Mobile wechat voice batch to text using Baidu voice recognition

Keywords: Python JSON github Windows

Batch recognition of Baidu AI Cloud voice with WeChat


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Prepare tools and environment

  1. Python3.7
  2. silk-v3-decoder
  3. Baidu AI Cloud account (with Baidu account), apply for API Key and Secret Key.
  4. Baidu short speech recognition API Demo modified based on official Demo code
  5. The environment of this article is windows Python 3.7

General idea

  1. Mobile wechat finds the location where voice files are saved and exports them

  2. Using silk-v3-decoder to convert recording to wav format

  3. ffmpeg transforms wav into pcm with sampling frequency of 16000

  4. Identifying with python

  5. Personal handling only, please point out if there is any problem

Specific operation

Export wechat voice file

  • Wechat voice files of mobile phones are generally saved in internal storage \ Tencent \ micromsg \ ****************************** \ voice2

    Inside the asterisk is a long string of alphanumeric characters

    It includes many of these folders

  • Copy, paste, and extract all audio files

    Search under Windows.amr

    Copy and paste all to a new folder

  • These are the recording files, but the format is strange and needs to be processed into the normal format

Processing exported voice files

rename file

  • Because it is necessary to keep the relative order, and the direct conversion will lead to the change of file modification time, so the normal voice order cannot be restored
  • With python, extract the file modification time and rename it
import os
import time

dirs = os.listdir(path)
for file in dirs:
    finfo = os.stat(path+'\\'+file)
    timeArray = time.localtime(finfo.st_mtime)
    nametime = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S", timeArray)

Convert to pcm format

  • python calls silk · V3 · decoder.exe from the command line to decode. The specific command is written as follows
  • It seems that pcm files cannot be played directly. Audacity is OK

Modify Demo code

Previous changes

  • The format of silk ﹣ V3 ﹣ decoder.exe is converted to 16k pcm
    FORMAT = 'pcm'
    dirs = os.listdir(pathamr)
    #dirs.remove('desktop.ini')### Windows may have this file
    for file in dirs:
        commandstring= ' silk_v3_decoder.exe ' + str(pathamr) + '\\' + name + 'amr ' + str(pathpcm) +'\\'+ str(name) + 'pcm' +' -Fs_API 16000 '
        AUDIO_FILE =str(pathpcm)+'\\'+ str(name) + 'pcm'

Later changes

  • Make the output append, and add the time field. Subsequent processing has not been done, so the exported file is still json
	    with open("result.txt","a") as of:


  • Just learned python, write casually, welcome to point out the mistakes
  • The follow-up processing of the file has not been done well. The output is the time in the front line and the identification content in the back line. If there is a large identification deviation, it is convenient to find the location and listen again
  • Without full automation, we still need to handle the content manually.
  • Baidu's voice self training platform is not used

Code (for reference only)

import sys
import json
import base64
import time
import os
import subprocess

IS_PY3 = sys.version_info.major == 3

if IS_PY3:
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib.request import Request
    from urllib.error import URLError
    from urllib.parse import urlencode
    timer = time.perf_counter
    from urllib2 import urlopen
    from urllib2 import Request
    from urllib2 import URLError
    from urllib import urlencode
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        timer = time.clock
        # On most other platforms the best timer is time.time()
        timer = time.time

API_KEY = '****************'### Fill in your own
SECRET_KEY = '*****************'

# Documents to be identified
# file format
FORMAT = 'pcm'  # The file suffix only supports pcm/wav/amr format, and the speed version additionally supports m4a format
###In order to facilitate the direct restriction of death
CUID = '****************'
# sampling rate
RATE = 16000  # Fixed value

DEV_PID = 1537  # 1537 means to recognize Putonghua, using input method model. Fill in PID according to documents, select language and recognition model
ASR_URL = ''
SCOPE = 'audio_voice_assistant_get'  # If you have this scope, it means that you have asr capability. If not, please check it in the web page. Very old applications may not have

class DemoError(Exception):

"""  TOKEN start """


def fetch_token():
    params = {'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
              'client_id': API_KEY,
              'client_secret': SECRET_KEY}
    post_data = urlencode(params)
    if (IS_PY3):
        post_data = post_data.encode( 'utf-8')
    req = Request(TOKEN_URL, post_data)
        f = urlopen(req)
        result_str =
    except URLError as err:
        print('token http response http code : ' + str(err.code))
        result_str =
    if (IS_PY3):
        result_str =  result_str.decode()

    result = json.loads(result_str)
    if ('access_token' in result.keys() and 'scope' in result.keys()):
        if SCOPE and (not SCOPE in result['scope'].split(' ')):  # SCOPE = False ignore check
            raise DemoError('scope is not correct')
        print('SUCCESS WITH TOKEN: %s  EXPIRES IN SECONDS: %s' % (result['access_token'], result['expires_in']))
        return result['access_token']
        raise DemoError('MAYBE API_KEY or SECRET_KEY not correct: access_token or scope not found in token response')

"""  TOKEN end """

if __name__ == '__main__':
    token = fetch_token()

    dirs = os.listdir(pathamr)
    #dirs.remove('desktop.ini')### Windows may have this file
    for file in dirs:
        commandstring= ' silk_v3_decoder.exe ' + str(pathamr) + '\\' + name + 'amr ' + str(pathpcm) +'\\'+ str(name) + 'pcm' +' -Fs_API 16000 '
        ######There's not much movement down here
        AUDIO_FILE =str(pathpcm)+'\\'+ str(name) + 'pcm'
        speech_data = []
        with open(AUDIO_FILE, 'rb') as speech_file:
            speech_data =

        length = len(speech_data)
        if length == 0:
            raise DemoError('file %s length read 0 bytes' % AUDIO_FILE)
        speech = base64.b64encode(speech_data)
        if (IS_PY3):
            speech = str(speech, 'utf-8')
        params = {'dev_pid': DEV_PID,
                 #"lm_id" : LM_ID,    #Test this item from the training platform
                  'format': FORMAT,
                  'rate': RATE,
                  'token': token,
                  'cuid': CUID,
                  'channel': 1,
                  'speech': speech,
                  'len': length
        post_data = json.dumps(params, sort_keys=False)
        # print post_data
        req = Request(ASR_URL, post_data.encode('utf-8'))
        req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            begin = timer()
            f = urlopen(req)
            result_str =
            print ("Request time cost %f" % (timer() - begin))
        except URLError as err:
            print('asr http response http code : ' + str(err.code))
            result_str =

        if (IS_PY3):
            result_str = str(result_str, 'utf-8')
        with open("result.txt","a") as of:

Posted by mjh513 on Sat, 04 Apr 2020 09:25:29 -0700