - create index
// Index Names db.users.ensureIndex({"name":1}) // '1' indicates ascending order and '- 1' indicates descending order.
14 aggregate()
db.COLLECTION_NAME.aggregate([ {$match:{x:1}}, {$limit:NUM}, {$skip:NUM}, {$group:{_id:$age}}, {$sort:{"doc_name":1}}, {$limit:NUM}, {$skip:NUM}, {$match:{x:1}} ])
- $match: query, the same as find;
- $limit: limit the number of displayed results;
- $skip: ignore the result quantity;
- $sort: sort;
- $group: combine the results according to the given expression (grouping and merging).
give an example:
// Count the number of documents with the same name in the users collection, and sort the results in ascending order db.users.aggregate([ {$group:{_id:"$name", user:{$sum:1}}}, {$sort:{_id:1}} ]) // $name means to get the value of name.
15 - atomic operation
Atomic operation is either successful or failed. The execution succeeds in completing a given task, and the execution fails to restore the state before execution.
Common atomic operation commands:
Used to specify a key and update the key value. If the key does not exist, it is created.
{ $set : { field : value } }
Used to delete a key.
{ $unset : { field : 1} }
$inc can increase or decrease a key whose value is numeric (only numbers that meet the requirements).
{ $inc : { field : value } }
Add value to the field. The field must be an array type. If the field does not exist, an array type will be added.
{ $push : { field : value } }
The same as $push, but multiple values can be appended to an array field at one time.
{ $pushAll : { field : value_array } }
Deletes a value equal to value from the array field.
{ $pull : { field : _value } }
Add a value to the array, and only if the value is not in the array.
Deletes the first or last element of the array.
{ $pop : { field : 1 } }
Modify field name:
{ $rename : { old_field_name : new_field_name } }
Bit operation, integer type
{$bit : { field : {and : 5}}}