Mobile phone charging

Keywords: Java

@Create object properties and methods.

package xt;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Website {                //Create operator class
	static String WebsiteName;       //Name of operator
	private String name;             //User name
	private String password ;        //Password
	private double balance ;         //Account balance
	private double turnover ;        //A turnover
	private boolean authenticated;   //Boolean validation
	//Welcome statement
    static void welcome() {
    	System.out.println ("----------" + "Welcome to" +WebsiteName  + "-----------");
	public Website(String name,String password,double turnover) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub = name;
		this.password = password;
		this.turnover = turnover;
		this.balance = turnover - 10;
		this.authenticated = false;
        System.out.println (name+"Account opened successfully, account balance is"+balance) ;
	public boolean getAuthenticated() {
		return this.authenticated;
	public boolean authenticate(String pwd) {
		if (pwd.equals(this.password)) {
			this.authenticated = true;
		return this.authenticated;
	public void deposit (double turnover) {
		Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
		System.out.println("Please enter:");
		balance = balance + turnover;
		System.out.println(name+ "Hello, your account has been deposited"+turnover+"Yuan," + "Current balance "+balance+ " element");
	public void withdrawal (double turnover) {
		if (!this.getAuthenticated()) {
//				System.out.println("the password you entered is wrong! "";
				System.out.println("Unauthorised operation!");
				// Could throw an exception here
			//Judge balance
		if (balance - turnover > 0 ) {
			this.balance =balance- turnover;
			System.out.println(name+"Hello, you have successfully handled the broadband Internet service for half a year. Thank you for your use. The service has been consumed through your account"+turnover+"Yuan, "+ "Current balance "+balance+" element"+ "\n Welcome to China Unicom, thank you for your strong support, we will be better for your service!") ;
		}else {
			System.out.println( name+"Hello, you have successfully handled the broadband Internet service for half a year. Thank you for your use. The service has been consumed through your account"+turnover+"Yuan, "+ "The current balance is "+balance +" Your call fee will be insufficient soon. In order not to affect your communication, please pay the call fee in time"+"\n Welcome to China Unicom, thank you for your strong support, we will be better for your service!") ;
	static void welcomeNext() {
		System.out.println("---------- "+  "Please take your belongings with you. Welcome to visit next time" +WebsiteName+" ------------");


@Using class name access, create objects and assign values.

package xt;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class text01 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	Website.WebsiteName = "China Unicom";       //Define an operator
	Website.welcome();                     //Call welcome
	Website website= new Website("Chen Yihan my goddess","654321", 200.0);        //Construct method for user operation
	website.deposit(500.0);     //Deposit operation
	Scanner s = new Scanner(;
	int counter = 0;
	while (counter < 3 && !website.getAuthenticated()) {
		System.out.println("Please input the password for online business Please input your password.");
		if (website.authenticate(s.nextLine())) {
		++ counter;
		System.out.println("\t Incorrect password \n Incorrect password.");

	if (!website.getAuthenticated()) {
		System.out.println("Login failed "
				+ "Failed to login!" + "\n close program");
	                      //Wrong password, failed to enter
	website.withdrawal(200.0);                           //Sorry, your credit is running low,
 // website.withdrawal(100.0); / / the password is correct and the balance is sufficient


Realization effect

It uses this keyword call, if else, while If... Password loop.

The first time I worked on a system project, there were many projects that were done by my predecessors. This time I want to do a different one. Now this project is not complete, some modules are not perfect, use this learning to verify their own gains. There is still a lot of grammar to learn.

Posted by RedDragon on Thu, 21 Nov 2019 09:44:54 -0800